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pcmonkey's avatar

Where is the <head> tag located in safari?

Asked by pcmonkey (427points) April 12th, 2011
3 responses
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I don’t know what it is and I don’t really care. I just want to know where it is located. Because I have a website and I am using google analytics to find out many hits I have. But it’s telling me to paste the following code to every page I want to track before the closing <head> tag! What does that mean? And I have Safari. What do I do? Please help me!

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koanhead's avatar

The <head> tag is part of the page’s source code. It is not located in Safari. You can view the source code in Safari (probably using Ctrl-U) but you probably can’t edit it.
In order to do this you will need to access the server that hosts your website, and edit the source code files. I strongly recommend you learn some HTML before you start messing with these files- HTML is pretty simple. Otherwise, I recommend getting someone else to do the edits for you. Good luck!

jaytkay's avatar

As @koanhead notes, you can look at the source code behind any web page using Safari ( or any other web browser, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc).

The head is everything between the tags <HEAD> and </HEAD>.

For example, here is the source code behind a really simple page which simply displays the words, “This is very minimal “hello world” HTML document.”.

A Small Hello
<P>This is very minimal “hello world” HTML document.</P>

BrothersoftQANDA's avatar

I think both the two answers have offered detailed imformation. Hope they are helpful.

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