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Londongirl's avatar

Would a guy often give compliments to a girl they like?

Asked by Londongirl (1880points) July 29th, 2011
38 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Would a guy often give compliments to a girl they like?

Or the opposite that they will hold up to compliments?

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tom_g's avatar

A guy that gives compliments to girls he likes will give compliments to girls he likes. A guy who doesn’t give compliments to girls he likes will not give compliments to girls he likes.

Londongirl's avatar

tom: ??? ;-o

wundayatta's avatar

Sure. But what kind of compliments? I used to think that, during the time of feminism, women didn’t want compliments on their looks. I could admire their brains, but not their bodies.

Nowadays, it seems like that never existed. So a guy should be free to compliment his girl on anything. If he likes her or loves her, it will be natural. He won’t be able to think a single bad thing. He will revel in telling her how wonderful she is; how beautiful; how no other girl compares.

Londongirl's avatar

Waundayatta: True… but I just think some guys don’t compliment much so you don’t know if he likes me or not… but he does fish for compliments himself though..

wundayatta's avatar

I do not think fishing for compliments means he likes you. If he doesn’t compliment you much, he might be inhibited or shy about saying nice things or those things may not occur to him. I can’t imagine that he wouldn’t say them if he wasn’t shy and he did think them. If he didn’t give you compliments under those conditions, then I would say he is playing games.

JLeslie's avatar

I hope so. Probably depends on the person, some people feel comfortable giving compliments, some don’t.

Londongirl's avatar

JL: yes I don’t give compliments a lot to guys too…

tom_g's avatar

@Londongirl: “tom: ??? ;-o”

Please do not take this as an attack. I don’t intend it to be anything but some constructive criticism. Your last 3 questions have been related:
“How to make a guy want to have a relationship with you?”
“How do you know if a guy want to have a relationship with you?”
“Would a guy often give compliments to a girl they like?”

I understand that relationships are difficult. Understanding what is going on can be one of the most complex puzzles we attempt precisely because we are dealing with people. This trio of questions, and the follow-ups within the previous two, seem to me that you are approaching this “problem” as though you are asking us how to make pancakes.

I’ll stick with the current question. “Would a guy often give compliments to a girl they like?” In order to answer this question, we need to acknowledge…

- There are guys who are comfortable giving compliments.
– There are guys who are uncomfortable giving compliments.
– There are guys who are comfortable giving compliments to women they like and dislike.
– There are guys who are comfortable giving compliments only to women they dislike.
– There are guys who are comfortable giving compliments only to women they like.
– There are guys who are comfortable giving dishonest compliments only to women they dislike.
– There are guys who are comfortable giving dishonest compliments only to women they like.
– There are guys who are….
– etc….

I really wish it was as simple as saying “yes” or “no” to this question. If we were discussing pancakes, it may be possible to discuss whether or not to grease a pan with vegetable oil or butter. We’re talking about people. Disgusting, beautiful, complex, messy, messed-up people.

The only answer I can provide to these questions is…1. Find yourself. 2. Be yourself.
If and when you find yourself in a relationship with someone who digs you being yourself, and you dig him, then you’ve solved all three of your questions. Good luck.

Londongirl's avatar

I like to discuss things in my mind so not really specifically seeking for answers, but thanks for your thoughts. :)

john65pennington's avatar

I have been giving compliments to my wife for 45 years.

So, I guess that means I like her…...right?

Londongirl's avatar

john: yes I believe so…

SpatzieLover's avatar

To get in her pants? Yes.

Seriously, he’s just not that into you

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DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@SpatzieLover…I agree.

You said he doesn’t compliment you but fishes for compliments for himself?

(Danger, danger, Will Robinson.)

With all the things you have written in this post (and the others this week) it is obvious that you are desperate to find out whether this man likes you for the long-term or not. Most of us don’t think that he is being very honest with you.

After reading this posting….I think you may be dating a narcissist or someone who has those traits….please read below….and if I were you, I would value myself enough to get out now and find someone who is a “normal, nice guy” who will appreciate you. Getting involved with someone who “fishes for compliments” but cannot give one to you is trouble. Big trouble. red flag, red flag, red flag, red flag


Please, please….just work on valuing yourself…your life and your gifts and the right guy will come along. And please, the next time you meet someone….do not, do not, do not, do not have sex….until you both decide that you want to be in an exclusive relationship. I am serious about this. Having sex randomly can give you heartache and worse than that a disease. There are some men who have sex early in the relationship and fall hard and commit…but that is not usually the case. A lot of them just take what is offered and go on to the next conquest.

