General Question

iCeskate's avatar

I made a promise to myself that I'll practice abstence and I don't want to ever drink, smoke, drugs so what is somethingbi can wear to symbolize that?

Asked by iCeskate (451points) April 27th, 2008
79 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I want to be a
rolemodel and always be fresh

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iwamoto's avatar

well, i don’t drink, smoke, do drugs, or eat meat, and i don’t wear anything for that, oh wait, i do, a big smile of releave, knowing im a healthy guy, free of addictions, maybe you can wear a shirt with my face on it? swearing to iwamoto that you will stay pure? what you need is to “swear” to yourself, you’re doing it for you, not for someone else..right?

oh, and chicks don’t like you any more or less about it, too bad eh?

oh, and im not sure on this one, but i think you have to not eat meat to be straight edge..

delirium's avatar

If you feel like being “scene” put black X’s on the backs of your hands.

iwamoto's avatar

don’t listen to her, i’ll fix you up with an iwamoto shirt, it’s got this print, and you’ll wear it with pride in your heart

iCeskate's avatar

@ iwampto thanks….. but no thanks….

peedub's avatar

@Iwa- Can I sport one? Would that be sacrilege if I get a little boozed up here and there?

iwamoto's avatar

iwamotoism is for everyone who enjoys the pleasures of reproduction, ofcourse i am too much of a softie to force my ideas into my followers, so yeah, you can booze up.
tell you what, you get that shirt printed, and see how many women will ask you “if i make love to you, will it get me closer to him?”

peedub's avatar

I will always reply: “Yes, yes indeed. Come now, let me show you The Way.”

iwamoto's avatar

well, if they would go into mass production, i’d get the label inbroided with “if you wear it, they will come”

iCeskate's avatar

okay… Any other ideas besides the shirt….

PupnTaco's avatar

Saffron robes?

jrpowell's avatar

A t-shirt that says, “I think I am better than you.”

iwamoto's avatar

or a shirt that says “what i hold back in narcotics, i unleash in bed” or something in that general direction

ishotthesheriff's avatar

sounds like you’re only doing it for the attention and a label.
ghandi didn’t wear sporty t-shirts.
get real.

iCeskate's avatar

I don’t want a shirt I want something different like a charm for a bracelet but what I’m asking iscwhat should the charm be or it doesnt have to be a charm

iwamoto's avatar

well, i could fix you up with an iwamoto bracelet ? or a pendant ? “iwamoto swag, for when you want to get noticed unnoticed””

iCeskate's avatar

LOL please nothing Iwamoyo LOL

ishotthesheriff's avatar

you seriously aren’t catching the humor . . .

iwamoto's avatar

maybe a shirt that reads “don’t pay attention to me”

peedub's avatar

Wear a colored rubber bracelet, aren’t those supposed to mean you believe in something? I like the multi-colored ones that cover all the bases.

iCeskate's avatar

I am I just am being serious now

ishotthesheriff's avatar

ok ok. i respect your decision to be straight edge (that’s what it’s called btw..), but you don’t need a stupid charm or swag to show off the fact. just do your thing.

iwamoto's avatar

but kids need attention

iCeskate's avatar

I realize that but If ever feel pressured then I can see that something can remember what promises I made

iwamoto's avatar

why would you feel pressured? true, sometimes im at a party, and the plate full of meat goes around, and i smell that salami under my nose, but then i remember that i’m a cool dude who doesn’t need it

buster's avatar

get some gold teeth with CLEAN & SOBER spelled out in diamonds for your mouth.

iCeskate's avatar

I still eat meat butvi won’t do thosevother things @ buster I like that idea!!!!

ishotthesheriff's avatar

i feel like a jackass for laughing,
but . . .
come on.
i don’t think your mom would like that idea ICeskate…

iwamoto's avatar

yeah, i think a tatoo would do better..

iCeskate's avatar

LOL I like the diamondsvin the teeth but not the tatoo.. I don’t like how they look when they age

iwamoto's avatar

well, right now im thinking about gradeschool, when all the kids said “i’ll never smoke, because it’s bad”, i think i’m the only one of those who actualy didn’t later on, what makes you think you wont turn? i mean, if you need something to keep you restrained isn’t that just your subconsius telling you “do something quick, you’re to weak to resist” ?

iCeskate's avatar

Well next year Ill be in high school and I just want to know and have my friends know I just feel like I want something like that I know I don’t need it but i want
something to represent me

iwamoto's avatar

iwamoto can represent you “he’s this guy from holland, he’s even more extreme than me, what? you will? okay i’ll get you closer to him afterwards”

osakarob's avatar

You are in luck ICskate!

