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Missieut's avatar

When will the pain of cutting contact with an ex go away?

Asked by Missieut (41points) July 4th, 2011
12 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Why do I feel so bad, cutting contact?? My last post was about how someone broke off a long distance relationship with me, but wanted to remain friends. I tried, it’s not working for me, as I still have feelings for him. I told him I’m ending this friendship because I need space. He wasn’t happy about it & swears he will always be there for me. But, after I cut it off, I ran into him at a bar and it was awkward. He posted this on my Facebook wall:
I didn’t walk into anything. The fact is you’re in MY town and you know where I hang out. A random chance of us at the same spot would be probable, because you have no one else to hang out with tonight…and you desperately want to see who I was with. Id say more but I have some class, and don’t feel like explaining to the entire FB universe. Stop posting every emotional microism of your life online, thanks.” 
Yeah total douche move right?? So why do I hurt so much?? And when will the pain of cutting someone out of my life go away?? This is so hard for me. I hardly ever get dumped. Most of my relationships have ended on good terms. I feel so hurt, but it’s what I wanted. To go ahead and cut all contact!!!

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gailcalled's avatar

Send him a FB response that spells “microcosm” correctly, have a big laugh and refuse to give him any more power over you.

Forget about what he wants, what he says to you and what makes him happy…that’s no longer of any interest to you.

marinelife's avatar

I would go ahead and cut him out of your life even more. I would cut Facebook contact with him.

I would make sure that I don’t run into him.

I would start dating someone else.

Your move was the correct one. As long as you are not over him, you can’t be friends.

zenvelo's avatar

Cutting contact includes de-friending him on Facebook. It also means not goingplaces where you might see him, or hanging out with “mutual” friends.

Get yourself involved with something or someone different.

athenasgriffin's avatar

It always hurts to end things fully and completely with someone. Even though it was obviously the right move.

It doesn’t seem like he is a very considerate person, and all you need is a horrible ex turned friend weighing you down.

You can’t get over someone if you are still around them. It is impossible, no matter what anyone says. If you had to see him everyday, everyday you would be seeing all of the things that made you like him in the first place.

Ignore him. Have vast amounts of fun while ignoring him. Put yourself out there, if you aren’t hurting to much. Find someone new.

Judi's avatar

If you’re cutting him out, block him on facebook.

nebule's avatar

I have just ended a relationship with a guy that wasn’t meant to be and I’m in the dilemma of how to cut him out of my life, or whether to. We decided we would “just be friends” but as we all know this is big ask for any one that still has feelings that go beyond friendship. Anyhow…I have made the move of saying that I don’t think we should arrange to meet up as friends at all (because we arranged something last week and he let me down) but I also realised that friendship just isn’t possible when someone doesn’t respect how you feel…particularly in these circumstances. I’m still trying to figure out whether to cut him out of my life completely or not, because he hasn’t done anything particularly nasty to warrant that and I value him as special person…but maybe I’m just fooling myself

So anyway the point is, that it sounds like this guy isn’t particularly humble or kind and has no respect for what you might be going through. I would definitely cut him out of your life completely so that the pain that you are suffering can heal quicker. Staying in touch with those we love but that we cannot have, only causes us more suffering and gives away our power to be happy xx good luck sweetie xxx

Jellie's avatar

YES. In a few months you won’t even know why it was difficult for you. Stay strong and don’t relapse. Make sure you stay around friends who will beat you to a pulp before letting you contact him in any way, shape or form.

Kardamom's avatar

The reason that it hurts so bad is because this guy was discovered to have been a fraud. He told you that he’s always be there for you, but he said that so A: you wouldn’t leave him in the first place, or B: so that he wouldn’t appear to be the douche that he turned out to be.

Now that you know what a mean person he is, you are probably feeling a little guilty for choosing someone like that in the first place, or ashamed because you didn’t realize what a loser her was. So even though you broke up with him, you are still feeling poorly about yourself and your ability to choose wisely. Stop thinking like that right now! These kinds of guys are all about the manipulation. They prey on people who are kind and giving and loving. They march right in and take what they can from people that they know will give them the benefit of the doubt. So stop doubting yourself and just keep repeating that “I dodged a bullet, I dodged a bullet!”

And like the others have stated, you must remove all of his contact info from everywhere. From your FB, e-mail address book, phone, physical address book that’s sitting next to your phone at home. If you have any stuff from him (gifts or mementos that you kept) make a plan to get some of your best pals together and have a little bonfire with all of his crap! Do not give in to the urge to sweetly mail his stuff back to him, or to hang on to his stuff, or else you will always have that attachment to him (and you will have false memories of how wonderful he was). He was never wonderful! He manipulated you into thinking that he was wonderful so that you wouldn’t call him out on his bad deeds and he could just continue doing whatever he pleased, without regard to you.

You might want to consider getting into some very short term therapy. A couple of good sessions with a good counselor can do wonders for you self esteem.

Try to figure out where this dude is likely to turn up, and avoid those places. But know that you are likely, some time down the road, to bump into him somewhere, when you least expect it. When you do see him, just say, “Hi Jeff, how are you?” with a pleasant smile. Then say, “I was just getting some snacks. I’m going to watch a Netflix movie with some friends. Nice to see you, bye.” Resist the urge to flee or hide. But also resist the urge to cry or scream or give his new girlfriend (if there is one) a dirty look. Shake her hand and say hello. But be brief and excuse yourself. Have a bunch of pre-made excuses for why you have to leave (but make them sound legitimate so it doesn’t look like you are fleeing in terror).

If you are mutual friends with other people that he knows, let them casually know that you guys are no longer together and that it would be better for all parties if you didn’t have to co-mingle, and that you’d prefer not to discuss him anymore. You can also, casually ask these people if he’s going to be at such and such a party/event/place so that you can make other plans not to be there.

And then, last but not least, do not sit at home and wallow in sorrow over this guy. He’s not worth the tears that you will cry for him. Make it a priority to get up and out and moving and doing things that you like to do with people who’s company you enjoy. Resist the urge to sit at home and cry. And resist like the devil, the urge to contemplate the “what ifs” and “if I had just done things differently”. This guy is bad news, but guess what? He’s also history.

Eventually, you can do what I do and go on Fluther and help other people to avoid douchey dudes, to see the signs of douche-baggery and head for the hills whenever you see it.

Hope you feel better soon. Good luck and get moving! : )

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@Kardamom…Great answer!

You can be friends with an ex. But that’s usually after a total cut-off for a few months/years, etc. And it depends on how good/bad the breakup was.

The pain goes away when you decide to let it go. Seriously. I have often simply asked Spirit to transform what I feel into something that is better….or I simply say, “Allow me to see this in a different way. Allow me to love in a different way.” And that has worked for me. That doesn’t mean I am going to see him tomorrow and not feel anger/hurt, but it will be less intense until it disappears. I would also try some EFT and/or get therapy.

JLeslie's avatar

How long did you date him? Was it a year or more? In my experience most major breakups take 4–6 months to feel really normal again if the break-up has really shaken you. Sometimes it is a good 2 years to be really so done that you can be friends again.

Missieut's avatar

It was 8 months, but yeah I fell hard. I was trying to move for him & all! The problem is I never got a real answer why it wasn’t working for him. And I thought things were going great on my end. So when he wanted to stay friends, I had false hopes. I have blocked his FB now & all. I know I will be ok. It wasn’t the length of the relationship, but the degree to which I fell for him, hard & fast.

JLeslie's avatar

Sorry for the rough time you are going through, I’ve been there.

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