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josie's avatar

What is the best way to keep my Famous banana muffins fresh for several days?

I buy lots of bananas. They make for a quick breakfast, and my sons, when they stop by, like them.
As a result, I wind up making alot of banana bread, or banana muffins.
They are amazing, but that is another story.
So tonight, I had little to do, and a few ripe bananas, so I made my world famous banana muffins.
I usually put them on a platter and cover them with plastic wrap. I open it in order to get out a muffin, and them sort of try to seal it up.
But it is clear that the muffins that are three days old are not quite as good as the ones out of the oven or tomorrow morning.
So what is the best way to keep muffins fresh over three or four days?

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