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unused_bagels's avatar

How do you write an intimate scene (NSFW)

Asked by unused_bagels (1749points) July 17th, 2011
18 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I’m writing the script for my graphic novel and have come to an impasse. There’s about 3 planned sex scenes (listed in approximate order of appearance):
Between Shift and Jeremiah two superheroes who meet on the battlefield and find an animal attraction and have a loose, NSA relationship
Between Ruth and her Professor in a flash-back to college, we get a window into the main character’s past, where she becomes attracted to (and possibly seduced by) her professor, a married man. Ruth ends up falling in love with him, after which he leaves her and works things out with his wife.
Between Ruth and Anthony Possibly the messiest of affairs, my main character and the villain of the story fall in love and make sweet, passionate love (remember the scene in Terminator?) just after he “saved her” from Shift, superheroine and Ruth’s good friend.

I’m not looking for someone to write the scenes for me, but how does one go about writing the build-up and sexual tension in a comic or screenplay or other such medium? Does anyone have any ideas or jump-off points? Is there a comic I should read or movie I should watch for ideas?

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cookieman's avatar

@unused_bagels leaned heavily in the door frame, the weight of battle visible on her sweat-glistened body. Her uniform in tatters, she longed for a hot bath as she made her way to the amazing-mobile.

“Heading home?” The voice was thick in the dust-choked air. The smell of brimstone burned her nose as she turned to see @cprevite step out of the shadows. He was the super-cookie and, despite her exhaustion, she wanted a bite.

marinelife's avatar

Imagine the scene. Then write it.

throssog's avatar

@unused_bagels As this is for a graphic novel you have the advantage of being able to show the interest and lustful appearance(s) of your characters. In this you are more fortunate than text novel authors as they must describe and attempt to convey with words alone these emotions. You might try reading some of the author helps and writing lessons on Starla Kaye’s website:
give it a try. Best of luck with your graphic novel. Is there anywhere ‘we’ might see some of your work?
By the bye- do you know of Menton Matthews work ? I’m told he is rather good.

unused_bagels's avatar

@throssog it’s at for now, until I actually finish most of it and get my wife to build it a real website. So far, it’s mostly sketches and such.
Never heard of Menton Matthews.

chyna's avatar

@cprevite You had me at sweat glistened body.

throssog's avatar

@unused_bagels Mr. Matthews is the author/artist of Art of Memory and some few other graphic novels as well as a painter of some merit. You might enjoy seeing some of his work.
Artwork by Menton J. Matthews III
menton3 on deviantART
Silent Hill: Past Life #3 Comic Review | Digital Retribution – Australia

Talented lad, inmho. :)
Let ‘us’ know when you’ve posted some work – love to see it. Best of luck.

unused_bagels's avatar

@throssog by “posted some work” do you mean script, or drawings? I have some completed pages up, and can PM you part of the script if you’re interested, but I pretty much had to halt drawings until the script was finished. Originally it was going to be a serial, but now that it’s a complete work, I probably will end up going back and editing earlier pages as the story fleshes out.

Menton looks awesome. It’s my kind of creepy.

throssog's avatar

Should love to see any part(s) you wish to share with me.

cookieman's avatar

@chyna: I was gonna go with creamy, supple thighs but thought it was too much.

gailcalled's avatar

Use “heaving” alot.

throssog's avatar

@cprevite Lovely image,...but how to then describe the female,eh?
@gailcalled Hmmm, what of the use of “pulsating/throbbing”?

redfeather's avatar

“then they did it.”

Just kidding.

Just use your imagination. You’re married right? Ask your wife for help, but don’t get too excited before you write it all down.

throssog's avatar

@redfeather Hmmm, how about the tried and true techniques of Norah Roberts/J.D.Robb? Of course there are the ‘new’ “spanking/s&m,etc.” sites. They seem to have quite a few ways to enhance the “sex scene”...or do they?

redfeather's avatar

@throssog I’m not familiar with those people, nor do I frequent those sites. Perhaps you can link @unused_bagels to them as I am not the one writing the sex scenes.

unused_bagels's avatar

@unused_bagels is already very interested in spanking, s&m, and such

redfeather's avatar

Okay….? Thought I had a good tidbit of advice but I guess not, see y’all around!

throssog's avatar

@redfeather Nor am I . However, they do represent a growing…dare one say swelling(?) genre of the on-line/e-publishing community.

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