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BeccaBoo's avatar

NSFW. What would you define as the difference between burlesque and stripping?

Asked by BeccaBoo (2725points) July 4th, 2011
9 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I am having a debate about this between a few of my female colleagues. I say burlesque is an art form, more about the tease and less about the sleaze. They say its still slutty and stripping. I am NOT in agreement with this… what do you guys think?

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Cruiser's avatar

Burlesque will involve applause and stripping involves folding money inserted in G-strings.

Kayak8's avatar

Burlesque can include ribald jokes and other titillating forms of entertainment that don’t involve removal of clothing. It is more in the manner of mockery than sex. See here

woodcutter's avatar

Spinning tassels? and a pole?

quiddidyquestions's avatar

Burlesque is the art of the tease, stripping is the art of the turn-on.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Elegance, glamour, maybe even natural beauty.

cookieman's avatar

Burlesque is sexy, adult theater.

Strippers dance around a pole and get naked one dollar at a time.

quiddidyquestions's avatar

Some of you seem to look down on stripping. I’m not saying the lifestyle doesn’t have some very serious drawbacks, but have any of you tried it, even in your own homes? Pole dancing well is a freaking skill, and I give those gals major props for having the physical ability and courage to do it.

Plucky's avatar


YARNLADY's avatar

I think the main difference is that Burlesque is an early name for strippers, and they overlap.

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