Social Question

MissAnthrope's avatar

Would you be interested in participating in a seasonal, themed CD mix exchange (Part 3)

Asked by MissAnthrope (21511points) June 11th, 2011
170 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

Summer is on its way, which means it’s time for a new Burn It! (last season here)

The deadline to get your addresses to me is July 15th. The final deadline (to complete mixes and to mail them out) is July 31st.


The Theme:
Summer is time for outdoor parties and backyard barbecues. So, the theme this time is the kind of music you’d like to hear at a backyard barbecue. It could be some pumping jams or maybe some chill music for after the sun goes down. When you close your eyes and think of happy times at summer parties or chilling with your friends, that’s the music you should put on your mix.

Here’s how it works:
After the signup period, people will be put into groups. You will then receive a PM from me telling you the addresses of the people in your group. You burn several identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the others to the other people in your group.


The rules:
If you’re not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don’t bother signing up. Groups are small, so one AWOL mix is definitely noticed. At least let us know if something comes up and you can’t participate.
– If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada/Mexico. If you live in Canada/Mexico, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that’s going to break the bank.
– CD format must be standard CD audio, that can be played in normal CD players, not MP3/data discs.
– Consider putting your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere, if you’d like to be contacted regarding the awesome mix you made.


Guidelines on creating your CDs:
– Include a track listing. If someone likes an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
– Fill up the CD as much as you can. There’s 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don’t half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
– You should probably use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
– I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
– Don’t be afraid to put on “cheesy” music. If you like it, others probably will, too.
– Don’t be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before, either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that’s what counts.

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MissAnthrope's avatar

So, basically, I just wanted to give everyone plenty of time to ponder and to prepare.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Im down. I may have to do digital again but I may have some extra time this season to actually send out a cd.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Sounds like fun! Are they any ethical/legal problems about which we must be concerned?

RareDenver's avatar

I’m up for it again, Summer to me is all about the festivals and free parties, so that means spending your days drinking warm beer in a field listening to great bands and spending your nights in the woods dancing to great beats.

redfeather's avatar

I’m in!

efritz's avatar

I’ll participate. Yay BBQ and fluther :)

RareDenver's avatar

Have you still got my address or do you need me to send it again?

can I cheat and do a double CD?

MissAnthrope's avatar

I do still have it (OCD and organization, I tell you), so no need. You can do a double CD if you like.

Just FYI, my BFF wants to get in on the action, too. So there will be one non-jelly in the mix, but she is the most trustworthy person I know at the moment, so I will totally vouch for her.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Count me in.

RareDenver's avatar

Disc 2 is done, just need to do Disc 1 now.

RareDenver's avatar

I’m far too keen, done Disc 1 too.

Blondesjon's avatar

I’m in.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Awesome so far! I know I’m not around much these days, but I’ve got my eye on this thread. I also cannot believe that June is almost over? How the hell did that happen?

Dr_C's avatar

I’m in.

RareDenver's avatar

CD Sleeves done

redfeather's avatar

Haven’t started. Heads up, everyone.

rooeytoo's avatar

Has this ended yet, is it too late for me to be involved? And I live in Australia so a bit more for postage???

RareDenver's avatar

Vinyl look CDs arrived today :-)

Dr_C's avatar

I haven’t started yet. Will get on it this weekend. I promise!

El_Cadejo's avatar

I think aside from RareDenver no one really started. He’s just a gung ho mutha fucka :P

Are we even put into groups yet? I dont believe so.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@rooeytoo – It’s fine with me.. how does everyone else feel?

It’s not too late… the deadline for joining isn’t until 7/15, by which time everyone who wishes to participate must give me their addresses. The making of groups can’t happen until then, so that’s a ways off, too.

No rush, guys. The mix isn’t due until the end of July. @RareDenver is just trying to make us all look bad. ;)

rooeytoo's avatar

Great, I will start compiling.

But I have a question, if I drag it out of iTunes, will it be in the proper format? I am not sure about that. I usually just use a flash drive. Anybody know???

MissAnthrope's avatar

You can burn the CD using iTunes, you just have to make sure that the format is set to ‘Audio CD’ rather than ‘MP3 CD’.

rooeytoo's avatar

okey dokey, I should be able to figure that out, hehehe!

