Social Question

suzanna28's avatar

Why do some pretty people turn their nose up at everyone ?

Asked by suzanna28 (684points) July 15th, 2011
31 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Is it maybe a defense mechanism that they have because they get hit on alot ?


I know this girl that is very attractive and I find her very unpleasant. She doesn’t smile at people.

When she meets you she kind of turns her nose up at you or although you smile at her or are a friendly to her she is cold.

I am female by the way not male.

How do some people get to be like that?

Then once I asked her if maybe she has a hard time understanding what I say as I am from a different country to her, and she just looked at me and said, no i just don’t know anything about your culture.

I find that to be really weird and rude especially as I have never done anything except to say hello to her occasionally and also my whole life most people have told me I am a very pleasant and friendly person.

Is it that she is racist or xenophobic orsomething or just has issues or some people just don’t like you for no reason?

I am not the only one she did that too. Another friend of mine told me she found her to be that way too.

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ucme's avatar

That’ll be the cosmetic surgery kicking in…possibly!

woodcutter's avatar

It’s possible she could just be a bitch. Avoid these people if you can.

JilltheTooth's avatar

So she doesn’t respond as you’d like to two (count ‘em 2) people and you think it’s everyone? Maybe she’s distracted, has other things on her mind, has a terrible home life, is worried about money, her health, her grandmother, etc. Maybe she thinks you’re a bitch because you seem so quick to judge her.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Maybe she has a social disorder. It sounds to me like you may be expecting something from her that she does not wish to reciprocate.

suzanna28's avatar

just because you have problems that doesn’t mean it is justified to take it out on other people
Jilthe Tooth….and where exactly was I judging her.. I was just being friendly in a normal social situation.

marinelife's avatar

Many very attractive people come to believe all the fawning that they get for their looks. They believe that they are better than others.

SpatzieLover's avatar

People with social disorders have no clue how to be “social”. If she does have one, she wouldn’t know how she was making you feel.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m curious, @suzanna28 , what exactly do you expect from people? On your profile there are 3 out of 14 Qs that show, and they all involve asking why people behave badly in your opinion. People are who they are, and rarely behave in a manner that we would always like. All are individuals, and have as many reasons for their behavior as their are people. You need to ask them why they behave as they do.
And yes, @suzanna28 , like anyone else, I do have problems, yet they have nothing to do with my answer to your Q.

suzanna28's avatar

I ask these questions because human behavious fascinates me sometimes. What is wrong with that ?

I am always trying to understand why some people don’t see things the way others do. What is wrong with that?

And I always say some people in my questions. I don’t ever accuse the human race in general.

Why are you accusing me of voicing my life issues. I thought this is part of what this website is about? So I must not talk about a certain type of behaviour that has hurt my feelings?

Just because I find certain types of behaviour offensive, doesn’t mean I think I am perfect.

I am just trying to understand other people and see if there are any other people that feel the same way or get the same feelings.


SpatzieLover's avatar

When you point a finger, three are pointing back at you @suzanna28. What @JilltheTooth is saying is that you are illustrating examples of how others aren’t complying to some form of social reaction you are expecting.

If human behavior fascinates you, you may want to follow through on your observations of others with communication. When someone does something thta puzzles you, ask them why they did that.

To do that in a way that they will want to answer you, you will have to carefully word your questions without judgement or attack.

suzanna28's avatar

I do ask people eventually why they behave that way but first I try to get the opinions of others to maybe see if I maybe am too sensitive.

I am not pointing any figures. I am making an observation.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I find that to be really weird and rude Your words are judgemental. That is considered to be finger pointing.

suzanna28's avatar

So are you basically saying I should never ask the opinions of others about my issues.

I should just keep it between myself and the person in question. That doesn’t make sense.
Most people always consult others whenever they encounter problems with other people before confronting the person themselves.

It is only human nature !!!

suzanna28's avatar

weird and rude is not judgemental, it is my saying that my feelings were hurt

So if someone hurts my feelings I must never say that .. What exactly are you saying Spatzie Lover ?

gravity's avatar

Sounds like she just isn’t naturally a social person maybe? I know I have gone out at night and put on “the bitch face” because I didn’t want guys to hit on me but most of the time I speak to most everyone. People can be “stuck up” whether they are pretty or ugly though. Also, pretty to you may not be so pretty to someone else. There are too many variables for a proper answer. lolly lolly

suzanna28's avatar

If you find someone’s behaviour to be rude you must never say so. So people are never rude ? What exactly are you saying Spatzie Lover?

incendiary_dan's avatar

Clearly she’s a reptilian interdimensional spy.~

SpatzieLover's avatar

If you were to say “My feelings were hurt” that would not be judgemental. Calling someone “weird” and “rude” is. You have written three questions about how you’re miffed about how others treat you.

It’s time to look in the mirror.

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Allie's avatar

[mod says:] Ok, folks… that’s quite enough. Further inflamatory responses will be removed. Thank you.

suzanna28's avatar

So if a child snaps at their mother. The mother must not say she was rude ?? She must say Oh my feelings were hurt. !! that doesn’t make any sense

SpatzieLover's avatar

You are asking questions about adults, correct? Adults do not need to be reprimanded by their friends or families.

If you use judgemental words in real life, people will most likely notice and shy away from you.

woodcutter's avatar

hmmm- stop following…click

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Hibernate's avatar

When she doesn’t engage into a conversation it’s mainly because she doesn’t know what to say after hello.

Hibernate's avatar

If it’s social how “unhelpful” can the answer be if one was suppose to express themselves [even the bad ones]?

incendiary_dan's avatar

I like how one of my ridiculous answers was moderated, but not the other. :P

King_Pariah's avatar

Some because they feel as if they should only interact with similar people and plain/ugly people are not worth their time.

Some because they get hit on much too much and use it as a defensive mechanism.

Some because simply, they’re antisocial

Simply, their are a variety of reasons for someone like her to act the way they do. Believe or not, many of them are using it as a defensive mechanism, why? Who knows, maybe they’ve had early life trauma or a deep “dark” secret that they don’t want just anyone finding out and using it against them. Rude? perhaps. Weird? it’s common enough here in the states that I don’t believe it would be considered to be “weird.”

Though it could be considered pretty rude to ask what you did, she could have felt that you considered her to be racist or xenophobic, which really would only encourage her to keep her distance from you.

Only138's avatar

Cuz they’re snobby bitches. :)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

In this scenario, there is only one example given where a ‘pretty’ person appears to come across as snobbish. That is not enough evidence to support the fact that there is any connection. It is only an example of one person’s actions. We all have different personalities, and the people that can please all are few and far between.

Like you, I am fascinated by the differences in personalities. What I have learned is to embrace most of the differences. It doesn’t sound as if you have reached this point yet. Once I stopped comparing my own natural reactions to others and judging them for being different, it was enlightening.

How about trying to get to know this young lady a bit better? There is always the chance that she might need a true blue friend, and you might learn something valuable from her.

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