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AshLeigh's avatar

What's a nickname you've given someone you don't like?

Asked by AshLeigh (16340points) July 20th, 2011
45 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

My sisters ex boyfriend is named Richie. But I call him Crotchie. :)

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ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Never happened. I only give nicknames to people that I like. I try not to expend extra energy on people that I dislike.

Faidle's avatar

Ahh. Harold will forever be Abraham Lincoln…(:

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I haven’t. Mom, on the other hand, once referred to my ex-boyfriend as SOB. (Sneaky Ol’ Brian.) At least she waited until we broke up to refer to him by that.

Schroedes13's avatar

I once called my Mom a Grass Nazi. However, I love her and I was not happy with her at that moment in time.

everephebe's avatar

Laertes, for my girlfriend-ex-girlfriend’s brother (-it’s not that I dislike him, we just don’t get along).

Schroedes13's avatar

Also, not in front of her, but my family and I sometimes put “The” in front of my Mom’s name. “The Beatrice”!

woodcutter's avatar

I don’t dislike anyone in particular. All I can come up with is the generic asshole name when it is applicable. Dull I know.

zenvelo's avatar

We call a guy at work “hot cut”. We shut down one operation on a Friday and reopened in a new location on a new system on Monday, but with all the hundreds of phone lines moved over the weekend.

A lot of us were involved, but he has been talking about “leading” the greatest “hot cut” for two years now.

He also lives in New Jersey near the beach so we also call him “the situation.”

Kardamom's avatar

At work, we used to call this douchey guy and the equally offensive female co-worker he was banging (even though he was married) Peaches and Herb.

It was so we could talk about them and if they accidentally over heard us, they would have no idea what we were talking about.

TexasDude's avatar

The Original All Purpose Ditch-Bitch, Cockmongler, and The Honorable Mr. Mayor are three derisive nicknames for three less than pleasant humans I know.

Schroedes13's avatar

@Fiddle I also like to keep Muppet in my repertoire as well. People generally don’t find it that derogatory or pejorative, but it still conveys my point! :P

Berserker's avatar

There’s this manager at work who’s last name is Reid, but I call him ****** Rai. (reh) Rai in French is a slang for ass. Because he’s an ass.

ddude1116's avatar

I kid my mildly annoying friend by calling him Piggy Boy in lieu of Deliverance since he hated it, a lot. So now he is forever deemed Piggy Boy because he showed expected albeit extreme and annoying distaste in a wildly disturbing scene in an inherently fucked up movie with a gorgeous setting.

TexasDude's avatar

@Schroedes13 I’ve used that one before. And “affected twit.”

Schroedes13's avatar

LOL! I like that one!

abysmalbeauty's avatar

I don’t make up names for people but my friend does and I happily go along with them…. One lady who we know is called “hot wheels” shes quite large, has a walker, missing most of her teeth, haircut was most likely done with a hack saw and shes probably the most irritating person I’ve ever met. Another is called “weezey” she smokes so much that he breath smells worse than an ashtray.

I really feel like a terrible person now….

Coloma's avatar

No nicknames, but, once I named a pet rat I had after a boss I strongly disliked.
It made me laugh to myself whenever I thought of telling her I named a rat “Nancy” after her. lol
Nancy the rat was waaay nicer than Nancy the human.

keobooks's avatar

There was a woman I used to hang out in the same social scenes at I dubbed “The Heckler”. Mostly it was because I didn’t know her name for the longest time. For a while, I couldn’t even tell who she was, because she would literally talk right behind my back (and the backs of others, I later noticed). She was this disembodied snarky sarcastic voice.

She had a way of raining on everyone’s parade by making fun of everyone and everything. I actually based a short story character off of her (someone was cursed to always sound sarcastic and catty—even when they weren’t!)

Anyway, I know her name—but she’s still “The Heckler” in my mind.I avoid any outing when I hear she’ll be coming.

FutureMemory's avatar

We named the office busybody/pain-in-the-ass “Mongo”, from the film Blazing Saddles. Her real name was Margaret. One time I said “Mongo” with her in the room, but I don’t think she noticed. The looks I got from across the break room table were priceless.

I have an older (seventies) friend that’s a mad scientist type, always coming up with strange ways of solving mechanical problems. We named him Igor.

anartist's avatar

Peanut [because he looks like Mr Peanut]

Jeruba's avatar

Terrible Jane.

woodcutter's avatar

@Coloma they usually are

keobooks's avatar

I just thought of one my husband has. Someone in his office is known by everyone as “Angry Garden Gnome” That’s my favorite one.

Jude's avatar

My g/f’s dink of a co-worker, she (and a few others in the office) call him “Iron Panties”.

lillycoyote's avatar

At a place I used to work we only gave nicknames to people we didn’t like. Except for Skippy; we actually liked her; she was a puppy trapped in a girl’s body.

Coloma's avatar


LOL…That just made my day!

I do like to joke about certain people I avoid when their shadow sides are on the uprising, I say that I am in fill in the blanks ” The————free zone—haha

SpatzieLover's avatar

Lousy Bastard: Luckily I never have to see him again, but that will forever be how is refered to in my presence. Period!

cazzie's avatar

I worked for a man and wife team and referred to them as Don (Quixote) and Sancho (Panza).

linguaphile's avatar

TPDT. That Poor Dumb Thing— the person my son and I use that nickname for has a habit of stating the painfully obvious, but at the same time missing the obvious!
There’s a really annoying girl that used to hang around my son- she darted around like a squirrel and one day… I realized she even looked like Sid from the Ice Age with wide apart eyes. I have no idea what her real name is… oops!

ucme's avatar

Cuntflap…..otherwise known as the MIL.

AshLeigh's avatar

O___O Just O___O

ucme's avatar

@AshLeigh I’m afraid I speak only English, i’m not familiar with binary.

AshLeigh's avatar

Google translate? :P

ucme's avatar

Oh the fuckin irony.

Schroedes13's avatar

I also enjoy numpty!

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, yes, and there was this one girl in my college dorm: to know her was to suffer. One of my best friends was Thai, and she explained that in her culture there was a notion of spirits or ghosts of all sorts, some of them being associated with specific locations. We nicknamed that one girl with a Thai word that meant something like “ghost of the outhouse.” I can’t remember the word now. We could speak about her in front of everyone, and they didn’t know what we were saying or what we were giggling about.

How immature! I know. Well, so we were.

rebbel's avatar

There is a woman who annually visits the Greek island that I also frequent
She is about 6 foot 5 and most of those six foot are her legs.
The locals call her, without her knowing, Endeka, which means eleven in Greek.

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everephebe's avatar

Hey, apparently one of my nicknames is ‘Lord Voldemort’ or ‘You-know-who.’
Should I begin to work on my evil laugh?

anartist's avatar

The Bitch of the Baskervilles

AshLeigh's avatar

@anartist >.< Love it! Hahaha.

anartist's avatar

@AshLeigh thabk you :-)

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

We call my hot-tempered son Donald Duck, and when he goes off about something, we say he is having a quack-attack.

Crashsequence2012's avatar

Mister President. (10/22/12)

AshLeigh's avatar

Master Splinter.

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