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livelaughlove21's avatar

(NSFW) Small painless bump on boyfriend's 'down there'?

Asked by livelaughlove21 (15724points) July 13th, 2011
18 responses
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On Memorial Day weekend, my boyfriend accidentally zipped himself in his pants zipper (ouch!). A couple of days later, he noticed a small red bump in that general area. A month and a half later, it’s still there but is now darker. It almost looks like a blackhead with a scab over it. He says he’s tried to pop it but the area is too sensitive for any of that. It’s tiny, you can’t really see it unless you get close, and it’s right on the edge of the head where it meets the shaft.

It doesn’t hurt or itch, it hasn’t popped or anything, it hasn’t gotten bigger, but it worries us because it’s still there. We’re worried that he may have genital warts from one of his sexual partners before me, but when you look up symptoms it basically covers all bumps you could ever get on your genitals. We’re monogamous, and normally I’d never even consider that he’s cheated, but it’s easy for me to freak out over stuff like this—warts, syphilis…I mean, it could be anything. On the other hand, I’m worried about the possibility of penile cancer. I know it’s extremely rare, but I can’t find enough detailed information on it. All the pictures I look up on all of these conditions are really severe. He just has one little bump.

I know it could be nothing and he needs to see a doctor (and he will), but does it sound bad from what I’ve described? Google isn’t doing me any favors here. I know self-diagnosis is a dangerous thing, but it would be nice to find something that isn’t serious like an STD or cancer that it might be.

[Again, I’m not asking for a diagnosis. I’m just asking for my own information from those of you that may have more experience than I do—he’s the only guy I’ve been with.]

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manolla's avatar

It doesn’t really sound that serious from what I read,it really could be anything, I’m glad that he will see a doctor, that is the only way to know for sure.

Lightlyseared's avatar

It sounds like it’s the bruise left from the zipper injury.

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JLeslie's avatar

Could be simply his skin just did not heal well after the zipper incident. Twice in my life I had a mosquito bite not heal well, and left a small red bump. It might be molluscum contagiosum? Although, I doubt it. It might have a scab just from getting roughed up from sexual activity. You really should have a doctor look at it in case it is contagious.

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marinelife's avatar

It sounds like a blood blister from when he caught himself in the zipper. Nothing to worry about. It will go away on its own.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It’s 45 days later. This should not be still there.

JLeslie's avatar

Yeah, too long for a blood blister.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe and @JLeslie Even if he’s been messing with it? Wouldn’t it take longer to heal on such sensitive skin when he keeps irritating it further?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Not for 45 days. Even if he was “messing with it” all the time. Exactly what’s he doing with it?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Only what I said in the question.

tedd's avatar

It could be a scar.

If it were some kind of STD after 45 days you would expect it to A) Spread or B) Go away. So I doubt that.

A blood blister would probably have healed (though I wouldn’t rule out it lasting indefinitely if its continually aggravated by ahem “action”).

livelaughlove21's avatar

@tedd That’s what I thought about the STDs. And since it started off like a little reddish bump and then got darker, that doesn’t sound like any STD I’ve heard of. Plus it doesn’t really look like the warts or syphillis pictures I’ve seen.

If it is a scar, I’ve never seen a scar that looked like that before. But if it’s new or related to the zipper situation, it would probably look different than a scar you’d get from getting a deep cut. I don’t know…

I just really hope it’s nothing really serious like cancer. Again, it doesn’t look like the pictures I’ve seen of penile cancer, but the descriptions online are so vague that ANY bump could be cancer. My boyfriend is 21 and circumsized and no cancer runs in his family. Penile cancer is not only extremely rare in the US, but it mostly occurs in older men over the age of 50 who have never been circumsized.

We’re going to a clinic to get it checked out this weekend. I guess all I can do at this point is hope it’s nothing bad.

tedd's avatar

@livelaughlove21 If the initial mark was caused by his zipper, its most definitely not cancer.

JLeslie's avatar

There is no reason to think it is cancer. It is no coincidence that the bump is where he caught himself in the zipper. Did it bleed when it got caught?

livelaughlove21's avatar

He said it didn’t. But when he spoke to me about it, it was if he wasn’t sure that the zipper caused the original bump, but if it didn’t then why would he associate the two? He’s confusing sometimes, but I don’t think that a malignant lesion would coincidentally pop up a day or two after he zipped himself.

JLeslie's avatar

If it didn’t bleed the pinch could cause a blood blister type thingy. Then maybe healing wrong left a bump. But, we are all guessing, he should go to the doc and rule everything out and get whatever yearly check up he needs at the same time.

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