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ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

NSFW...Is female ejaculation actually possible and if so, have you ever experienced it?

Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 (11979points) June 7th, 2011
38 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I’m not completely convinced female ejaculation is “real”. I’ve seen it in porn videos. I’ve heard about it happening. But none of my close friends have achieved this. I have tried very hard with no results other than a normal orgasm. Have you personally experienced this amazing thing? I honestly don’t even think I’ve had a gspot orgasm yet. I’m missing out! Any advice on how to make this happen? Is it possible that maybe I’m just not able to “ejaculate”?

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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Yes, it’s possible, yes, I do it. Yes, I know it’s not pee. I don’t know if it’s possible for all women, nor do I have any tricks for getting another woman to do it. I can, however, offer this piece of advise: Stop thinking it’s so great. Do you have any idea how much of a pain in the ass it is to constantly have to put down a towel every time you want to have a date with yourself, much less anyone else? It’s much cooler in pornos than in real life.

TexasDude's avatar

It’s real.

Dated a girl who thought she might be able to do it. With a little practice, she was doing it every time. Full on exorcist mode, too. It was very, very messy.

This article accurately and effectively explains how to achieve a g-spot orgasm with a partner’s help.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs It’s not something you have control over? I thought you had to hit a certain spot in order to make it happen. Can you have a “normal” orgasm without any liquids ruining the mood? Or is it an every time type of thing for you?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217 I used to not do it at all, and then one boyfriend did… I dunno what he did, but then it wasn’t just more than enough lubrication, it was full-on gushing. It’s not all the time, but it’s most of the time, and I can’t figure out what it is that makes it happen – it’s not just g-spot, or just clitoral, or just a combo. Technically, I can make it so that it doesn’t happen, but the only way is to clench my muscles so tight that I can’t orgasm at all, and putting that much effort into not being relaxed really goes against the whole point.

Jude's avatar

Yes, and yes. With proper technique.

DominicX's avatar

According to Wikipedia, the female ejaculation is still “debated among medical professionals”. I’m surprised after thousands of years of human existence, we still haven’t gotten to the bottom of this one…female sexuality is mysterious like that, I guess. :P

TexasDude's avatar

According to Wikipedia, the female ejaculation is still “debated among medical professionals”.

Guess they don’t get laid much.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@DominicX Ok, but let’s just remember that it’s not unheard of for Wikipedia to say that when most reputable professionals (of any field) agree on one answer, but there’s a few crackpots most of the community holds in disrepute saying otherwise, thus creating the “controversy”.

FutureMemory's avatar

Thankfully I have not experienced it. Yuck.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@FutureMemory It’s not any different from all the other… normal lubricating female arousal secretions one comes across.

everephebe's avatar

Perhaps I should have mentioned that my link above ^ is a pretty damn good break-down of this very subject, via a short youtube video. That I highly recommend for all in this thread.

ETpro's avatar

Yea and Yes. I know it is both real and not pee. I’ve experienced it when giving a lady head, and I have also experienced pee when doing the same thing with one girlfriend in the distant past who had a weak PC muscle and would pee when she orgasmed. Believe me, the difference is huge.

There is no mistaking one for the other. The scent of it is maddeningly sexual. It goes straight to the most primitive areas of the male brain and says—hit the overdrive and inject the nitro—this is going to be one of those special rides! Ordinary sex is like tooling along the freeway in a shiny new convertible, and then this stuff hits and I’m suddenly pedal to the medal in a top fuel funny car. Just hang on for dear life and hope you can keep her on the track.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@everephebe I watched the video :)

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@everephebe Does it come in something other than YouTube format – I almost never click on them when people post YouTube links, and even more rarely do I actually watch more than 3 seconds of it.

everephebe's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217 Ok, good. At least the OP has seen it. ☑
@MyNewtBoobs Sadly no, it’s pretty reasonably good coverage of this topic in a user friendly format for the most part though. You’ll have to take my word on that though… :D

Jude's avatar

Google Seamore Butts Tutorial video (NSFW)

ETpro's avatar

@Jude Hot action, but that’s porn fake female ejaculation, AKA peeing in squirts. I also watched the video that @everephebe posted, and while it’s great, it’s probably off base in saying the volumes of a cup or two are possible. Volumes that great are most likely largely urine. If true female ejaculate comes from the Skene’s Glands‘s_gland, which is thought to be the case, they are not nearly large enough to produce anything like that. A teaspoon ful is more likely. But this stuff is super high octane. You don;t need cups worth to drive the male brain into sexual frenzy.

