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AllAboutWaiting's avatar

Why is it difficult for women to approach and talk to men ?

Asked by AllAboutWaiting (377points) April 9th, 2011
17 responses
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The responsibility of initiating contact rests with men in most situations. Exceptions exist, but men must do this to get dates. If the guy meets enough criteria, what’s the problem ?

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yankeetooter's avatar

I don’t know, but I myself am terribly shy, so it would fall on the guy probably based on just that…

Paradox1's avatar

I believe that most women have preconceived notions about meeting men and specifically “the one.” I mean, how can they not in today’s society? Dating is a societal norm, and most people adhere to what I consider “normal dating patterns.” Dating isn’t necessarily about what the man or the woman wants to do to find a partner or a shag, but what they must do as dictated by societal standards.

Because of that, I believe most women want to be approached and wooed and have the man fulfill all of their romantic and sexual needs. They are the choosing sex (females of almost all species), which means they will be approached by many men, and men are not approached. As a man you might not think this is fair, but it is the way nature operates – Darwinism and all that. They (women) typically have more power because of this, and they can and do wait for that man that is smooth, confident, strong, etc. to fulfill their preconceived fantasies of what dating and a relationship and marriage should be and how it “should” begin.

That being said, some women will make casual conversation if they think they might be interested but still want you to initiate… everything. The men do the work, that’s just how it is.

marinelife's avatar

Your question is a generalization. Not all women have trouble approaching and talking to men.

Blackberry's avatar

It’s not difficult, they just won’t do it lol. It would be easier for them, I imagine.

ucme's avatar

Because men are filthy hairy beasts with arms like grasping tentacles? Or maybe that’s just wild speculation :¬)

lemming's avatar

I think it’s the first test. If they can’t even approach me I don’t want to date them

shego's avatar

I have never had a problem making contact with a guy. It has never been an issue. My bestfriend on the otherhand can’t. She uses me as “bait” if she wants to talk to the guy. But as @lemming said, the guys find it unattractive.

So if your trying to gather your own personal strength to walk up and talk to a guy, confidence is key.

Sunny2's avatar

When I was in college, I asked my sorority sisters how I could make contact with a guy I was attracted to. They told me I couldn’t. 10 years later, I knew that you could if you wanted to. The most legitimate way was to find out who he is and what you had in common. The rest was easy. That’s how I found the man I married. Seriously though, you can talk to anybody you want to talk to. Just keep it casual and friendly. Some guys are just as shy as some women are.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

It wasn’t for me.I have asked out men before.

wundayatta's avatar

I think women approach met all the time. They just don’t do it so overtly. When I was young, I had no clue, and I felt pretty bad about myself. Undesirable.

Thirty years later, I’ve finally figured out when a woman is saying she likes me. It is much easier, but it was hard-won knowledge.

So I wouldn’t say it was difficult for women to approach men. I’d just say that it’s not easy for many men to understand the language women use when they do approach.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’ve asked men out before. Call me old fashioned but unless a man made the efforts in my direction then he didn’t turn out to be such a good match as the ones who did the initiating.

josie's avatar

Who knows? Maybe they are chicken-shit.

creative1's avatar

I have no problem approaching men its just I feel they should make the first move. The way I figure it is that I have showed my intrest my appoaching them and saying hi, it would be up to them to show their interest by making the first move.

roundsquare's avatar

I always thought it was because women like confident men and making the approach is a sign of confidence. Pain in the ass if you ask me.

woodcutter's avatar

I don’t think women in Sante Fe know about that problem yet.

tedibear's avatar

In the past, when I would approach a man I thought I might like to get to know, or maybe even date, I got shot down. And I do mean EVERY time. So I quit. I don’t know if I was aiming too high or had a clumsy delivery or what, but I figured it wasn’t part of my skill set. And I’m very glad I don’t have to worry about it any more!

lonelydragon's avatar

That is a generalization, but those who don’t make the first move have a number of reasons for doing so. First, some women are shy, like myself. Second, when women initiate conversation, they may show interest in more subtle ways, hoping or expecting that men will pick up their cues of interest and take things to the next level. Finally (and I know this sounds blatantly traditionalist), some women like to feel “chosen” by that special someone they hope to attract. If this type of woman invites a man out and he says yes, her subconscious may wonder if he would’ve worked up enough interest to eventually ask her out himself, or if he only responded to her advances because he was bored and had nothing better to do.

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