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Haleth's avatar

What new things do you want to learn about? How's that going?

Asked by Haleth (18947points) April 5th, 2011
25 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

There’s always room for self-improvement. I never learned how to play chess, so I’m finally teaching myself. I’m a very hopeful beginner right now, but I really want to get better. Other things on the agenda are bartending, basic car repairs, and learning about French wine.

Have you started learning any new skills lately, or want to? How’s your progress? If you want to, but haven’t done it yet, what would it take to get started?

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Taciturnu's avatar

I always want to learn anything that will save me money. Repairs of any sort are on the list. I like to improve my cooking and learn miscellaneous stupid facts that rarely help but never hurt. :)

The only thing I need to “get started” is opportunity.

yankeetooter's avatar

I play some guitar (mainly chords), but I would like to learn more…

augustlan's avatar

I was just wondering if it would be feasible to teach myself Latin. I’ve always been fascinated by it, but I’m in my forties and have lost a lot of brain power. I’m not sure I can do it at this point.

Taciturnu's avatar

Of course you can, @augustlan… Come on- Carpe diem! :)

Scooby's avatar

I always wanted to play the drums like Cozy Powell :-/ RIP…....

weeveeship's avatar

Chess. My rating is up and down. I really need to spend more time on tactics, but my work is so busy all the time. :(

Bellatrix's avatar

On my bucket list for completion this year are to do a photography course. I have a really good camera and little idea of how to get the best out of it. So, for my birthday I have asked for my husband to pay for me to go to a photography course.

I also want to take some guitar lessons. I don’t care if I am never very good, I would just like to be able to play a little.

Cruiser's avatar

I am trying to teach myself the harmonica and to juggle them too. Some day I hope to do both at the same time!

creative1's avatar

I just ordered a program to teach myself French, I loved going to France but wished I knew the language. The people were nice enough to help me in english when they saw me stumbling for words in French.

I am also currently taking a Real Estate class to get my license for a career change, the class has been going well but changing my career at this late in the game at 42 has me a bit nervous.

ucme's avatar

I want to learn how to fly a plane. Maybe then I wouldn’t be so shit scared of flying!! Control freak to tower, you copy? Hello tower…...move that fucking thing…..arrrrrgh!! :¬)

yankeetooter's avatar

@creative1 It’s never too late to change your career, and don’t be discouraged by your age (which isn’t that old, by the way). Remember, 40 is the new 20, or something like that…:)

12Oaks's avatar

I been learning Omaha Hi/Lo. Coming along swimmingly.

I am also 42 and resigned to the fact long ago I am way too old for a career change. Even though I have a job, not a career, but that’s just an unimportant fact to the matter…..

yankeetooter's avatar

@12Oaks and @creative1 Do not let your age discourage you. I have a friend who used to be an English/History professor. Around the age of 37 or so, he decided he wanted to be a chiropractor, went back to school and has been a successful chiropractor since then (some 20 years or so). I just returned to school about three years ago to finish my four-year degree (I’m 40 now). It is not too late!

Foolaholic's avatar

I’ve just recently discovered the language of Esperanto, and I’ve been playing around with the idea of trying to learn it this summer. That, and I’ve been practicing my hacky-sacking prowess like crazy.

creative1's avatar

@yankeetooter I am not discouraged just hard to switch gears when your a certain age.

yankeetooter's avatar

Esperanto…that would be the language compiled of all other major languages, @Foolaholic ?

Foolaholic's avatar

@yankeetooter Well I don’t know too much about it’s roots yet, but it was created in the 1880’s to, “foster peace and international understanding between people with different regional and/or national languages” (Wikipedia), so I certainly wouldn’t be surprised.

nikipedia's avatar

I love this question! There are always so many things I want to be doing.

I started running about 2½ years ago, and still feel like I’m just learning about it. There’s always more to know—how to handle longer distances, speedwork, good nutrition, injury prevention, etc.

I took a swimming class last summer and didn’t keep up with it very well after the class ended but am hoping to get back in the pool soon.

Ever since I broke up with my dumb ex-boyfriend who used to cook for me, I’ve resigned myself to having to learn to cook for myself. Recently I made my own stock and discovered roux, so I’m working on different sauces, and trying to get better at fresh pasta.

I started my first garden about 4 months ago, and I have a lot to learn about gardening.

One I haven’t started yet: I’m hoping to do a postdoc in Germany, Austria, or the Netherlands in about 3 years, so I want to start learning German. At the very least it will save me the embarrassment of being the stereotypical American who only speaks one language. Ideally, I’d take it for free through my school, but if they won’t let me (since it has nothing to do with what I study) I’ll probably sign up for it at the local JC over the summer.

mazingerz88's avatar

I’m learning how to build a retail website. Just attended a big meet-up last night with 600 other people attending.

augustlan's avatar

<< Wants to learn how to be @nikipedia

nikipedia's avatar

aw, shucks!!! <3 <3 <3

Berserker's avatar

I should probably learn how to swim. Too scared though haha.

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] This is our Question of the Day!

mattbrowne's avatar

Applied positive psychology (Martin Seligman). Just received his new book called ‘Flourish’.

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