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fedupwitcaddys's avatar

Is a year too soon to tell a guy you've been dating " I Love You"?

Asked by fedupwitcaddys (417points) June 29th, 2011
41 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I’ve been dating this guy for a year now and I have very strong feelings for him. I told him I love him but I never got a response. I don’t look for him to tell me he loves me In return so I often wonder how this makes him feel now that he knows. He’s different from any man that I’ve ever dated that’s why I feel such a strong connection to him. I’ve never had a compassionate caring man in my life and that’s another reason why I feel so deep for him. He texts me everyday with short sweet notes and tells me how beautiful I am. I see him when I can because I accept the fact that he already has a girlfriend. When I see them together I play it off, but am still confused because I don’t know how he feels about me. From the way he treats me I think he does care about me, but I need a second opinion. I cannot see me being with out him in my life. I know its probably seems like I am in the wrong but I’ve really never felt love in my life until now.

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chyna's avatar

You need to ask him how he feels about you and where you stand in his life. Does his girlfriend know about you? Are you dating him or just friends with benefits?

wundayatta's avatar

I told my wife I wanted to marry her after I knew her for three weeks. You know, I say things when I have to. I don’t wait for the proper time. Whatever that is. If it gets me in trouble, then so be it. I have had it up to here with editing myself all the time. It makes me feel like shit.

So when I love someone, they know about it. If it bothers them, then it’s better if I find out about it sooner rather than later. Besides which, love is such good news. How could you stop yourself from sharing it?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@fedupwitcaddys No response at all? Does he say anything in return? You seem to be saying it repeatedly.

mazingerz88's avatar

Maybe it’s better if and when he breaks up with his girlfriend. It would be a waste if you give love to someone who is not ready to accept it and reciprocate properly. Love can wait once in a while.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t think time matters if you feel that you love him, and you feel right to tell him so. All the stuff outside of that which plays a part, I can’t really say. :/

jonsblond's avatar

Not at all. Be honest with your feelings or you’ll never get what you want.

My husband and I married 10 months into our relationship. That was almost 20 years ago and we’re still together. =)

woodcutter's avatar

he’s been entertaining the 2 of you for a year?

josie's avatar

He has a girlfriend? You’re wasting your time.

jonsblond's avatar

oops, missed the girlfriend part

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fedupwitcaddys's avatar

You all have good answers I can take heed to. @ chyna, we are friends with benefits and his. Girlfriend doesn’t know about me. I can’t seem to bring myself to asking him how he feels about me in fear of him thinking I’m trying to push for more than it is and throw him off and cause him to flee. I’m content with the way things are but why can’t he tell me on his own? @ wundayatta, I totally agree that if you feel a certain way about someone you should let them know regardless to the reaction afterwards and that’s thing that confuses me , he didn’t shy away after the fact. @ woodcutter lol..she was there long before me. @ Josie, sometimes I feel that way but I’m not looking for him to marry me. @ kardamom I’m cool with your opinion and all, but who knows why he’s doing what he’s doing. When I met him he didn’t say HEY TAKE MY NUMBER BY THE WAY I HAVE AN OL’ LADY AT HOME. Cause if so I’d of never bothered with him. By time I found out it was too late.I don’t know his woman and I’m not about to throw away a good friend because he has a girlfriend. Apparently someone is lacking on their part if you wanna get technical.

Judi's avatar

You are being played. Why would anyone do this to themself or to another woman??? @Judi sighs in disbelief.

Bellatrix's avatar

He has a girlfriend. Even if he does care about you (and the fact that he isn’t saying so speaks volumes) he has a girlfriend. Remove anything else you said, and this is what matters. If he loved you and wanted a future with you, he would have ended it with her. For now though, he has the best of both worlds. A girlfriend who probably also loves him, and a woman on the side who also loves him.

