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throssog's avatar

Questions too hot for fluther?

Asked by throssog (795points) July 19th, 2011
34 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Are some topics, questions too controversial for fluthering? It would seem so, from my recent experience. How about yours.

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Blackberry's avatar

No, but some of the ways people word questions (you know, without tact) are very hot. We talk about racism, abortion, beastiality, sex toys, rape…..It doesn’t get hotter than that lol.

rOs's avatar

@Blackberry Yeah, I don’t think they mean to be so prejudiced; they are just hindered by overwhelming ignorance.

@throssog What questions have you found to be controversial?

throssog's avatar

@Blackberry I tried to post one earlier today that had to be “edited” and then disappeared.??
@rOs No, it wasn’t about “becoming a criminal” :). It was about a racist, imho, study done with government funding referencing the increased life expectancy of Black men when incarcerated.
I have resubmitted it with a new “question expresion” and we’ll see what happens
If you are interested:
“Black men survive longer in prison than out: study”
Love to have your thoughts. :)

erichw1504's avatar

@Blackberry you forgot boobies.

Seaofclouds's avatar

@throssog Sometimes, after a questions is edited, it takes a little while for the mod team to get it posted again. Once it is posted again, it will go back to the spot it was at on the page (meaning it doesn’t get put at the top of the questions). Questions that were sent back for editing to the question asker then have to be checked by the mod team before it will be posted again. With that in mind your question probably didn’t actually disappear, it is probably just waiting for a mod to get it reposted.

I agree with @Blackberry, we’ve discussed just about everything on Fluther. Sometimes the conversations get a bit heated, but as long as it’s just a conversation and not someone posting a question just to start an arguement, it sticks around.

rOs's avatar

@throssog I won’t even touch that one. Suffice to say that the prison system sucks.

I agree with @Seaofclouds agreeing with @Blackberry, pretty much anything goes.

throssog's avatar

@Seaofclouds I believe you may well be right. However, it does seem odd, to me, that I’ve heard nothing further since about 7:00am, 6 hours ago. Ah well, there you have it. Did I mention it was denominated “Flame Bait”. Hmmm. Thought fluther was above such.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I agree with rOs agreeing with Seaofclouds agreeing with Blackberry. Pretty much anything goes as long as it’s well stated.

throssog's avatar

@rOs Wont even touch it? Hmm, may I ask why not? Seemed of importance to me. If the gov’t is funding and disseminating such “studies” shouldn’t somebody inquire a bit into it? Perhaps it is the new buzz word/ buzz phrase system? IO found it , the study , its conclusions and the seemingly scientific methodology of drawing the why/how/because of of the “study a bit troubling. Don’t you?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@throssog It has to do with the way you are writing up that question. It is too confusing. Which article are you linking? Why do you think it has to do with racism? Put those details in the “details section” of your question.

I don’t think there is a topic “too hot” for Fluther.

Seaofclouds's avatar

@throssog Our mod team are all volunteers (except for Augustlan). Since they are all volunteers, they don’t have set schedules and do what they can, when they can. Because of that, there isn’t always a mod around.

thorninmud's avatar

@throssog Yeah, it was entirely unclear what you were linking to in your post. The particular article you were referencing wasn’t what comes up first on the page; it’s way down on the page, and you didn’t tell us what we were looking for.

throssog's avatar

@SpatzieLover Thanks. I’ll try to remember the advice. :)

throssog's avatar

@thorninmud Well the link was n’t clear but it also wasn’t in the question description as it wasn’t the point of this question. :) But, I do hope you viewed the article as well. Better directions can be found in my first reply.
In the original question description I included the entire article, it is short, in the description. Got a message about it being too much and flame bait. Ah well, there you have it,eh?

thorninmud's avatar

@throssog Maybe I didn’t see the first version of your Q, but in the second version (now gone too) the details just gave the link without a description.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I didn’t know which article to read…I read fast, but I still hadn’t found the article. It wasn’t too much flame bait if you’d have asked it in an impartial way and given more details.

Next time you can copy & paste then type “SOURCE”: with the link. That way people can read the gist of the article without being forced to go to the link (some of us are lazy like that ;)

JLeslie's avatar

A lot of the editing and reposting of questions is done during the evening, and wee hours of the night US time. The question will probably come back. If you don’t see it in 48 hours send a PM to Augustlan.