There is already a unique piece of clothing available that tells everyone that you practice abstinence and all those other things!!!

It is called a habit. Trust me, you have seen them around. Black and white. Catholic nuns wear them.

(What you are describing is having integrity and convictions. Those don’t need to be displayed to the world. If you have them, others will know. Forget about playing dress up and just keep your values in tact.)

Maverick's avatar

How about a big “L” on your forehead?


But seriously, that’s great that you’ve made those decisions, however, you might want to question why you think its so important what other people think or what you are projecting into the world. Just be the person you want to be and let others do the same.

LunaFemme's avatar

I understand what your saying @iceskate. What you are seeking is why people wear religious symbols. So, why don’t you find a symbol that is powerful to you that you can use for this purpose. I have a few symbols that are deeply meaningful to me that I use for this reason. Think of an animal or something in nature that resonates with you. For me it’s Turtles, Anhks, or moons.

iCeskate's avatar

I have friends ( not friends anymore) and I’ve have seen what’s it like and how stupid and I hate how when some ones had a bad day or somthings wrong they make a comment about needing some type of alchoal and I done want to re lie on something that will not even help me

iCeskate's avatar

I like skates (which are hard to find) and snow flakes and the saying “always dream”

ishotthesheriff's avatar

try the saying, “always do”.

iwamoto's avatar

when i have a bad day i just play videogames and pleasure myself, so that’s a form of addiction too, no one can ever be truly free (put that on your shirt)

LunaFemme's avatar

@everyone: I am surprised by your general disdain for this persons serious & heartfelt question. Even if you think the chances of success are minimal don’t you think it is noble of her to try. Her desire is good & so much more productive then the alternative.

iwamoto's avatar

@luna, boohoo, im even more “into it” than her, yet i don’t try to get noticed, because i do it for me, not for the attention

LunaFemme's avatar

I think skates & snow flakes are a great place to start. Maybe stencil always dream on your book covers?

iCeskate's avatar

PERFECT!!!! Thank you Lunafemme omg thanks thats perfect also thanks for the support!

LunaFemme's avatar

she’s not asking for attention. She’s trying to find something meaningful to her that in a time of crisis can serve as a reminder to stay strong. What is attention seeking in that?? This is exactly why people wear religious symbols. Do you think a Christian that wears a cross is seeking attention?

iCeskate's avatar

@everyone lumafemme is right they bunderstand what I’m trying to do

iwamoto's avatar

no, i think he (the christian) wears it, because he seeks guidance, just being too afraid to face life alone, not wanting to accept the end of life, or just not being able to be a good judge on decissions in life, therefore giving his life to “god” or any other imaginary figure,

well back on iceskate, i’d rather work on myself than to waste time trying to find something that symbolises “my believes”, but hey, that’s just my thought on the matter, kids should do what they want

delirium's avatar

I was being serious! That’s what the scene kids do. Its a notable symbol.

iwamoto's avatar

yeah, the straight edge symbol, even ECW wrestler CM punk wears them (yeah, he’s a straight edger too)
like this

Allie's avatar

peedub: ’‘I will always reply: ‘Yes, yes indeed. Come now, let me show you The Way.’” You player.

