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CJ_cupcakes's avatar

Does he like me just as a friend or something more?

Asked by CJ_cupcakes (5points) June 24th, 2011
11 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

So, I’m best friends with a guy, for several months now. Before, he started hugging me, always talking to me, staring at me and touching me (not like that, like tickling and such). Then, before we knew it, we became friends with benefits. So, lately, we’ve been doing a lot of phone sex, and cybering. So, he’s also friends with my ex, and he keeps comparing himself to him. saying things such as, ” I bet he was never as good as me” or “You know it’s good that this happened (the breakup), because if it didn’t we wouldn’t have known each other”, “My d*** is bigger than his ” and stuff like that. I don’t know if I’m the only one that likes him that way because he says that we’re just friends and he does say other girls are hot in front of me as if nothing; I don’t want to be jealous, but I do become jealous. I’m confused, what is happening here? (we’re both 15)

I don’t know if this helps, but whenever we mess around he puts emphasis on my fetishes and such. He also said that the only reason he’s messing with me is because I’m horny and thought he should help.

I’ve actually had long conversations with him even if it wasn’t about sex, and I did open up to him before all this started. He used to give me advice and such, and help me.

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Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Only time will tell if he deeply cares about you or just appreciates that you are horny and love to have sex. You could ask him if you really want to hear the answer he gives.

Blackberry's avatar

He doesn’t want a relationship.

athenasgriffin's avatar

Sorry. I really wanted to say he likes you. And he does like you. But not in the way you want. He likes having sex with you. If that’s all you want, then you might be happy this way.

But he doesn’t want a relationship with you. Guys are pretty much up front about what they want. If he is secure enough to have sex with you, then he is secure enough to ask you out.

If you want a relationship, you might want to look elsewhere.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Have you expressed to him that your feelings may have changed?

He sounds to be running under the assumption you do not have romantic feelings for him either. He would be foolish to let himself start caring about you.

As @athenasgriffin says, he likes having sex with you. You are a friend with benefits. He has not made the connection in his head that sex with you has an emotional component to you. He just feels like a lucky guy. Talk to him about it.

Hibernate's avatar

Talk one to another but since you are so young it won’t matter in a couple of months. [ I’m pretty sure you’ll find others for each other ]

Trojans40's avatar

This guy… is 15. Such as you. You were friends with him and truly open emotional with him. Now he taking something that occur in the past that happen with you, and comparing it with himself as if he already in the past with you in a way. Again he is 15, and he is probably like you, but his sexual desire are really strong at this point. Give it time until he matures. You can help him mature by being a guidance in his life to what you want. Just be careful in what you chose could go wrong.

Summary… He probably like you, just not open to emotion level to say that he does. He as well have sexual desires as he probably just recently started puberty. Sexual desire become anew and it a rush for boys at that age. I was there. 3 or 4 years ago.

josie's avatar

Your ex has been talking, and this guy sees an opportunity.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

FYI: CJ_Cupcakes account is now closed.

wundayatta's avatar

Too bad about that.

I wonder what she saw in him, if she wanted to be more than friends with benefits? Sounds to me like it was more the idea of a relationship than the fact of a relationship.

Kardamom's avatar

It’s very unfortunate, and not very smart that you two are already having sex at aged 15. You and he are clearly not mature enough to handle all of the possible repercussions that go along with having sex.

Do you know what you would want to do if you became pregnant? Do you think (or actually know for sure) if he would stick around and support whatever decision you made regarding a pregnancy (either having an abortion, keeping the baby, or giving it up for adoption)? Have you ever had a real discussion with him about what you both would do if you got pregnant? Have either one of you been tested for STD’s? If not, why not? (If you guys are just friends with benefits, there is a 99% chance that he is sleeping around with other people, even if he tells you that he isn’t) Do you use birth control 100% of the time? And do you really know how to use it properly? (Most young people don’t, especially when it comes to putting on and sucessfully removing condoms) Are you aware that even having your friend’s penis near your lady parts can get you pregnant? (That’s because the seminal fluid, that contains sperm, starts flowing down the chute as a lubricant, even before the male has an ejaculation)

This young man, clearly does not want you as a girlfriend, or he would have asked you to be his girlfriend. He’s stated that you guys are just friends but then he doesn’t hesitate to act like you are a couple (at least sexually). He gets to have all the fun of an adult sexual relationship, without having any responsibility or feelings of love towards you what-so-ever.