RareDenver's avatar

I promise to be really late on the next one.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I’d settle for really on time.

El_Cadejo's avatar

How many copies should I burn?

I ended up making 2 discs as well. Too much good music that I felt needed including.

MissAnthrope's avatar

It’ll end up most likely in the 3–5 copy range. It just all depends on how many people we have participating and how the groups get arranged.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Alrighty, ill burn 3 copies for now so I can start working on the cd design on them and then burn more later if needed.

El_Cadejo's avatar

sooooo whats going on with this?

MissAnthrope's avatar

What’s going on is that today is the deadline to get your address to me if you are interested in participating. If you’ve previously sent it, no need to send it. I am ridiculously organized, haha!

RareDenver's avatar

I hear an organised pirate sea shanty coming on

El_Cadejo's avatar

ahhh sendin ye my address right now then.

redfeather's avatar

I’m glad you people reminded me. I need to get on making that playlist.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Fridays are a do-nothing day because I have no time at all.. I get up, go to work, come home, shower, go to bed, then wake up at 4 am. In addition to that, I have a potentially interesting/exciting overnight camping trip to which I’ve been invited along on Sat. So, basically, I probably won’t have time to make the groups this weekend, but I will get them out ASAP so that the early birds can be done.

Final deadline to have mixes in the mail is 7/31. :)

RareDenver's avatar

Burnin’ Burnin’ Burnin’

redfeather's avatar

All mine are burned! I’m keeping myself anonymous so you guys can’t judge/hate me if you don’t like my cd

Dr_C's avatar

Almost done with my list. Will mail out this weekend.

RareDenver's avatar

Postin’ Postin’ Postin’

Blondesjon's avatar

I haven’t gotten anybody to send mine to yet.

MissAnthrope's avatar

What, there’s a Chinese wall at your house??

El_Cadejo's avatar

All cd designs drawn and playlist complete. Just need to burn and mail out should be done both by this weekend.

El_Cadejo's avatar

All Cd’s mailed.
I burnt two cd’s one is a summer day theme the other a summer night theme
Hope you guys all enjoy
Also, fuck you RareDenver for living in England and costing three times as much :P

RareDenver's avatar

I also did a day and night disc. And fuck all of you for living in the states. All of my postage cost more.

Blondesjon's avatar

I haven’t received addresses or a group. :(

MissAnthrope's avatar

@uberbatman & @RareDenver – Sheesh.. Overachievers! Of course, mine isn’t complete, but my excuse this time is working 3 jobs. :P

Blondsjon – Not at home.. Ask your wife. I accidentally PMed the list to her.

redfeather's avatar

Craftin my Cd cases today. I’ll write you all a lovely little note

El_Cadejo's avatar

Oh btw cd’s should all arrive on Monday since they were sent first class.

with the exception of mr denver in east jabumblefuck, you’ll get your’s eventually :P

@MissAnthrope not an overachiever, just scared of the floggings :)

MissAnthrope's avatar

@uberbatman – See, if you were me, you’d go, OOooooooo.. floggings? Where, where?


redfeather's avatar

That’s why I’m a little late with mine ;)

Dr_C's avatar

I have to apologize. Mine are being mailed out tomorrow. There was an issue with my laptop. Specifically that Mrs. C is pissed that I spend so much time on it during the week she forbid it’s use this weekend. The list has been done for a week, but the idea was to burn and mail everything out saturday.

I’m so sorry! I’ll get them out tomorrow!

Blondesjon's avatar

@Dr_C . . . Godammit! You are a man! You need to stand up to that woman and tell her . . . oh shit! here comes janet. we’ll talk later.

efritz's avatar

my laptop was in for repairs, just got it back today . . . they’ll go out tomorrow!, I swear! I’m envelope-ing the CDs as I type . . .

El_Cadejo's avatar

@RareDenver just received my super bitchin cd’s from you havent had a chance to listen yet but will be first thing tomorrow when I get up.

im psyched :)

RareDenver's avatar

Looks as though the transatlantic post was reasonably swift, here’s hoping it’s as speedy coming this way.

RareDenver's avatar

@uberbatman just got your discs, will hopefully get a chance to listen to at least one tonight.

redfeather's avatar

RareDenver’s CD’s are kick ass. Just saying.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Okay, let me ask you guys something. I have a computer from 2005, which generally works very well. However, over the past year, my CD/DVD drive/burner has slowly been dying. The last time I burned a CD, I went through 6 discs because it kept erroring out or acting like it burnt but it burnt like crap, etc.

