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edmartin101's avatar

How well do you remember your first kiss?

Asked by edmartin101 (776points) April 30th, 2008
35 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Were you just testing the water or were you in love? Did you do it in a public place or a discreet place? How did you feel?

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cheebdragon's avatar

ugh…....dont remind me….

ebenezer's avatar

Seems I done recall the specifics. I think it was in a car and I was confused and excited. How novel that must be…

wildflower's avatar

Wasn’t in love but curios and nervous about not knowing what to do…...and I remember it pretty vividly.

edmartin101's avatar

@cheebdragon I am sorry to know it wasn’t a pleasant experience in your case. I hope you did eventually find your love
@ebenezer men don’t usually remember these experiences as much as women do. I wonder why that is the case.
@wildflower Would you say it was a nice experience since you remember it vividly? We tend to remember more the positive experiences we have had in our lives, don’t we?

wildflower's avatar

Well the first part of your q’s a bit personal….As for the second part, I think we remember the surprising/shocking/scary/thrilling experiences….the ones that get your adrenalin pumping. And I would say it fell in to one of those catagories.

kksw's avatar

Urgh, well mine was this horrible sloppy kiss which was a dare for truth or dare at the back of a school bus! he was a nice boy though!

jrpowell's avatar

I actually had three first kisses.

The first was while I was in the third grade at a Girl Scout thing. My mom was a troop leader and my sister was a scout. They had this big thing out in the woods and I went along. A girl in my class was there and she gave me a peck on the cheek while we were hiding in a closet. It was really sweet and for some reason she stopped talking to me at school after that. (she kissed me and I actually still remember her name)

Second would be a bit later when I was twelve or thirteen. My first kiss with tongue. A friend of my sisters that lived in the same apartment complex decided that I should know how to kiss. Nothing romantic, but a valuable experience that would pay off later in life. It was really awkward and gross at first but after about five minutes I could see the appeal.

My real first kiss was with a girl who I would later lose my virginity to. I will leave out some details. But we were alone in my bedroom on my bed with the lights out listening to The Smashing Pumpkins and that led to my first romantic kiss with a girl I would eventually fall in love with.

qashqai's avatar

It was yesterday!
I guess I have to remember it..

Sloane2024's avatar

I was thirteen. This boy I’d been trying to get to notice me for 2.5 months before we started dating in Janusry was sitting with me in the bak of my mom’s SUV in May. We’d just gotten back from our youth trip to see the latest star wars film & he rode home with me instead of on the church bus or with his parents. As we sat in his driveway waiting on his parents to get home, my mom tossing a ball back & forth with my sister outside, I sat up from my position of laying against his chest, & said, “I’m incredibley nervous about doin this, but I’m goin to anyway.” I leaned in & kissed him. Afterwards, I laid right back down where I’d been before & the only words that emanated from his mouth were,“Wow…” u gotta understand, I was, & still am, attracted to unbelievabley smart guys, so obviously, this one was a genius. He was 14 & already had a 32 on his ACT, so his social skills weren’t/aren’t the best in the world, but at that moment I was so genuinely ecstatic, words cannot express. When his parents finally showed up & we departed, I screamed with delight as soon as my mom & sister got in the car. I remember exactly what both of us were wearing, but its not because I’m not over him, I was just SO happy & amazingly excited that I vowed to remember every minute detail of that night, & have been unable to forget anything about may 21, 10:00 pm. Lol

ninjaxmarc's avatar

first kiss was something a friend of mine owed as a favor. This was middle school and she had a crush on me. She goes I’ll meet you at the side door of the gym if you let me copy your paper. I was scared. Being young, I had been growing up as a dork, nerd and with no real street smarts. I met with her and I remember it was just not a kiss but a full on make out session. It was great, we eventually made it a ritual started dating and I lost my virginity to her. She was experienced and she taught me enough

babygalll's avatar

It wasn’t planned. It just happened, so there wasn’t anytime for being nervous. Which was good. It was amazing and I still do remember the feeling as if it was yesterday.

Bri_L's avatar

It was a “im going in and getting this over” thing. I was much better the next time.

missbabyboo's avatar

my very first kiss was to my ex in 8th grade…and it was on his birthday
we werent in love, but we liked each other alot.
we kissed at a park near our school…
i felt nervous but then bitter sweet

jewels10's avatar

I remember it pretty well actually. Hadn’t thought about it in a LONG time though! 7th grade. After school. He walked me up the bus route to where my mom worked. Very nervous. I think everyone knew he was going to kiss me after school so I had been hearing about it all day! It was very sweet and still makes me smile. Love? I guess as much as 7th graders can be! Remained friends

scamp's avatar

It was just a puppy love kind of kiss, and I remember he got ready for it by popping a piece of spearmint gum in his mouth first!

Bri_L's avatar

@ Scamp – You put the mint in his mouth? What is the story there?

scamp's avatar

No.. HE did. He had a pack of doublemint spearmint gum in his pocket, and he put a peice in his mouth when I got off the bus. He kissed me in front school one morning. I can just hear people now.. Is that a pack of gum in your pocket, or are you glad to see me? Ha ha!! We were 12.

cheebdragon's avatar

kksw~ LOL sounds just like mine! Except replace the school bus with the back of the class room on the last day of school.