The first time I saw a straight edge tattoo (on a girl on my rugby team) I thought she just didn’t know how to spell “sex” cause it went sXe. I just remember thinking.. “uh oh. That’s a bummer.” Then someone told me what it was.

iCeskate's avatar

everyone making this a huge deal I just wanted ideas

iwamoto's avatar

but we are making a huge deal BECAUSE you want ideas

“i’m not a terrorist, i was only planning the attacks”

iCeskate's avatar

okay….. Well

jrpowell's avatar

You lost me at.. “I want to be a rolemodel and always be fresh” Do you understand how that sounds to other people?

ishotthesheriff's avatar

enough iwamoto, you’re 21, she’s in 8th grade.

do what you do, iceskate

iCeskate's avatar

can this question be deleted yet? Please? It got way out of hand….

iwamoto's avatar

no, this is a good lesson in life, one of the best, once you start something, see it through to the end.

but have you made any plans about what you want to do? has this topic changed about how you thought about it an hour ago?

ishotthesheriff's avatar

yeah i realized she is just a kid who really wants to go through with something.

i didn’t know some goddamn thread on fluther was a life lesson.
this is ridiculous.

iCeskate's avatar

I don’t think I have changes my mind I realized that people really have a large imagination but I like what lumafemme said

LunaFemme's avatar

@iceskate: Don’t allow some people misunderstanding your intention stop you from doing what is important to you. You asked a good, valid question. I think what you’re attempting & seeking is great. Find that symbol that speaks to you & keep it as a reminder of how you want to live your life. Good luck to you!!

iCeskate's avatar

thank you very much lumafemme

LunaFemme's avatar

@ iwamoto: I think it’s great that you have such strength of character that you can always be true to yourself no matter what. I am 40 years old & I’ve yet to find that inner strength & resolve ALL the time. There are times when having a little reminder around has helped me tremendously. For example, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 4 years ago & some days are harder than others. My reminders help me stay strong & true.

iwamoto's avatar

i can see how some things can get to a person, especially things completely out of your hands, and especialy then you need something to believe in, something to give strenght,

but i realy wonder if the icegirl needs something like that? oh wel, maybe the X’es, that would suit best

TheHaight's avatar

I have a charm snowflake bracelet that I’d so lend to you if I knew you- my stupid exboyfriend bought it for me. I respect what you’re doing, and wish I had your
mentality when I started highschool.

dithibodeaux's avatar

iceskate: I agree with lumafemme has been saying. I admire your goals and would be very proud if you were my daughter. I think most of these other people are in the clouds or something. Come on guys, do you really have to turn something good into something vain. If you can’t be more supportive, then its probably best left unsaid. P.S. Lumafemme, I gave you lots of lurve for all your support.

iCeskate's avatar

@ thehaight LOL thanks I find one somewhere…. Probably not in the summer tho…

TheHaight's avatar

I totally understand what you mean by wearing something though, to signify what you believe in. Just like someone that is married, wears a ring to symbolize their love for eachother…Same thing,

AstroChuck's avatar

No sex, no drink, no drugs, no smoking? Sounds like a burqa would be perfect.
Sorry, just joking.

iCeskate's avatar

well technically no sex till marriage I NEVER will drink, smoke, drugs

LunaFemme's avatar

@dithi: Woo hoo… luvre, maybe I’ll hit 500 soon. Thanx

@haight: well said. I didn’t even think of wedding rings & it’s exactly the same.

@iwamoto: Most of the time I have to remind myself to believe in myself but that’s the whole point. I hope that iceskate has such a blessed & happy life that she will never need her reminder. I hope that she will always be able to live her life with conviction & passion; ethics & integrity. I personally am all for whatever helps her do that!!

@iceskate: E-bay is a good place to find unusual items.

LunaFemme's avatar

I just had another thought…what about a simple silver ring with, “always dream” engraved on it?? I bet you could find something that isn’t too expensive. Have you thought of a toe ring??? I had one on for years that I never took off once it was on.

Breefield's avatar

You should just do the straight edge thing. Those kids are really nice at my school. The advantage to being sXe is that you’re surrounded by other sXe kids so its harder to fall in to the temptation of the normal kids in school.

iCeskate's avatar

we don’t have that at my school

Breefield's avatar

Be the first one.

iCeskate's avatar

Great idea!

PupnTaco's avatar

Interior > Exterior

Breefield's avatar

Lighting > Decore


xBRIANx's avatar

@ishotthesheriff: “sounds like you’re only doing it for the attention and a label.
ghandi didn’t wear sporty t-shirts.”
@iCeskate: “I don’t want a shirt I want something different like a charm for a bracelet”
Bwhahahaha… ohhhh, good stuff.

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