Do you want a real one-one-one love/sex relationship with this guy? If you do, you need to ask him, immediately, if he wants that too. If he says no, or that he doesn’t know, you need to break up with him right there on the spot. You can’t change a guy into something that he isn’t, or make him do something that he doesn’t want to do. A young guy who’s getting hot, free sex without any responsibility, is likely to continue to want that, and only that. If he was your boyfriend, then he’d actually have to care about you, and be concerned for your welfare, and treat you like an equal. Most 15 year old boys don’t want that at all. Many 20 something guys don’t want that at all. Some 30 something guys don’t want that at all. A few 40 something guys don’t want that at all either. But most guys will tell you straight up, whether or not they want a real relationship with you (although there are some that will tell you that they are your boyfriend/husband and then cheat on you anyway). But most guys who want a real relationship with you, will tell you so.

These FWB types of relationships often benefit only the guy. Most girls hate this kind of relationship, but put up with them in hopes that one day, their guy friend will miraculously fall in love with them. That is so rare, that you’d be more likely to be hit by an asteroid. Why should he change his mind? He enjoys this type of relationship.

Don’t be one of those girls that think that their situation is different from everybody else’s crappy FWB situation. And don’t be one of those girls who asks for advice, then when given good solid advice, tells the advice givers that “he’s different” or “you just don’t know the whole situation.” If he’s different, then let us know how. If we don’t know the whole situation, then tell us. You said that He used to give me advice and such, and help me. Of course he did. That’s how he drew you into this situation. He probably likes you just fine, as a friend, but does not view you as a girlfriend at all, just a sex buddy. I’m sure that most of the deeper conversations have ended now that you’re having sex with him. Most young guys think that those deeper subjects are a pain in the ass, but they’re willing to indulge you for awhile to draw you in so will feel something for them and have sex with them. Once you’re hooked, they don’t need to keep up the deep talk.

Here’s what is likely to happen. You’ll continue to be a FWB kind of girl until he dumps you. Or you will get upset and try to get him to become your boyfriend, he won’t and then he will dump you. Or he will date around, and it will become more obvious and out in the open, to the point where you will be publicly humiliated, then he’ll dump you, before you get the chance to dump him. Or lastly (and this will probably be the worst one) he will meet someone who he actually falls in love with, it won’t be you, and then he will dump you.

Be one of those girls that says no to FWB types of relationships and having sex before they are mature enough to appreciate it for what it can be, and before has the skills and knowlege of how to handle any problems that may arise from getting pregnant, to contracting an STD to dealing with being un-loved by a person that you love.

The other thing that happens when a girl participates in a FWB type of relationship (and this is totally unfair, and sexist and proves an ongoing double standard) the girl will be labeled as a whore, desperate and slutty. A guy participating in this type of relationship will be labeled by his buddies as a cool player and a stud and a guy who knows how to dodge a bullet. He’ll get patted on the back and looked up to, you, as the female will be looked at with disdain.

End this situation now, once and for all. You might be able to be just friends with this fellow, but not likely. But end the FWB stuff right now, or you’ll just be heading for heartbreak. Better to break if off now, for yourself, than to be dumped down the line, at his convenience.

I’m so sorry that this is happening to you. It really sucks to be a 15 year old girl, to fall for someone and have that person not have the same feelings back. Been there, done that.

Kardamom's avatar

How come every time I answer a relationship question lately, that person closes down their account? What up with dat? Do I smell bad or something?

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