I really don’t care about paying the postage or burning CDs for everyone, but what I do mind is waiting half an hour for a disc to be burnt, only to find I have to burn it 5 more times. Super annoying.

What I’m wondering is if, when I finish, if you guys wouldn’t mind letting me upload it somewhere?

RareDenver's avatar

@MissAnthrope is this really happening? I’m happy to get a digital downloadable mix. I mean I did got to all that effort but….. lol

RareDenver's avatar

@redfeather any favourite tracks?

redfeather's avatar

@RareDenver I was listening as I was putting together my new desk and chair, so it was mostly background but once I have a quiet moment I’ll listen closer :)

RareDenver's avatar

@uberbatman really like the Eagle & The Worm track, gonna check out some more of them

redfeather's avatar

Mailing my CD’s either this afternoon or tomorrow. I know I’m late but I broke my foot and had surgery so I’ve been stuck at home so there.

RareDenver's avatar

@redfeather hope your foot heals quick and well, I have a plate and screws in my ankle and it sucks when the weather turns

redfeather's avatar

I’ve got three pins! We could piece them together and make somethin! Haha

El_Cadejo's avatar

@MissAnthrope I dont mind at all, not like im not going to rip it to my iPod anyway :)

@RareDenver ya thats a great song, I only have one more from them, if ya find anything else let me know. I havent gotten to the day cd yet, I just keep listening to the night one :P I love opening with crickets and what not, really gives the summer feel.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@RareDenver – Yeah, yeah. :P You know that if I had it my way, we’d all be burning CDs.

In the original Burn It!, the facilitator didn’t participate, but we all sent her a copy of ours. So, my CD is basically a bonus if we go by the original spirit. Lucky for you guys~, it just seems really unfair to me to sit back on my throne, laughing maniacally, reaping hordes of CDs.

It’ll just be a digital bonus, which will help me tremendously. I’m super busy these days and don’t have much time to dedicate to the burning and all of that, much less 5x extra time and money for fucked up ones. :P

El_Cadejo's avatar

So did everyone else get their copies from me?

seems a bit odd if only raredenver did beings he lives on the other side of the friggin ocean.

efritz's avatar

I got @uberbatman and @RareDenver ‘s CDs a few days ago, at the same time. You both sent two – that scared me, I was afraid we were supposed to send two. Great music so far . . . really like The Last Shadow Puppets, @RareDenver :) Still listening to the other CDs . . .

Anyone get mine?

redfeather's avatar

I got yours @efritz! Haven’t listened to it, but anyone who puts Groove is in the Heart on a CD has my lurrrrrve!

efritz's avatar

@redfeather – we are kindred souls, you and I :D

El_Cadejo's avatar

I only got raredenvers thus far. Should be getting yours soon, efritz probably monday if redfeather got it already.

Blondesjon's avatar

I got @uberbatman.‘s Gonna listen to them outside in the morning (I work 3rd shift).

Mine anyone?

RareDenver's avatar

So far I’ve only got discs from @uberbatman

@efritz The Last Shadow Puppets are great, only problem is the track I put on my disc is the best track on their album and they opened with it, kinda makes the rest of the album, as good as it is, seem like a disappointment. I suppose it’s the musical version of premature ejaculation.

Oh and <3 Deee-lite

RareDenver's avatar

Just listened to @uberbatman night disc. Fucking amazing, goes from power pop punk through dubstep to psychedelic electronica very smoothly and naturally, props to the DJ skills. Some of it reminded me of Man With No Name

El_Cadejo's avatar

@RareDenver thanks man :) happy to hear ya enjoyed it

El_Cadejo's avatar

Last Shadow Puppets is by far my favorite song from the day cd. Havent got a favorite from night yet.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I got several CDs but have not had time to open the envelopes yet. I know from the outside that I received RareDenver’s and efritz’s. I should have a work-at-home day tomorrow, so hopefully, I’ll both finish mine and get a chance to start listening to everyone else’s.

