(NSFW) Dry, peeling red skin on my genitals?
I have dry, red peeling patches of skin on the bottom of my penis and on my scrotum. It’s not flaky nor raised. There aren’t any bumps. It just happens to be red skin that appears to be peeling. The rest of my penis is tanish (that’s not too important though). I don’t shave my pubic hair and I’m 15. I used to have patches of dry skin on my face after shaving, but after I started using moisturizing shaving cream, it went away. The skin is not itchy I just noticed it today, but I don’t usually look down there since it’s not visible looking down, it’s under my penis.
I’m also a virgin so it’s not an STD. And it doesn’t look severe like psoriasis or eczema (but don’t rule that out).
When I masturbate, I usually have the strap (or whatever it’s called) of my boxers around that area. But I don’t wanna just say that that’s the cause because I don’t want it to be anything like testicular cancer and I end up dying from it cause I didn’t catch it early enough.
Ask me anything that’ll help you answer this.

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