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mowens's avatar

Depends on the guy.

sophiesword's avatar

I think sometimes women think that the guy is just saying those things to get her in bed. Which is true in some cases.

Kardamom's avatar

@Londongirl We are all trying to help you. Most of us women on Fluther who have been around the block a few times (meaning that we have dated at least a handful of boys/men/males over the years) have figured out a few things that men say and do, that have slightly different meanings than what they’ve actually said. We are trying desperately to get you to be able to understand subtlety and veiled statements and euphemisms and signs and cues that you seem to be missing.

You’ve asked at least 3 questions over the last week about this one particular guy, so figuring it out must be pretty important to you. But then you just stated I like to discuss things in my mind so not really specifically seeking for answers. If you are not seeking answers, then why do you keep asking questions (or rather the same question worded in a slightly different way)?

I don’t want to hurt your feelings and I do want you to be able to take away from Fluther our collective knowlege about this subject. It is true that I have never laid eyes on this particular guy, or spoken to him, so I only have your words and your descriptions of his behavior to go on. But I’ll tell you again, most men (not 100% because that would be impossible) but most men do not have the same complexity of thought towards relationships that women do. Although there are some fine examples of men right here on Fluther that do, but that, my dear, is not the norm.

Men either want only sex with you, or they want sex within a comitted relationship or they only want to be friends with no sex. In your particular case, it seems pretty clear that the guy in question, only wants to have sex with you. Although he kind of tricked you into believing that he wanted more than that. He didn’t really trick you though. You just don’t have enough experience with relationships to know how to talk to men directly. That’s your biggest problem at this point. If you can’t talk to a man (or anyone else for that matter) directly and let them know what you want out of a relationship, then you will always be guessing and coming back on Fluther asking us to help you guess what he wants.

What happened in your situation, with this particular guy, is that you slept with him way too quickly, without really getting to know him. And what I mean by getting to know him, is spending weeks and months talking about all sorts of different subjects including: whether or not he wants to be in a comitted relationship (with you in particular, or with someone else, but not you) how he feels about having just sex and nothing more, or getting involved in a Friends With Benefits situation, or if he cares about other people, or if he’s mostly interested in his own pleasure and satisfaction, and how he reacts around his family and how he feels about his family, and what kind of friends does he keep and how does he treat you when he’s around his friends and his family, and what kind of faith or lack of faith does he have and does it mesh with your beliefs and how does he see you fitting into his future.

That is what I mean by getting to know someone. What you did, and what a lot of women do these days, is have a lot of online chatting with guys, then hook up for one date, then have sex either on the first date or the second date (and one or both of them is usually drunk), without having ever spent weeks and months with this person, in the flesh. Online chatting is simply not the same thing as getting to know a person who is right there in front of you (farting and having a stupid laugh and taking phone calls while you are having dinner with him, and constantly clearing his throat, and checking out other women while you are walking with him, and making rude comments about women or minorities or whatever). Those are the negative types of things that people do in front of you that gives you a good idea of what kind of person they are. But there are also good things that people do right in front of you, that you can also never know about when you are only chatting online. Things such as being kind to animals, and watching him give his mom a hug and a kiss and help her fix dinner, and watching him let other people merge into traffic without going into road rage, and having him ask you if he can fix you a snack, and watching him help a friend who is down on his luck.

Until you spend tons of time with a person, you are really taking a crapshoot by having sex with them and then hoping and praying that they’ll fall in love with you and want to have an exclusive relationship with you. Unfotunately for us women, who want romance and love and sex to go together, you really can’t tell what kind of man you’re going to get, if you have sex with him right away before you get to know him. Because men like sex and if you let them have sex with you, most of them will jump at the opportunity (both the ones that only want sex and the ones that want a real relationship). So at that early point in time, you can’t really know, because you literally do not know them (other than how cute they are or what compliments they gave you, or how sexy they think you look).