The messages and other things mean nothing. In effect, by not being straight with you and telling you up front he had a gf, he lied to you. He manipulated you. He let you get attached to him and then you found out (or did he tell you. Doesn’t really matter either way though). He wasn’t straight with you. You may be friends with benefits, but it seems to me, he is the only one getting benefits. You get to wonder how he feels about you and feel unsure.

I also feel sorry for his gf who is the real victim here. She has no idea about “the benefits” he has on the side. As you say perhaps there is something wrong with their relationship, but not enough for him to move on from it and really, if there is a problem he is hardly investing the time to fix their problems because he is away having sex with you! Don’t care how charming he seems, he sounds like a user to me.

JLeslie's avatar

What is your goal? Do you want to tell him you love him just to share? To see if he will leave her? To make your relationship more serious? You are being used for sex. I am sure he likes you, but he is a player, total bad news. Listen to the people above who said leave him. Sorry you are caught up in such a situation, I am sure it is upsetting.

jonsblond's avatar

I’ve been thinking about this, and I can honestly say I’ve never known anyone who was in a relationship who didn’t say “I love you” within the first year. If you are with someone for a year and he doesn’t say “I love you”, well, then he’s just not that into you.

What I said sounds harsh, sorry. I really think you can do better.

fedupwitcaddys's avatar

75% of attached men has an issue with their relationships and cheat, go astray or whatever. Yes I do feel bad about it but what can I say. If it wasn’t me he’d see someone else he’s. 35 I’m 36 and she’s 45….maybe there’s an older woman thing going on I don’t know. But I do know if the prisons weren’t filled with all the men, there’d be more to go around for every one. So if you got yourself a good man consider yourself lucky.

Thanks for the feedback

jonsblond's avatar

If it wasn’t me he’d see someone else

So this is how you justify cheating? :/

I am lucky. Good luck to you

Judi's avatar

What can you say? You can say, “No. I deserve better than this.”

Bellatrix's avatar

So because there aren’t so many men available, it is okay to mess around in someone else’s relationship? Nice. I don’t buy your justification.

JLeslie's avatar

The prisons?

You’re 36?

There are good men out there. You need a better circle of friends. I know I must sound awful, and critical, I don’t mean to, but there is a better way. I dated a guy when I was in high school who cheated and lied and so did his whole extended family. It was very normal to them this behavior. While I was with him, it was almost par the course. But now when I look back I realize how screwed up they were, relationships failed, people were miserable, especially the women.

I think you should move, start fresh, and have higher standards.

fedupwitcaddys's avatar

Thank you @JLeslie, I do too.

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Kardamom's avatar

By time I found out it was too late.I don’t know his woman and I’m not about to throw away a good friend because he has a girlfriend. Apparently someone is lacking on their part if you wanna get technical.

Ok, if she’s not a troll, then she’s seriously messed up. It’s never too late to do the right thing. She didn’t find out too late to do the right thing. The right thing can be done today! It doesn’t make any difference what may or may not be lacking in their relationship. This guy is a cheater and the OP is a desperate woman who is complicit in a lying, cheating manipulative relationship and she seems to enjoy it. That’s sick and sad.

Maybe her surroundings or community are/were bad, but that doesn’t excuse people for their own bad behavior. We all know better and so does she. She just wants someone here on this thread to tell her it’s ok to act like an idiot. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be perfectly OK for all people who have unfortunate social circumstances to engage in foolish, wreckless behavior?

She probably won’t give him up, but he’s not likely to fall in love with her or break up with his real girfriend on her account. But in the end, she will end up getting dumped. She needs to grow up and learn how to be a decent person and learn how to attract decent people.

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Hibernate's avatar

There’s no ideal time to say that .

But if you feel it then say it so the awkward moment pases .

mazingerz88's avatar

@fedupwitcaddys I wish you would find the almost if not perfect guy for you. I thought you were a teen when I posted my first answer, which was kind of sweet and nurturing.

