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Hibernate's avatar

Where do you usually spend your vacations ?

Asked by Hibernate (9091points) May 20th, 2011
31 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Where do you go ?
What do you like to do there ?


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Bellatrix's avatar

I don’t have formal vacations often. I extend work trips in places I go OR I go away for weekends to places where there isn’t a lot to do except relax and watch the ocean.

AshLeigh's avatar

I usually just stay home…

FluffyChicken's avatar

I love road trips, especially road trips that involve camping. I love seeing new places!

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Stay at home.
But this summer I think I am going to visit my aunt in the states ;) Hoolllaa!

Bellatrix's avatar

@FluffyChicken you know I love road trips too. Just been on a short one in fact! Haven’t been on a long one for a while though. Should plan for one soon I think.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I go down south,a friend’s cottage on a little lake or weekend road trips.I used to spend weekends on a boat we used to own too.I also did alot of camping.I love the water and the beach.If there is a nature preserve,I will go there to photograph wildlife.
Then again Chicago was alot of fun too!
I would probably go just about anywhere.
I travel well and never fart in the car.;)

Cruiser's avatar

I love to rent a cabin a lake in central Wisconsin and go skiing, fishing, antique shopping and bon fires out by the lake just watching the night sky. Can’t wait for this summers trip.

marinelife's avatar

I go all over. I love the travel.

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aprilsimnel's avatar

In the last few years because of brokeness, if I do leave town for a holiday, it’s usually to upstate New York or Long Island to stay with friends. It’s close to home.

SABOTEUR's avatar

What’s a vacation?

dxs's avatar

I love to travel, and so does my family. We go everywhere, not one place. I like being cosmopolitan.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

For 30 years, it was a week each summer in a rented house in Nags Head, North Carolina, on the beach with the extended family. As of this year, the tradition is retired. For the past few years, I’ve been spending time in England with my fiancé.

filmfann's avatar

Once every 4 or so years, I go to Disneyland.
Other than that, I Staycation, if you don’t count going up to our other house.

downtide's avatar

I rarely go to the same place twice. I like to try something new. But this year I won’t be getting a vacation at all. Not enough money :(

Coloma's avatar

I live in the high foothills/mountains, so I like to go to the coast once a year.
I traveled in Asia last year, but, the big vacations are not in my budget this year.

My house is on 5 acres and close to a major river and tourist hub, so I live in a vacation area for many.

A 100,000 people visit my tourist community every summer for white water rafting and camping.

jonsblond's avatar

We do what @Cruiser does, except we go to northern Wisconsin near the border of the upper peninsula of Michigan. We haven’t gone for two years now though and we won’t be able to go this year (no money). We have a lot of lakes in the area where we live now, so we’ll go camping, fishing and swimming here instead.

Julietxx3's avatar

I go to the Dominican Republic a few times a year to visit family or just to to a resort. I like to spend my time at the beach working on my tan ( :

Luiveton's avatar

It’s usually different, but I would love to go to The French Polynesia. Tahiti or Bora Bora.Google Image it. Amazing.

Only138's avatar

Drunk. LOL

Kool_Gal's avatar

That depends on the availability of my money. More money means overseas trips,less money means…Plazas,or…stay at home.

Kool_Gal's avatar

@Only138 You’re hilarious! LOL.

MilkyWay's avatar

In bed.
I like to sleep.
And dream.

zenvelo's avatar

The last few years I have had two types of vacations: extending business trips to spend time in New York, and trips to Hawaii. I went to Maui for a long weekend last year (4 nights) and just got back from a week on Kauai.

New York has so much to do: art museums, plays, shopping, great restaurants, entertainment of every sort. But it’s pricey.

Hawaii can actually be done reasonably: buy way in advance to get cheap air fare, rent a small house or apartment from “rent-by-owner”, and don’t eat out at restaurants all the time. The beaches are free, and you can rent snorkel gear pretty cheaply. I like to lie on the warm sand and jump in the water every so often. And snorkeling is a complete way to check out from your cares: just float and look at the pretty fishes.

gm_pansa1's avatar

I’ll tell you if and whenever I get there.

tranquilsea's avatar

The beach. My hubby’s family owns a house down on the ocean so we head there.

Hibernate's avatar

Thanks for answers.

Magdalene's avatar

I go to different places within the country..But I like to visits hilly areas the I spend most of my vacations on hilly regions. I have good knowledge of hilly areas too and that’s because of this only!

Berserker's avatar

My favourite place to spend my vacations are right here, at home. Sleeping in, drinking too much, dropping cold ravioli between my boobs and watching horror movies constantly. Fuck the rest.
Although I did have a pretty cool three day weekend in Québec City recently.

Only138's avatar

@Symbeline I suddenly have the urge for some cold ravioli. LMAO ;)

markylit's avatar

I travel quite a lot. I love visiting historical cities, cultural cities etc. My last vacation was in India. I liked the culture and festivals. Way up northeast India is really beautiful and full of exotic culture. Nagaland is a nice place which i really enjoyed visiting.

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