I’m both. My dad’s sense of humor and my mom always makes fun of me because of this, his legs and feet. I look exactly like my mom and sound just like her.
But I’m a lot more like my father. In looks, actions, pretty much everything but one facet of my personality: stubbornness. That’s a lot more like my mother.
The one I felt the most distant from : my father. I’m now drawn to gardening, photography, repair, speaking my mind, determination, dogs and fishing. I can’t wait to see what I attach myself to next. LOL
I’m stubborn and cautiously optimistic like my father, but I look a lot like my mother. I also get my interest for history/literature from her, as well as my sense of humor.
Both. I have my dads patience, appreciation for life, hopefullness, love of God, and I would like to think his heart and adventurous side.
I have my mothers realistic views of the world, determination, sensibleness, and caution. Both of them love nature and so do I.
I know some of these things are opposite of each other. I think that is what balanced them out as a couple and helped me to be able to see two sides of an issue before coming to conclusions.
I am a lot like my father. Perhaps more strongly my father’s daughter than anything else. I got his hair color, eye color and freckles. His temperament and even many mannerisms. He was rather absent in my early upbringing so I find it amazing how strongly his fingerprint is on my expressions in speech and gestures. I can certainly see ways my mother influenced my upbringing and helped form my early view of the world…but in the battle of nature vs. nurture..it seems my father’s genetics beat out everything else. ;)
Some traits I didn’t recognize as having been part of my personality were clearer when I saw them in my own children, too. Children can be a mirror of sorts..
I have my father’s looks, charisma and reinventing self nature. I have my mother’s tastes as far as material things go. On more than one occasion, my mother and I have gifted each other identical items; we can easily shop for each other in most everything.
I’ve actually always wondered this. My dad passed away when I was 8. I’ve been told that I look a lot like him, but I wonder if I spent enough time with him to inherit any of his characteristics?
I’ve been told that he was a very quiet man and always thought before he spoke. I know I inherited the thinking before I speak, but I am not quiet whatsoever.