Thanks again to you all for participating! :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

I had a nice two hour drive today for work so I listened to the Night cd again from RareDenver. Gotta say, I really love that cd man, great work. Think im goin to play it in its entirety on my radio show along with some music I get from the other cd’s whenever the hell they come in :P

RareDenver's avatar

@uberbatman is there somewhere we can hear your radio show online as a podcast? I would be interested in having a listen and that would be very cool of you to play that mix on your show, thanks

El_Cadejo's avatar

@RareDenver the link can be found on my profile page. Its tuesday nights from 10pm-12am EST so that may be a really fucking weird hour for you.

RareDenver's avatar

@uberbatman yeah that would be 3am – 5am Wednesday morning, I remember you asking a question about recording the show, did you ever get that sorted?

El_Cadejo's avatar

@RareDenver I think so but I havent had time to test it cause ive just been busy.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Ive still yet to receive any more cd’s :(

RareDenver's avatar

@efritz! Got yours today, I’m liking that I see The Clash on there, funny how I’ve had this song in my head all day. Wonder why.

El_Cadejo's avatar

why me no get cd :( i need moar muziks

MissAnthrope's avatar

Picked one at random and it was @efritz.‘s THUMBS UP! I love it, thanks! :)

efritz's avatar

@MissAnthrope – Woot, glad you like it!

@RareDenver – yeah, curiously appropriate . . .

@uberbatman – I sent yours exactly one week ago, so hopefully mine will get there w/in a few days.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@efritz sweet. Just seems really odd that RareDenver would get your copy first beings he’s in England. Hopefully it didnt get lost in the mail or something

RareDenver's avatar

@efritz listened to it a few times now and have really liked it, but I have to say it, Track 2 is super annoying, :-)

El_Cadejo's avatar

still nothin :(

RareDenver's avatar

I reckon one or two will turn up in the post next week, stay positive Batman

RareDenver's avatar

@efritz just listening to the last track again cos I really like that one, dont have the playlist to hand but sure you can remember what it is. I really like it. It’s just finished gonna listen again.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@uberbatman- Maybe your mail carrier is stealing your jams!

I got 2 more today as I was rushing out.. One was @redfeather, I recognized the addy, the other, not so sure.

redfeather's avatar


efritz's avatar

@RareDenver – yeah, MIA is a love-or-hate artist. Glad you like the Flaming Lips, anyway . . . :) If you want, you should check out their albums, “Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots” is great.

I think the PO is holding my other two disks hostage. No worries, but I’m getting antsy.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Okay, I take that back.. one of the envelopes was batteries. :P

RareDenver's avatar

@efritz oh yeah, now you say it I can hear it’s The Flaming Lips, I used to have one of their albums many moons ago. The one on your disc reminded me a bit of Mercury Rev.

RareDenver's avatar

@efritz I like the other M.I.A track on the disc

redfeather's avatar

I’ve only received @RareDenver‘s and @efritz‘s

efritz's avatar

Wooooohooooo just got @redfeather‘s disk in the mail! Haven’t listened yet but I’m liking what I see on the playlist, especially the second-to-last track :)

@uberbatman – listened to the “Night” disk, LOVE the Black Keys, Balkan Beat Box, Whitey . . . thanks! I think you’re the only one to not get my disk yet.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@efritz happy to hear you enjoyed it. If you ever get a chance, definitely go to see Balkan Beat Box, they put on an amazing live show.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Still got nothing :(

RareDenver's avatar

nothing in today’s post for me either :(

El_Cadejo's avatar

Im starting to get the feeling no cd’s are coming….

MissAnthrope's avatar

Dude, WTH?? You have to have some coming.

redfeather's avatar

I only got two, how many are we supposed to have? 3

Who’s the weenie not mailing anything to @uberbatman?!

El_Cadejo's avatar

@redfeather yea, three. Its a bit annoying knowing I spent close to 20 dollars to mail these cd’s out and only got 1 in return

MissAnthrope's avatar

Hmmmm.. now that you mention it, I’ve gotten 4. @efritz, @redfeather, @RareDenver, and one other that has no name or return address, but which I assume is @uberbatman.

SOOOOOOOOO, @Dr_C and @Blondesjonwe all turn and look at you

El_Cadejo's avatar

@MissAnthrope yea the no name is me. Im wierd like that and dont like putting my name on stuff :P I do believe I wrote uberbatman on the return address part though.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Mine did not have any sort of name or anything, anywhere, on either the CD or the envelope. I checked it a few times because I can be ditzy and thought maybe I missed it. I matched the postmark to your address, however.

