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fastfox528's avatar

Can anyone recommend a good book?

Asked by fastfox528 (75points) May 19th, 2011
17 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Has anyone read any good books lately? I just read Water for Elephants and I liked it a lot. It was an easy read, I’m not looking for anything too heavy. I like love stories but nothing too sappy. Thanks!

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Seelix's avatar

I just finished reading Remainder by Tom McCarthy. It was really compelling – strange, but very interesting.

HungryGuy's avatar

Yeah. I’m sure someone out there can recommend a good book…

rock4ever's avatar

Nineteen minutes- it’s sort of a love story… I guess. Either way it’s really a interesting story about a teen that was bullied in school to the point he shot and killed ten kids.

JonnyCeltics's avatar

How about some short story collections, like Carver’s Cathedral, or some Karen Russell..

Kardamom's avatar

We’ve had a lot of these favorite book questions lately, so forgive me, all you other Fluthers that already saw these answers, but because @fastfox528 has not seen them, I’ll re-post my favorites. And I’ve added a couple of more to my list.

The Help by Katharine Stockett. An excellent period piece, described in different voices, about African-American housekeepers/nannies in the south during the 1960’s. It’s a very poignant, and sometimes very funny and sometimes heartbreaking. Many different perspectives are given by the housekeepers, and the employers. Amazing dialogue and strong women characters.

The Persian Pickle Club or Alice’s Tulips by Sandra Dallas. Two different period pieces, the first set in the depression and the second one set during the civil war. Both have the theme of quilting running through them. Both are about groups of women and how they live their day to day lives and survive their difficult situations. But there is lots of great dialogue, and a lot of it is very funny. Each book also has a mystery each with its own twists and turns. Great imagery and dialogue from each of the time periods.

Any books in the Lumby series by Gail Fraser (but it’s best to read them in order) About a 30 something power couple that decides to leave the rat race, back East, to move to a quirky small town in Colorado that they discovered on their honeymoon. They decide to buy a plot of land and restore an old burned out Abbey and turn it into a bed and breakfast. The locals are kind of suspicious of them at first, but they all become devoted friends in a matter of time. The monks, who lived in the Abbey, also become very good friends and tell them about the mysterious past of the Abbey and the couple end up helping the monks to start a small business by using the “fruits of land.” You will love all of the townsfolk and the monks and the couple.

Any books in the Miss Julia series by Ann B. Ross (but read them in order) About a repressed, but dignified older woman who has recently become widowed and found out that her husband was worth millions and had been hiding it from her. She has very different ideas about how to handle money than her dead husband did. He also has another “little secret” that shows up on Miss Julia’s door. Miss Julia, still reeling from all of the secrets, and realizing what a bad guy her husband was, starts to change her mind about all sorts of things, from love to friendship, to religious tolerance, and whilst doing so, she falls in love with a wonderful man, although she keeps him at arms length in the beginning, and finds herself wrapped up in the middle of an unlikely adventure with a young boy. Miss Julia’s maid, Lillian is both the voice of reason, and the spreader of gossip, and Miss Julia’s confidante and partner in crime. Really funny dialogue and great situations that you might not expect from a woman of her stature and age. This is an ensemble cast too. Everybody fits in so perfectly.

Any books in the Hot Flash series by Nancy Thayer (read them in order and don’t be put off by the silly sounding title, it’s about a group of unlikely middle aged women that meet at a friend’s wedding and become instant friends. It’s about their lives together and with their lovers, husbands and children, and there’s always a mystery to be solved by the group or a project to be attacked) You will laugh and cry and root for them all.

And anything at all by Fannie Flagg, but especially Standing in the Rainbow which is simply an extraordinary story about a seemingly ordinary family and all the ordinary people in their small town during the early 1950’s. Mostly you will smile, and about 2 thirds of the way into the book is a part where you will bawl like a baby. But the book has a happy, if extraordinarily happy ending. You will feel so refreshed, but longing for a simpler life. There is a really good sequel to this book, that is a completely different story and is written through the eyes of another character from Standing in the Rainbow book called Can’t Wait to Get to Heaven which was also marvelous. Flagg’s other books that come to mind are Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe and Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man. Anything this woman touches is a priceless gem.