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FutureMemory's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs and @ETpro I’ve only ever seen the porno kind of female ejaculation. It just looks like she’s peeing in quick spurts. I just don’t want to be peed on.

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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

You know how women are always complaining that porn screws with men’s perceptions of real sex and real women? This would be what they’re talking about. I promise you, it’s not pee. Not even close.

ETpro's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs I know damned well its not pee. I have smelled and tasted both. They are worlds apart. But I have never seen anyone squirt like the women in those porn films did. That, I think was definitely pee, and they are just controlling it to release it a spurt at a time for more realism.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@ETpro Oh I meant it’s not pee in real life. What tricks are used for various cinematic effects I don’t know.

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meiosis's avatar

My partner does it, a lot (way, way more than a teaspoon), and quite spectacularly, and it’s most definitely not pee. If I stay inside her when she’s orgasming then it sort of seeps out, but if my penis comes out it can squirt up to two feet away. And to repeat, it’s definitely not pee.

It’s amazing to experience, I love it and I definitely wouldn’t want her to stop, but it can be a pain dealing with the sheets and mattress after sex. We can lie in a post-coital bliss for a few minutes, but then the sheets get cold and we need to strip the bed and turn the mattress. We’ve tried putting towels down beforehand, but we generally end up somewhere towel-free when the squirting happens.

ETpro's avatar

@augustlan Very interesting. Just trying that gave me a little jolt of sexual excitement. I bet it works for males as well. Will experiment some, and let you know. It would be fascinating to find such a obscure point of commonality between the sexex.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

Rest assured it is real.

ETpro's avatar

@meiosis You guys need a water bed with an internal heater, and just strip the bed before you start. I think you’d enjoy the slipery feeling of the afterglow. Who knows, it might even lead to sloppy seconds.

TexasDude's avatar

Methinks ETpro needs to change his fluther name to SEXpro, and I mean that in the best possible way.

ETpro's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard That has got to be the kindest thing anyone on Fluther has ever said about me. Thank you.

TexasDude's avatar

@ETpro haha, my pleasure… I mean… I’m honored!

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Agent99's avatar

Thought better of what I posted above. Probably TMI for some young people I know and love. Here it is again.

My experience is pretty much exactly as @MyNewtBoobs said. On the one hand, it’s freaking awesome… best orgasms I’ve ever had. On the other hand, it can be a pain to prepare for, and I can’t really control when I do and when I don’t.

Definitely not pee. Mine isn’t, anyway. Also, definitely more than a teaspoon.

By the way, the way I was able to achieve this after never even knowing it existed for most of my life, was a special way of relaxing my pelvic muscles. I actually learned how to relax them in a completely unrelated context, as a way to counteract everyday anxiety. It’s kind of difficult to explain how to do it, but I’ll try.

Warning: @ItalianPrincess1217, you probably shouldn’t do this while you’re pregnant… it’s similar to pushing a baby out!

In your mind, envision your pelvic bones and your butt. In the center bottom of each butt cheek, envision the “point” of bone (basically the spots you sit on.) Now, try to “push” those bones down and spread them apart with the muscles that seem appropriate. It takes a while to get the hang of this, and even longer for it to seem relaxed rather than an effort, but that’s it, in a nutshell. Once you’ve mastered it, see if you can maintain it during sex or masturbation. Even if you don’t ejaculate, it’s still well worth it. Trust me on this.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Mine is actually unrelated to orgasms. It usually comes… maybe a minute to 30 seconds before I orgasm (not that my grasp on time is particularly strong in those moments), which means I can do it without actually orgasming. It’s also not any kind of sign as to how good the orgasm is – if you rate the orgasms on a scale of 1–10, I’ve had it with everything from 2s to 10s.

Jude's avatar


syz's avatar

I have on a very few occasion, and I have no idea why. It’s also nothing like “squirting”, and doesn’t consist of much volume.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (1points)
MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@syz Agreed, it’s definitely more “gushing” than “squirting”.

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