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Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

What keeps you at bay from going completely insane on people?

Asked by Vincent_Lloyd (3007points) April 14th, 2011
26 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

What’s the something that keeps your sanity from going out of control? Every one (I’m hoping) Has felt this urge to just….Go INSANE on someone….Or a group or maybe just in general. When I’m near the edge but not quite, I think of my girlfriend and other friend on what they would do to keep me back…I think “God…Do I really wanna do this?” Then I start to rejuvenate and calm down a little on the inside.

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Sunny2's avatar

Music. I’m listening to Mahler’s First Symphony as I write. It takes me away from the realities of the nature of mankind and all the trouble we cause ourselves.

Blueroses's avatar

cyclic breathing. Innnn through the nose… out through the mouth (shaped like sucking a straw) repeat 5 times and then reverse until you concentrate more on your breath and counting than you were on the trigger.

That said, some bitches just need a good slap!

yankeetooter's avatar

Music definitely helps…

DeanV's avatar

My general tendency to not want to go completely insane on people.

And the internet. And food. And music.

bkcunningham's avatar

Margaritas, sunshine and a good doobie.

illyasviel's avatar

Well, for one there’s music. Music cures everything for me. But another thing is taking in consideration the contexts within these people are coming from and moving around in. I think this is important because we all come from different backgrounds and beliefs. We were raised differently by parents who are unique to us and our siblings. We have different thresholds for pain and patience. This is not to say that whiny bitches aren’t annoying or that you don’t have the right to feel hostile towards them (because I do, occasionally), just that we always have to think beyond now. Why are they acting this way? What if their car just got stolen, or their son is flunking his subjects, or their brother is relapsing back to cancer? Or maybe they’re going through personal issues and insecurities. Those types of things.

This is just off the top of my head though. And this is what we’re taught as students of psychology. And how actors train when we study characters. Feel free to accept or debunk. :)

XOIIO's avatar

I have been bullied and outcast my whole life, and I am very good at bottling up my emotions, it actually just comes naturally now, so I’m generally a calm collected person. I know that one day I am going to totally snap, and I might end up killing someone, but everything else I’ve tried doesn’t work. I just deal with this until something happens.

woodcutter's avatar

not much.

Bellatrix's avatar

Time. When you go off at people, in my experience, you usually regret it later. Even if only from the perspective that you lost control and that means they win at least at some level. So, taking time out is a good tip. Remove yourself from the situation until you have time to do as @Blueroses suggested, take a few deep breaths, circular or not, and calm down.

bkcunningham's avatar

@XOIIO aww man, that makes me very sad. I wish you could talk to someone and learn to not bottle things up. Life is short and you deserve to be happy and learn to release your emotions in a healthy way. I wish I’d been around when you were being bullied. I would have stood up for you my friend. I don’t like bullies.

XOIIO's avatar

@bkcunningham I do it so well that I am usually happy, it’s only when something chips away at the glass shield that some of the pure hatred and rage leaks out, one of these days that glass is going to shatter, but until then I’m usually good.

Shit, that was a pretty good metaphor

bkcunningham's avatar

@XOIIO it was an excellent metaphor. You are a very good writer. Something to think about from someone whose been there. When glass is chipped or heated to raging temperatures; it can be made into some really beautiful things. Keep your chin up.

XOIIO's avatar

@bkcunningham equally well played on the metaphor.

bkcunningham's avatar

Aw, thank you sir. BTW, another question you asked on Fluther just popped up in questions I may be interested in. You look about 19 to me and I’d say you are getting looks at school and attention on FB (after posting your new pic) because you are quite handsome and well, spring is in the air and we all mature a lot in high school. Just be careful with invites for stuff like that on FB. It could be a setup and get you in lots of trouble. I know by your profile you are very, very smart. Advise from a wise woman old enough to be your mother.

XOIIO's avatar

@bkcunningham Thanks, and it’s true that hormones are going to change, which could help with the Pheremone Trail. anyways, this conversation is best suited for another thread XD

Maybeh ah can ahmahke a butterflah or biwdie or of teh gless.

I feel like being random

Haleth's avatar

Wow, I’ve never felt that way. At most, I’ve felt overwhelmed, like I need to step back and take a breather. Usually the only time that happens is if I’m very stressed out and someone is yelling at me, like a busy day at work with an angry customer or an interaction with my stepmom. But they’d have to be, like, totally irate for it to freak me out. I don’t want to go insane on them, I just want to go somewhere calm and relaxing.

If I’m in a tense situation, my first instinct is to try to diffuse it by figuring out what everyone needs and being diplomatic and calm. I try to understand what they’re thinking and feeling, even if it’s not reasonable, because we all do unreasonable stuff all the time.

ucme's avatar

Because i’m better than that & superior to those tosspots in every conceivable way. In short, I got my shit together man :¬)

Blondesjon's avatar

By understanding that I’m am just as annoying a douchebag as the next guy.

of course, in my case annoying doucheback = boyish charm

Facade's avatar

Remembering to eat. I normally lose my shit when I haven’t eaten. Oh, and weed.

Mariah's avatar

I either grew out of this feeling, or the people around me grew up enough that they weren’t so infuriating all the time.

I was a crazy angry young woman at age 13, hahaha. What helped me back then was ranting on the internet (any AiROW refugee can attest to this!)

But what really fixed it was starting high school. Suddenly, rather than being surrounded by people my age or younger who I perceived as “stupid,” most everyone around me was older, and in my eyes, they were the coolest, most mature people to ever walk the earth. The anger was replaced with admiration, which felt awesome.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’re still in middle school, @Vincent_Lloyd? It gets better next year, bud!

illyasviel's avatar

Oh and the belief that I am a cultured human being who has good judgment and rationale.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Thinking about how I’d have to live down the bad behavior afterwards.

Stefaniebby's avatar

I’m going to have to say my answer is exactly the same as @Facade‘s answer.

Sadly, sometimes, I go insane on people a little bit and afterwards I remember to eat. :X

Facade's avatar

@Stefaniebby When my SO asks me why I’m baking at midnight, I tell him it’s so I don’t go crazy on him while he sleeps haha =)

rock4ever's avatar

I really don’t know. I just try to hold it together. I try to take it out on something like an inanimate object.

laineybug's avatar

Well music definitely helps for me. Music helps with everything for me, because I’m such a musical person. It helps me even more to play music instead of just listening to it. Also I try to remember how much trouble I’d be in if I went insane on people. When I’m seriously mad I just want to throw something hard at the person that made me mad, and I’d probably either get a referral at school or grounded at home or both if I did that. I know that it’s not really worth it.

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