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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Osama Bin Laden is dead, who believe that Al Qaeda will disolve and cease to be effective?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) May 1st, 2011
17 responses
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Osama Bin Laden is dead, who thinks that it will make any major difference whatsoever? He was not been a major player in the day to day of Al Qaeda for some time. I don’t even believe he was a major funding benefactor. With him being dead couldn’t it have effect as the Tillman, or *Jessica Lynch*syndrome? To those extremist and Al Qaeda members seeing their spiritual head lay down his life for the cause make them more willing to lay down there’s? Five years from now who actually think Al Qaeda will be gone?

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DrBill's avatar

It will not go away, they will appoint a new head terrorists

KateTheGreat's avatar

They’ll be stronger than ever.

Watch. They’ll want revenge.

Seaofclouds's avatar

It won’t end and there may be (probably will be) retaliation.

Trojans40's avatar

Who knows how much forces they have left. If they would to pull all of their operation from the whole world. They might have enough to attack the forces we have left.

jerv's avatar

A paramilitary organization with a hierarchical chain of command that is used to operating in isolated, autonomous cells loses their top guy…

Nope. I think that it won’t make any difference, at least not is a good way. At best, it’s like smashing jelly with a sledgehammer. And since his death was at the hands of the US military as opposed to, well, any manner other than being killed by the US, I see that
jelly” as actually being napalm. I predict trouble.

Jaxk's avatar

It’s not a death blow to Al Qaeda but a blow nonetheless. Bin Laden has gained mystic status by eluding our pursuit for years. It’s now obvious that he’s not invincible. Will they retaliate, probably. Still, it is demoralizing. This is a many headed snake but those heads are being lopped off and each new head it grows is being cut off before it grows as large as the last. No one ever thought this would be quick and easy. Nor that Bin Laden was the end of the trail.

ETpro's avatar

Like @Jaxk says, this won’t kill the hydra with many heads, but it’sn a serious blow. It may turn out that the push for democratic reforms sweeping the Middle East today will prove the more decisive wound to al Qaeda. But the organization is diminished. It isn’t dead, but it is dying. Those carrying its banners will find they bet on the wrong side of history. That isn’t where the world is heading.

mazingerz88's avatar

Al Qaeda dissolve? I don’t think so. The comedian Bill Maher said it right when he stated real victory against terrorism only comes when no Muslim wants to kill Americans anymore. Can’t see when and how that could happen.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t see Al Qaeda disappearing completely as long as Muslims feel they are being unjustly treated by the West. With Osama gone they may reconsider their tactics and operate in more subtle ways.

Ron_C's avatar

bin Laden has become irrelevant to al Qaeda and his only position was as a figure head for the cause. He did one thing right, he split the leadership and made them independent so that each cell or group of cells is capable of independent murder. That was the lesson taught to him by the U.S. efforts to find him. We taught him to be sneaky instead of just evil.

Trojans40's avatar

Be careful with the world Muslim and al Qaeda. Don’t put them together in a 100% fashion, not all Muslim is volient to people. We have very volient Christians as well with the uptight Christians and that goes with the Muslims.
Because it a terrorist group that has a strong reglious background of Muslims, not every Muslims will support that group. There are Muslims that hate the al-Qadea and desire for more US efforts.

marinelife's avatar

I believe that with their primary source of funding cut off and with no single leader, the group will further splinter and will decrease in effectiveness.

wundayatta's avatar

The only thing that will make a difference is ameliorating the conditions that give rise to terrorism. Some of that is economic and some of that is education and culture. We can pick off terrorists one terrorist at a time, but until the economy gets better and it affects the wealth of people, globally, terrorism will always be a pest.

basstrom188's avatar

Bin Liner was a spent force. This is just Obama trying to boost his flagging popularity.

dabbler's avatar

I think they can regroup but in this sort of “organization” a leader strong enough to command as effectively as did OBL could take years to emerge.
I don’t see there being a cohesive “they” within the ranks but hey I don’t live anywhere near there and claim no expertise. My guess is there will be cells who can carry out attacks but they will be less diabolically effective and with less diabolical motivation and focus. The European branch seem particularly vicious.
So I don’t know @DrBill… “they will appoint a new head” who they? The Carlysle Group ? Haliburton? Xe ? If they were behind OBL all along all bets are off.

mattbrowne's avatar

Al-Qaeda is designed like the Internet. When you destroy a part of it, the rest still works just fine, perhaps a bit slower, yet by putting new cables in the ground, bandwidth bottlenecks will soon disappear. The same will happen with Al-Qaeda.

We need a long-term strategy that influences the recruitment process of Al-Qaeda.

YARNLADY's avatar

I agree with @mattbrowne

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