El_Cadejo's avatar

hmm weird must have forgot it on that one. I know i did on the others.

Dr_C's avatar

Been away due to work. Will ship shortly. Very sorry guys.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Bout fuckin time


RareDenver's avatar

Seeing as it’s gone a bit quiet on the CD front, for anyone that wasn’t in my group, here is my Summer Disc 2 (Disc 1 was strictly for the group) but from there you will also find my Spring Mix (inspiringly titled ‘Spring 2011’) for any late comers to Burn It, and a few other bits too.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@RareDenver can you do me a favor and pm me the order of songs I put on the night disc. I know all the songs so Id only need the artist but like a dumbass I didnt save the playlist. Ill upload my night one as well for everyone.

Dr_C's avatar

I FedEx’d the Cd’s yesterday. Most recipients will have them in hand in 4 days. My fellow Californian will have it in 2.

I must point out, however, that I haven’t received a single disc.

This saddens me.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dr_C wow really? I thought I was the only one screwed in that camp with my 1. You werent on my list though cause I sent all 4 of mine out weeks ago.

RareDenver's avatar

@Dr_C You were not on my list but that is shit, pm me your address and i’ll send you some discs

El_Cadejo's avatar

How exactly where these groups set up? It doesnt seem right. I mean I sent discs to people who arent sending them back to me and vice versa.

efritz's avatar

@uberbatman – I sent you discs a month ago. So, cross me off your shit list :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

your not crossed off cause Ive yet to receive them :) I just added USPS too said list :P
since I never did get them can you do me a favor and upload it so I can at least hear it?

Dr_C's avatar

If I’m not mistaken, our buddy uber is in NJ… if so I sent a CD to a “resident” in NJ…. FedEx.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Groups are done randomly, with everyone’s combination of people being different. I do this to maximize privacy (at least, I hope). I’m not at home, but I can have a look later to see who all had you, @Dr_C.. because you should have gotten some CDs by now!

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dr_C that is correct.

@efritz okk your off my shit list now. Thank ya sir :)

redfeather's avatar

Did everyone get mine…?

El_Cadejo's avatar

I didnt get one from you but I dont know if I was on your list. @efritz can you do me a favor and actually PM me the address you sent the cd to. I cant figure out why it wouldnt have came.

redfeather's avatar

You weren’t, but efritz was and RareDenver and of course MissAnthrope and one other person

RareDenver's avatar

I only got discs from @uberbatman and @efritz so far.

redfeather's avatar

Scratch that. I’m dumb. RareDenver was not on my list, I was on his and got mine.

El_Cadejo's avatar

My cd from @efritz never came because I wasnt on his list :P

efritz's avatar

@uberbatman – yeah well, I assumed the “Resident” on my list wanted to protect his uberbatman identity.
Also, can’t you tell from my smiley-face potato-fries avatar that I’m a lady?

Did any fourth fluther get my CD?

El_Cadejo's avatar

@efritz my apologies and no, I couldn’t cause its the type of avatar id have too :P

Dr_C's avatar

I just received 2 cd’s in the mail. One from the lovely red feather. yes… I sniffed the ink… I fell for it.
And the second one from a mistery Jelly who made a “BBQ Music” collection.

Will listen to both tonight!

Thanks guys!

redfeather's avatar

You sniffed it?! Yes! I was sincerely hoping someone would fall for it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

still nothin :(

El_Cadejo's avatar

Yay!! Just got my Cd from Dr C. Going to give it a listen soon as I get home from work :)

Dr_C's avatar

I got a call from some guy in a mail room at some college in Minesota, who doesn’t know how to read a fucking envelope. Unit numbers don’t change based on a person’s name. The fact that I wrote “resident” won’t change the geography of the campus.

El_Cadejo's avatar


Dr_C's avatar

What’d you think of the tunes @uberbatman?

El_Cadejo's avatar

lovin it. Can I get a list of the songs?

Dr_C's avatar

I’ll send it once I get to the office

efritz's avatar

@Dr_C whoops sorry that was my college. Kinda confused why they were so confused. Got your CD though! Send me a list of the songs?