But I do understand. It’s really hard sometimes to see beyond what is right in front of you and one’s present circumstances in life hinders movement. You may feel you should make a stand and this is a guy worth fighting for but it’s clear no one is dragging him against his will, hence, I doubt that very much.

Your name is @fedupwitcaddys so why not be @kissinwitgolfchamps or somethin? : )

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Kardamom's avatar

If you want to “deal with it” by yourself, then why are you on this thread asking for advice? You asked for advice and you are getting it. I’m sure you are not pleased with what I have said, because I called you out on your bad behavior. Everyone knows it’s not kind or compassionate to cheat on people and it’s really mean to screw around with other people’s boyfriends and husbands. That is exactly what you are doing. Your problem has nothing to do with whether or not this guy loves you or not. He doesn’t. It’s about why you would choose to get involved with someone that you clearly understand already has a girlfriend (and he didn’t even bother to let you know that in the first place). Your other problem is why you would allow yourself to continue to be in a situation like this, with a man who’s cheating on his real girlfriend.

I had a look at your profile, and you mention that you have/are bi-polar. I’m very sorry for that. I have a few relatives and friends that suffer from that condition too. Unfortunately, bi-polar is one of those conditions that tend to render the sufferer unable or unlikely to choose to do what is right or reasonable, even if they know, intelectually, what the right thing is. They are highly likely to choose to do what is expedient, convenient or what feels good at the moment. People who have un-treated bi-polar conditions tend to act impulsively, and often times, those impulsive moves serve to hurt other people immediately, and themselves in the long run. I sincerely hope that you get some help for your problem. And please, please, please don’ t ever use your conditon as an excuse for indulging in bad behavior. If you know you have a problem, please get help for it.

Fame? No one comes on Fluther looking for fame. Most, if not all of us are completely anonymous. No one gains fame from anonymity. Most of us go on here to help people. Or to help people like you to not hurt other people, like your FWB’s guy’s real girlfriend. We all have had experiences where we’ve been hurt and that is why the majority of us go on Fluther, to share those experiences and to try to help other people from having to suffer in the same way.

I’m curious as to what would you say to your FWB’s guy’s girlfriend if she ever found out about you. Would you tell her that you just don’t give a damn about her?

manolla's avatar

I’m just speachless, it’s sad that there are women like you who accept to be treated like shit by men and seem to believe that they are being treated right.

wundayatta's avatar

Jeez, @Kardamom Stop being so namby-pamby. It would be nice if you could make a judgment once in a while!

Seriously, @Kardamom. Every time there is a question about cheating, you show up and you are about ten times more strident about the immorality of it than anyone else. It seems like half the time you accuse the OP of being a troll, too. Clearly this issue pushes your buttons. I don’t know if you’ve ever spoken to why that is, but I’d sure be interested in your story. I suspect it would help understand where you’re coming from. When you talk about it, it sounds very personal, not at all like reasoned advice.

Similarly, regarding bipolar disorder, you may have a number of relatives with the disorder, but it is clear that your observations haven’t provided you with much, if any understanding of what the disorder is like from the perspective of the person who has it. You have strong opinions about “right and reasonable,” but it doesn’t appear that you are open to any reflection upon your point of view. I get the sense that the book is closed for you. Locked up. Pound the gavel. Send them off to prison.

@fedupwitcaddys I think it’s important to understand that there are a lot of motives a person can have for finding love where they can. In my experience (and I have bipolar disorder, too), love seems like it can save your life. I know that when I was acting out the most, and I thought about how I could be “saved” from dying, love was the only thing I could think of that would make me feel worthy of being alive. If someone loved me…

It was crazy—not in the bipolar sense, but in the ordinary sense. I had maybe six internet affairs in six months. I’d fall in love and then I’d sabotage the thing. Up and down. Up and down. Each time the amplitude of the swing got larger.

I felt like something was wrong with me. I didn’t like being dishonest. I didn’t like being unhappy. Not just unhappy. Miserable to the point that I didn’t see how I could stand it any more. Eventually I confessed to my wife, and she realized I was not behaving as Wundayatta, and she got me to a psychiatrist and diagnosed.

