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KateTheGreat's avatar

What if the death of Osama Bin Laden was just faked? (See Details)

Asked by KateTheGreat (13640points) May 1st, 2011
24 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Okay. Don’t call me crazy, but I’m just thinking…

What if the death of Bin Laden was just used to get Obama’s popularity rating up? What if he’s been dead for a while?

The radical Islamic terrorist group website have not even updated about the death of Bin Laden.

How would this change the world? What if…?

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incendiary_dan's avatar

Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

Yes, I really love the Orwell references tonight.

chyna's avatar

According to reports, they have had his body for a few days and have verified through DNA that it is, indeed the body of that man.

AmWiser's avatar

The POTUS better hope BinLaden is really dead, it won’t look good on his record if he’s not.

I vaguely remember Obama saying BinLaden would be captured or killed while he was president. Will have to research some transcripts.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@AmWiser Pretty sure Dubya said that, too.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@chyna I was saying, what if it was just a ploy by the United State’s government. Not whether it was real or not.

chyna's avatar

I can’t imagine the US doing something like that as a ploy.

Seaofclouds's avatar

It would really be a bad move for anyone to make such an announcement just as a ploy and I can’t imagine that happening.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Seaofclouds You see, what if he’s really been dead all of this time? What if they are just now releasing it? What if all we see for the next few weeks is coverage of how it was Obama’s operation?

Seaofclouds's avatar

@KatetheGreat I can’t see anyone holding on to that information for any length of time though. Once they had it confirmed, holding on to it wouldn’t really do them any good. Not to mention, no one seems to keep secrets that well in Washington…

chyna's avatar

@KatetheGreat Who elses operation would it be? Bush? He would’ve taken credit for it long ago. I think you are looking for conspiracy theorys that aren’t there.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@chyna I’m not really a conspiracy theorist, I’m just looking at it in a different way.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Fact from fiction, truth from diction. What does it mean if Osama is dead? Actually his death would mean very little. In fact it might even have the opposite effect, it might rally the insurgents the same as Tillman’s death or Lynche’s rescue. Think about it, they see their leader is willing to die for the cause, the struggle, if they are real with it they will see they can too make the sacrifice and be almost as good as Osama. He has not been a player in the day to day of Al Qaeda for some time and hardly the financier. Al Qaeda will still be here five years from now and the US will still be fighting a war over there to the tune of trillions of dollars.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

So, if it was a ploy to get his ratings up, why wouldn’t he wait longer, releasing it maybe 6 months before the election? This early in the race, it really doesn’t help him as much as it could.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs Well, giving the recent ordeal over the birth certificate and his other qualifications, it was a good time to release it. Donald Trump has been trying to highlight the faults of our president lately. Timing is everything.

This is just to get people to think. I am in no way a conspiracy theorist, I am just a debater. I am currently debating this with a friend and I’d like to see Fluther’s input. Thanks!

zenvelo's avatar

Obama is about the only one I’d believe; if Cheney or Bush had said this I wouldn’t believe it as far as I could throw them.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@KatetheGreat Really early in the primary race is always a spectacle, doesn’t mean Obama is actually behind. In fact, Trump is waaaay behind Obama right now, and judging from his past, Trump just wants the limelight right now, not to actually be president. Really, there are so many better times to release it – you only get to say he’s dead once, so make it count. It doesn’t count

Qingu's avatar

@KatetheGreat, what if aliens abducted Osama bin Laden and we’re just trying to cover it up?

There is no evidence to suggest we killed him before. And why would we hold the news back until now? You can’t just assert some completely unevidenced situation and ask “how do we know that didn’t happen?”

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Qingu As I’ve stated above, this is not my real view. I am debating with someone who has this specific view right now. I’m simply looking for evidence and reasoning that this IS NOT the situation.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@KatetheGreat Ok, so, life lesson: If someone is batshit crazy, no amount of logic or reason will help them become sane. True story.

incendiary_dan's avatar

It’s kind of funny that the interruption for the announcement cut off the finale of The Celebrity Apprentice.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@incendiary_dan Now THAT is hilarious.

mattbrowne's avatar

Conspiracy theorists are having another field day.

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