Dr_C's avatar

C’s list of songs:

Changing – The Airborne Toxic Event
Submarine Symphonika – The Submarines
Lost At Sea – Guster
Pumped Up Kicks – Foster The People
The High Road – Broken Bells
Rebel Rebel – David Bowie
Under Cover Of Darkness – The Strokes
Inaudible Melodies [Live] – Jack Johnson
Generator ^ First Floor – Freelance Whales
Perfect Timing (This Morning) – Orba Squara
You And Your Heart – Jack Johnson
Mother Mary – Foxboro Hot Tubs
Tropicalia – Beck
Holiday – Vampire Weekend
Sinner (FeatScott Russo of Unwritten Law) – Big B
Coney Island – Good Old War
Tighten Up – The Black Keys
Rainbow – G. Love and Jack Johnson

I had actually listed all songs with duration and album names…. but couldn’t format the list on here. It looked awful… so I just did this.

Hope you guys enjoyed the CD.

efritz's avatar

@Dr_C – yay it’s awesome! I saw the Freelance Whales once, they were boring but this song is good. Always love the Strokes and Broken Bells. btw, I’m the “BBQ Music” flutherite.

Dr_C's avatar

Ah! Loved the disc!

MissAnthrope's avatar

All right, my peeps.. as should be obvious to everyone at this point, I suck and no longer have time to officiate or participate in these Burn It thingies.

Therefore, I pass the torch on to whomever would like to take over.. have at it!

Dr_C's avatar

Only got 2 discs. Oh well.
they were both awesome btw

RareDenver's avatar

@Dr_C did you ever manage to download that tribal one?

MissAnthrope's avatar

Yeah, I’m not sure what the failure was in regards to receiving CDs. In the original Burn It, everything worked out smoothly. I think next time, digital may be the way to go.

RareDenver's avatar

Okay so who is gonna pick this up and run with it now that our wonderful @MissAnthrope is taking a step back? I would like to see @uberbatman or @Blondesjon take the helm as they already have their own radio shows and they would benefit the most from being on everyone’s music swap lists.

Any thoughts from the rest of you?

ps can we all just give @MissAnthrope a great big thank you for what she has done on these seasonal burn it’s. I don’t know about the rest of you but I have personally found it the most fulfilling part of my fluther experience so far. As we say in Yorkshire “Cheers Petal” :-) xxx

MissAnthrope's avatar

Yay! :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

I am defintely in to set up the next one for winter or something. I just also wanted to say thank you to @MissAnthrope for setting these up. Ive found a lot of great music due to these exchanges.

RareDenver's avatar

As the first my vote is with @uberbatman.

Dr_C's avatar

@MissAnthrope rocked it!

btw Denver… i got tribal. Loved it

fundevogel's avatar

I’m hoping this tradition keeps on. I haven’t participated yet but it’s such a wonderful project.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Let me guys know when ya want to start the next one and Ill start setting it up

Dr_C's avatar

X-mas mix?

El_Cadejo's avatar

I refuse to be a part of anything related to christmas music. It fucking blows…. :)

MissAnthrope's avatar

Next season due is Fall, which I figured could be done in November. Then Winter, which I was going to aim for January or so. And I say no on Christmas music, too.. People are so bombarded with it for months, I know I personally can’t stand it. It’d be nice to have some other theme to turn to instead.

fundevogel's avatar

@uberbatman o rly?

But I tend to agree. There probably isn’t enough good Christmas music to support the sort of mix making that goes on here. And what people like in Christmas music (if they like it at all) is sure to very considerably.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@fundevogel its funny you bring that song up. It was the one I was thinking of as I wrote that reply :P

fundevogel's avatar

@uberbatman Does that mean it’s one you really dislike? I have failed.

Here have a sentimental atheist Christmas song.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I wasnt clear. I like that song for stating why christmas and its music blows.

fundevogel's avatar

Whew, me too. Or maybe I just like it because it’s a Christmas song with strippers.

Dr_C's avatar

I happen to love christmas music and think there’s a lot of good christmas music out there…. but it’s not for everyone.

RareDenver's avatar

Just to keep you guys going in the meantime

A Halloween House Party

redfeather's avatar

As a person whose name is the same as a popular Christmas carol, for the love of everything holy, please God, no Christmas music.

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