This put me on a more even keel, but the desire for love has not gone away. My wife and I have been working on it in counseling for years now. It is like slogging through a swamp in the Everglades, sinking up to our thighs in the mud, every step we take.

In personal therapy, I have worked on finding other ways besides affairs to fill the void inside me. There are things that work to reduce the anger at myself and the anxiety, and all that stuff, but it hasn’t worked to fill me. The only thing that has worked, so far, to make me feel better about myself, is love. So we work on getting both my wife and I to get to a place where we do get enough love and enough connection.

I think maybe I could survive without it. I think I would be miserable, but alive. I think if I divorced my wife in order to try to find a better relationship that I would certainly die. I would stop taking my meds. Stop going to work. Grow depressed. Because I wouldn’t care. Because inside me, I really don’t care. The only reason why I care is for other people. I don’t make sense without other people. Frankly, I don’t think anyone does, but that’s probably just because of my own perspective on this.

I think we do what we can to find love because I think our lives are at stake. Sometimes—maybe most of the time—it does not fit in with standard morality. You can care about pleasing the public, or you can care about saving your own life. Even though I don’t care about my own life at some level, I do care about it at another. Bipolar, eh?

I encourage you to be kind with yourself. I don’t think it helps to judge yourself about things like this. In my experience, judging myself like that helped lead me towards suicide. I’m sure you remember what it’s like to hate yourself with an unbelievable passion.

It is very dangerous to ask questions like this on public forums. You will always get people who condemn you in the strongest terms. Sometimes I think it is self-hatred that makes us do these things and there are so many people willing to oblige, and they tear us down further and further.

It’s bullshit. We’re human beings. We don’t want to hurt anyone, and we are willing to hurt ourselves to avoid hurting others. Then those people we don’t want to hurt come along and help us get better. How ironic. Personally, I think it is an issue of life or death. I do not condemn you for finding love where you can. You do care about yourself and you need to nurture that, not find excuses to drive yourself back down into hell. Or worse.

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Haleth's avatar

@fedupwitcaddys Try to step back from your feelings and take an objective look at this guy. You say he is compassionate and caring, but he didn’t tell you he had a girlfriend when you first met him, and by the time you found out it was too late. That doesn’t sound compassionate or caring to me, it sounds manipulative and dishonest. He knows that you have strong feelings for you, but he doesn’t leave his girlfriend. He continues to see his girlfriend, but doesn’t break things off with you.

Feeling a strong connection with someone can happen more than once in a lifetime. Sometimes people get all wrapped up in feelings and get into relationships that are a bad idea. I’m guilty of that, and I bet a lot of people are guilty of that, so I’m not going to judge you for cheating. Emotions are a powerful thing. Sending you text messages every day and telling you you’re beautiful is a honeymoon stage kind of behavior. He’s giving you attention and validation but stringing you along, which can be a disastrously potent mix. He sounds like a grade-A douche.

syz's avatar

{mod says} Personal attacks are not appropriate. Please make every effort to post civil responses. This is a public forum and differing opinions are perfectly acceptable – personal attacks are not.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (3points)
Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Okay, this got really weird or whatever since I last checked in.

If a woman says ‘I love you’ to me, the first time I may need to think about it. I may not respond at all. When she says it the second time, I would react appropriately, either telling her “I love you back” or saying “I’m not there yet”.

I want to say this guy may not want to hurt you, but he doesn’t love you. I think he likes you, emotionally and physically. I think he likes the other girl as well. I think he hopes if he does not screw up, he can keep both relationships going indefinitely. That is his plan.

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fedupwitcaddys's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought OMG…..that was the ANSWER I’ve been waiting for! Short and simple. And TO THE POINT. that’s what I needed thank you soo much I can finally move on

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

Everyone have a nice day :-)

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@fedupwitcaddys good luck. I hope things go well for you.

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