Hibernate's avatar

It all depends on how you ask and how people reply to them.

If for instance one asks about supporting a murderer or enjoying seeing you kids suffer or similar stuff then it’s 100% sure this will get controversial.
If you got a full tank of unleaded it’s bound not to stop easy ^^

throssog's avatar

@thorninmud Gone as well? Ha! There you have it,eh? Enough said I imagine.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@throssog As @JLeslie, you’ll get a message later telling you to edit it. It seemed like a good question. Just edit it and repost.

I wanted to answer it, but couldn’t figure it out on my own.

Blackberry's avatar

@throssog Sorry man, but there were some grammar mistakes in the last question, but I answered it :)

throssog's avatar

@SpatzieLover @Hibernate @JLeslie @thorninmud @Seaofclouds @Adirondackwannabe @rOs @erichw1504 @Blackberry
I want to thank you , all, for the kind remarks and the time you took to attempt to educate me in the ways of fluther and of posting. Again, thanks.
Now, with that said: It seems that an attempt to re-post a different phrasing and description of the question and article , with better, I thought, directions to it, has been withdrawn as a “duplicate”. Hmmm, can it be that such a topic is too un/non PC for this site? I wonder. I shall be patient and await the decision “from on high”. :)
Thanks , again.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yes, you should have edited the first question…Instead you typed it up as a new one. Go to the first email you got from Fluther & edit the question they labeled “Flame-Bait”.

throssog's avatar

@SpatzieLover Did that hours ago. However, it seems that a moderator has seen fit to review the second question and has informed me it should now,i.e., soon be posted. We’ll see, eh? Perhaps I am just not patient enough? Mea culpa, etc., etc., etc. :)

SpatzieLover's avatar

Good luck @throssog. I’ll be on the watch for it ;)

throssog's avatar

@SpatzieLover Again, thanks for your kindness, information and patience to and with me.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@throssog Neither the first version nor the second version of your question was moderated for being “too hot” for Fluther. I am not the one who removed either version, but there were clear reasons to remove them. The second version was, first and foremost, an attempt to circumvent the moderation process. Rather than edit the question that was sent back, you decided to just ask it again (thus creating a duplicate, which is another problem). Moreover, you did so without addressing any of the problems with the first version (which is a third problem) and your details section did not adequately frame the question (a fourth problem). Trying to “beat the system” like this is the kind of thing that can get you banned, though we obviously decided that such measures were unnecessary in this case.

The first version of the question, meanwhile, had three major problems. The first is that the way it was originally posed was just begging for flamey responses and made you look like the racist (not the study). That does not bode well for a thoughtful conversation. Second, there were spelling errors, which are almost always addressed when they appear in questions because of the fact that there isn’t a limited editing window (unlike with responses, which cannot be returned to users for editing). Finally, it violates our copyright policy by copying information wholesale from a web resource but not giving a direct link to the original.

The question has been returned to you for editing. Fix these problems, and the question will be approved.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@throssog I’ve read that study. Don’t know why you’d think it racist.

JLeslie's avatar

There is rarely something too unPC. That was not the explanation given to you when it was bounced for editing, right? So that is not the reason. The mods are not going to make you read between the lines, they will tell you the problem. We have all had questions bounced for editing, not to worry.

bob_'s avatar

Global warming.

Berserker's avatar

As already stated, I think the way a question is worded is what’s too hot for Fluther…a racist statement disguised as a question, for example. Not too angry to see those go, thanks.

Although I’m think pregnancy and dream questions are probably too hot for Fluther…XD

That, and anything that has the name Symbeline in it. :D

throssog's avatar

@SavoirFaire Ah, well .I’ll give it a try and see.

Coloma's avatar

Nothing too hot maybe, but, too depraved yes.
Start talking about poo fetishes and other hardcore unsavory nastiness and that’s when I’ll exit. Pedophile talk is right up there as well. I start thinking about the hangin’ tree in my pasture.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Coloma I must concur. I can’t stomach talk that revolves around pedophilia, unless it involves savagely torturing the pedophile before I kill him. I also get turned off by talk of scat/coprophilia.

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