General Question

whitetail's avatar

Is this bird common or is it a freak?

Asked by whitetail (17points) May 13th, 2011
5 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I see a chestnut backed chickadee with white tail feathers at my feeder. Is this bird common or is it a freak?

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gailcalled's avatar

Chestnut-backed chickadee is common in particular terrains. Where do you live?

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Coloma's avatar

Depending on your range maybe unusual or common.
Buy a field guide or look up the range and potential overlap.

LoboDelMar15's avatar

Chestnut-backed chickadees are a common sight on the entire western coast from the Southern part of Alaska to California.

gailcalled's avatar

Birds are too noble to be called freaks. Do you perhaps mean unusual or rare?

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