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jctennis123's avatar

NSFW Should I be worried about STDs if I use protection?

Asked by jctennis123 (427points) June 27th, 2011
22 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

As a male, if I use a condom and the girl seems healthy, what are the chances of contracting something that I would have to deal with for the rest of my life?

Also, has science cured any std’s yet?

Please share hard data if you have any as well as your thoughts on this.

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Aethelflaed's avatar

Condoms don’t cover the entire area that one can catch an STD from, nor are they 100% effective (more like 97% if used properly). And that’s just for intercourse, not anything in the “foreplay” arena. Both you and the woman should get tested and know how clean you are.

AmWiser's avatar

Condoms are not 100% safe. You may not contact a STD but other dieases are contracted through bodily fluids (such as kissing).

bob_'s avatar

To answer your second question, yes, science has cured several STDs.

lillycoyote's avatar

You are using protection and that’s good, but nothing will offer you 100% protection. Not to be prudish, but it also helps to know the person you are having sex with well enough to know their past and their current activity and the more women you sleep with the more chance you have of exposure. Regularl testing is a good idea too, if you are sexually active. Most STDs are treatable and if you have a lot of partners, you run not only the risk of contracting one but transmitting one and regular testing, then if you have one, treatment, can prevent any STD from causing more damage that it has to and transmitting it to another person.

King_Pariah's avatar

They have definitely cured gonorrhea, I… uh, I mean a friend can attest to that.

Also yes, you very well can still contract an STD, open cuts/sores on your person and/or their person can result in a transfer of STD.

JLeslie's avatar

You can still get things like Molluscum which is kind of like warts on the skin, inner thighs and genital area. Also, HPV, which is warts, and probably herpes. What you will be protected from are things like Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, the diseases that live inside of the penis. Even the diseases I mentioned that you might still be able to catch, your chances will be greatly reduced. The thing is the diseases on the outer skin are viruses and have no cure, but usually lay dormant most of the time. The bacterial infections like Chlamydia and Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics. HIV is the one virus that can be transmitted like Chlamydia and Syphilis, although it needs to get into the bloodstream, so condoms give good protection against that. But, with all I have said, remember nothing is 100% condoms do sometimes break, and other things can go wrong.

Also, STD’s are transmitted orally. You can get Gonorrhea in your throat, HPV on your tongue (which can lead to cancer) etc. Sex is a nightmare. Be safe.

aprilsimnel's avatar

And then there’s crabs.

Don’t forget crabs! Hi, guys!

JLeslie's avatar

Oh yeah, crabs. I know someone who got that. Her roomate was freaked! Lol. I think she boiled her clothes and sheets twice. And her roommate was not having sex with her, just freaked she lived in the same room.

Nullo's avatar

Yes. The safest route is to stay in your pants.

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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If the rubber didn’t break you or more safe than not. The question is, if you have to have a rubber to boinker, why? If I thought she was that unclean I would not boinker with your dumbstick.

JLeslie's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central What? Everyone should be using a condom, unless tested, proven to be negative and in a monogomous relationship, and even then STD’s are passed back and forth. Men are just way less aware, because women tend to be more symptomatic and are checked more often. Hence, the men are STD germ vectors, silent carriers, flippin’ nightmare. Men who fuck around a lot get women sick, and when there is sex with barely a relationship, it raises the risk the partner never tells the other partner once they are finally diagnosed. So, men walk around with Chlamydia, HPV, Trich, and don’t even know it.

tedd's avatar

You can still contract one yes, but it drastically reduces the chances of it… not to mention severely lowering the odds of pregnancy.

jctennis123's avatar

Thanks for all the input guys

JLeslie's avatar

Here is the CDC website.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@JLeslie Men who fuck around a lot get women sick, and when there is sex with barely a relationship, it raises the risk the partner never tells the other partner once they are finally diagnosed. Which is why I say to men, keep the horse in the barn until you have a permanent or long, long term jockey before running off to the races.

JLeslie's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I must have missed that. The thing is you can’t tell by looking at someone if they are infected. Well, not usually. Even if you wait six months to have sex with your girlfriend, it’s best to get a test, especially HIV. I think we agree for the most part I guess.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Yes we do oh man get my defibulator, we do agree, I must be dead or something wonderful has just happended;-P

JLeslie's avatar

Stop it. Lol.

pshizzle's avatar

There is little to worry about. Unless your partner has an STD, you should be fine. Condoms can lead to the revelation of STD’s also.

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