Bri_L's avatar

@ Scamp- OOps, read that wrong. hehe. Boy, there have been times where I have said ” I am going to have a mint for my bad breath, would you like 34 for your self?”.

Allie's avatar

My first kiss was with the kid around the corner. His name was Billy. We were in the second grade. We were playing at his house and I guess we just got curious so we kissed. The next day at school he told everybody I was his girlfriend. I wasn’t.
My first “I-like-you” kiss was with my first boyfriend, Lance. Seventh grade. His brother was driving us home and we kissed in the backseat, all secret-like, then held hands the rest of the way.

Bri_L's avatar

@ Allie – I bet that was the coolest hand hold ever.

scamp's avatar

@Bri_L It’s ok, I do that all the time myself!

@Allie , that’s a sweet story!

Allie's avatar


TennesseeTeacake's avatar

@allie that is really cute. lucky girl.

Trance24's avatar

It was a very awkward moment the guy way 4 years older then me.

hearkat's avatar

My first kiss on the lips was my summer camp Sweetie when I was 12. I remember his name, but don’t remember much about the kiss itself.

My first French kiss was in the 9th grade… he asked me to be his gf earlier that day, and he walked me to my bus and we started making out… I was so nervous, but I just followed his lead and tried not to be obvious that it was my first time. I was really enjoying it until 2 of my best friends walked by and one said to the other, “When did she learn how to do THAT?” I had to try so hard not to laugh and prayed that he didn’t hear it or at least didn’t know she was talking about me!

kevbo's avatar

I was seven and laying with the next door neighbor girl under a pile of coats in the back of my parents’ ‘73 Malibu station wagon on a cold night coming home from a short day trip and dinner with both families. My mom caught us not too far into it and made us separate.

First French kiss happened when I was 9 or 10. (We had moved since the story above.) My parents arranged for my sister and I to stay overnight with the single mom and two girls across the street. For whatever reason, the mom saw fit to have her older daughter and my sister sleep upstairs in the girls’ bedroom and put the younger daughter (who was my age) and me downstairs on the floor in the den. At some point, Monique asked if I wanted to “smooch.” I was thinking closed mouth, and she was thinking tongue action. Tongue action won.

into it and made us separate.

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

I kind of have two first kisses, one being technically and the other being the one I remember vividly.

The first took place at a small concert of sorts. There was a comic book store in my town that rented out the space next to it and hosted local bands every couple of weeks or so. I was sitting on the couch with the girl I liked, exhausted and dazed from the loud music. I was, surprisingly and quite stupidly, on the verge of sleep when she kissed me to test the waters. I was out of it, so I almost didn’t even realize that it happened, and wasn’t even really sure that it did happen for a minute.

The second was a couple of awkward days later, when I told her that I really did like her. We were on the bus home from school, and I was feeling horrible because after I told her she said “I’m not sure you’re gonna like what I’m gonna say” and then got really quite. Naturally, I assumed that she was going to reject me, but she ended up asking me to kiss her. It was one of those glorious, clumsy moments that I knew I would never forget. What I didn’t know is that while I was right about the not forgetting part, I was wrong about the glorious aspect being eternal. Now, after all these years, it kinda grosses me out ‘cause she turned out to be a heinous monster.

Bri_L's avatar

well, I just found out my first kiss is now a lesbian. So, that is, to say the least, amusing.

thewied's avatar

It was a couple days ago, and im trying to forget it. The girl was/is my older sisters best friend (age: 17). Im only 14. We were hanging out upstairs and my sister “Jane” was getting a soda. But then my sis’s friend “Mary” closed the door to my room, pushed me onto my bed, got on top of me and then started kissing me. I kissed back after a couple seconds and then i stopped but she kept kissing. I felt REALLY awkward after that. She stopped after about 1 minute. There ws tongue and everything. Does anyone know what I should do?

cheebdragon's avatar

Why don’t I believe you?

thewied's avatar

Because you don’t. And you don’‘t have to. You can choose NOT to belive me even though I answered the question truthfully.

aprilsimnel's avatar

My first real kiss? Freshman year in college (I hadn’t been allowed to date when I was living at home). The young man wasn’t the love of my life or anything, nor I his, but I have to give him his props: he could really, really kiss. HOO! I thought my toes were going to melt off. We made out a lot.

Some other guy my freshman year tried to make out with my feet, so he doesn’t count.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, my…I was only nine, and he was thirteen, and for all that, it was about as innocent as could be. We were sitting on a high rock in a small wood, at church camp, after strolling hand-in-hand around the campus, and we kissed three times on top of the rock. It was sweet and wonderful and unforgettable.

Later some other kids said “We saw you kissing through the trees!” and we stoutly denied it, a wicked lie that I then had to seek forgiveness for in earnest, sobbing prayer.

We wrote letters faithfully for two years, until he asked me to come and be his “little wife” when we grew up, which so scared and disgusted me that I never wrote back.

laurenlovesjoseph's avatar

ugh please dont remind me of my first kiss

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