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Aster's avatar

What does it mean when a man says a woman is a "firecracker?"?

Asked by Aster (20028points) May 5th, 2011
10 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Does firecracker mean a woman is aggressive, angry, assertive or what? Hard to handle?

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Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It’s a person with an explosive personality without causing too much damage. ‘Explosive’ can mean anything from displaying a temper to just being suddenly outspoken.

FutureMemory's avatar

Loud, dangerous, potentially harmful, illegal in some locales.

josie's avatar


janbb's avatar

I would say very lively and chutzpadech.

everephebe's avatar

Red pubes?

WasCy's avatar

It means she’s hotter than a hot tamale, but maybe not the whole enchilada. (Though she could be; that’s not impossible.)

It definitely means she’s not a wet blanket. When he gets to know her better, then she may even be ‘da bomb’.

Cruiser's avatar

It means she refuses to conform to the societal norms of keeping her opinions to herself! She is usually right too! ;)

ucme's avatar

I have my own “special word” for that, I like to call her my wife!

dabbler's avatar

@ucme you better or else

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