I recently read 2 of my most favorite books of all time by author Rosamunde Pilcher. The first one is called Winter Solstice. It’s about a woman of a certain age that has retired from a very exciting life as an actress in London, and has moved to a small town in England. She befriends the locals and is settling in quite nicely. But then something tragic happens to the spouse and child of one of her dear friends. She ends up accompanying the friend on a trip of a lifetime to another small town in Scotland. Along the way, she meets new and interesting people and the entire scope of her life is changed forever. The second book is called “The Shell Seekers” and it covers the life of a very free spirited, yet very grounded woman, over the course of her life from childhood into her later years as a grandmother. The book goes back and forth in time covering areas of her life in four very different English settings, including right before WWII and during the Blitz of London. The dialogue, the characters and the super vivid descriptions of the landscape and the taste of food are marvelous. You will come to love both of the strong women in both of these books.

TheIntern55's avatar

I just finished Gone with the Wind. If you don’t want to read anything too heavy, you shouldn’t read the book.(The version I had was 1448 pages long) but at least watch the movie. It’s like a soap opera.

beccagolling's avatar

The Giver by Lois Lowry is one of my favorite books, and its short haha :)

jaynie7's avatar

I know this much is true by Wally Lamb.
This book is one of my all-time favorites. It is very long, but well worth the read.

Cruiser's avatar


Must read….You HAVE to….don’t waste time….go get it NOW!! It will save your life and balance your check book!

drdoombot's avatar

Since everyone else is reading it right now, you should give Game of Thrones by George R R Martin a shot.

I enjoyed the book more than I expected to: it had likable characters, heroes to root for and villains to boo, and a complex plot that has you cheering in some places and slapping your head in frustration in others. As I saw mentioned somewhere on the ‘net, the book is refreshingly free of tropes and cliches, making the experience of the book feel very new.

plethora's avatar

I must “second” @Cruiser Go get Blink NOW. Do not pass GO. Just go get it and read it.

MissAusten's avatar

Over the past year or so I’ve been reading all of Mary Roach’s books. I’m not normally one for nonfiction, but she cracks me up. In “Stiff,” for example, she writes about the various things that can happen to your body after you die. If you are embalmed, if you are cremated, or if you donate your body to science, what exactly goes on? Her sense of humor is great. With each book I learn a lot and am very entertained. Right now I’m reading “Packing for Mars” and am glad I never tried to be an astronaut.

Seelix's avatar

@MissAustenStiff was an awesome book! A little gruesome at times, but I really enjoyed it. And I rarely read non-fiction.

markylit's avatar

I am reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven. It’s a great read. I am enjoying it.

fastfox528's avatar

Ya I’ve read The Five People you Meet in Heaven it was really good. Thanks for everyone’s suggestions !

sleepdoc's avatar

Not sure if this is your speed, but I liked the Hunger Games series.

CarlyYogaFairy's avatar

Kindred by Octavia Butler is a wonderful book. It’s one of those books that tempts the reader to read “just one more chapter” before putting the book down.
The main character, Dana, is an African American woman who is transported back into the year 1815 to save a young boy, Rufus. She is called to save Rufus many times and the reader soon discovers that Rufus is the white slave owner of her ancestors. Dana can return to her present time only when she is in a life-threatening situation.
This novel is a wonderful melting pot of historical fiction and science fiction. I would love to give more details, but I’m worried about spoiling the plot.

I also agree with @beccagolling that The Giver is a short, yet worthwhile, read. It’s one of my favorites.

Lastly, I just finished Enlightenment for Idiots: A Novel by Anne Cushman, which tells that story of a young female writer as she travels across India seeking enlightenment for her how-to book. There’s a bit of a love story interwoven throughout, which is definitely not too serious! It’s pretty easy reading and is surprisingly lighthearted for a book that talks about deep spiritual concepts.

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