You have to learn/believe that there are lots of men that will not think twice about sleeping with you even if they have absolutely no intention of being your boyfriend, or dating you exclusively or even ever speaking to you again. Those types of men will say just about anything you want to hear, including “I love you, baby!” or “I want you to be my girfriend” or “Don’t worry, I would never cheat on you.” Because that is ultimately what a relationship-minded woman wants to hear.

After the fact, those types of guys, who still want to sleep with you, but still don’t want you to be their girlfriend will say other things like, “Let’s just see where this goes” or “I’m kind of confused, but I really like you” It’s at this point that you really need to learn that those statements are euphemisms. No one but the meanest guy around wants to come right out and say “I don’t love you!” to your face. And most guys already know, before they even meet you, if they are looking for a long term, loving, exclusive relationship or not.

The guy in this situation has given you his own euphemism to let you know (without screaming it in your face) that he doesn’t want an exclusive relationship with you, but he’s happy to keep having sex with you.

The only way to find out for sure if he is going to change his mind about you in the future (which is highly unlikely, just by observation of seeing 100’s of other situations like this over the years) you should sit him down and tell him how you feel about him and what you want from a relationship, directly, and let him know that if he wants to “see where it goes” with you then you plan to stop having sex with him, effective immediately, and that you want to take lots of time and many months getting to know him, and you need to let him get to know you too.

If he says he’d like to try that, then yea for you! If he doesn’t want to try this method, then that should be your answer right then and there, that he isn’t interested. Otherwise, you can just keep speculating and guessing till the cows come home.

I think you deserve better than what this guy is offering. I’m sure it hurts immensely right now, but until you figure out how the world of romance, dating and sex works, and you figure out exactly what you want and need (and are willing to put up with) you are in for a lot of heartache in the future. I hope you figure it all out and get the happiness that you deserve in the long run : )

Londongirl's avatar

Kardamom: thanks for your info, I will bear that in mind… I do think now that he says we should stay friends is better for both of us. We kind of step back and see how we get on before getting too emotional on my side and too sexual on his side… but then it could mean he’s not that interested to me. But I will see if he’s interested in friendship by waiting for his call, if he calls he is, if not then he’s after sex or he’s back to his ex.

Kardamom's avatar

@Londongirl That sounds like a good idea. I hope it all works out for the best! : )

Hibernate's avatar

There might be hidden aspects of why they make compliments.
The compliments could be real and not have anything to do with him liking you.
The compliments could be said just so you can throw your guard off and be caught off guard and make a mistake.

There are other possibilities. One might never know.

Londongirl's avatar

Hibernate: yeah i guess.. its hard to tell if they are true or just to get you like them…

Hibernate's avatar

Hopefully you’ll figure it out :P

Londongirl's avatar

hmm usually i don’t… :(

Hibernate's avatar

Take your time. This isn’t something you figure out easy.

Londongirl's avatar

I think I don’t have the talent to figure out guys in general…

Hibernate's avatar

This goes vice versa too you know. If you ask a guy about a girl he’ll say girls are hard to be figured out. Do a step toward him and see how he reacts. If he’s interested then the compliments were meant to attract you. If not they have a different meaning which won’t concern you anyway.

Londongirl's avatar

I think many guys like to play games so they are difficult to figure out, they are not as straight forward as people say…

Hibernate's avatar

Yeah. That’s true. Though games are meant for something. Not all are straight while others hide after games so they can see if the other person is true in what they say or what they feel.

Londongirl's avatar

Interesting… this is what I suspect…why not just ask straight to get straight answers?

Hibernate's avatar

No no. If he’s shy he’ll just act like a turtle and retreat in the shell. You need to find a way not to obvious when you ask this. If you want to pursue this road remember it’s a long, long way.

Londongirl's avatar

So you think shy guy will say things to test the girl to cover up their real intention?

Hibernate's avatar

I don’t know it for sure. I have to know the person you are talking about so I can understand how he thinks. Or else i can only be presumptive.
There’s an “easy” way to find out how he really feels. Get him drunk and talk to him about it. He won’t be able to keep the cover then :) Okay. This isn’t the best advice I gave to young people but it might work. [ better yet don’t try it or you’ll end up with other problems on your hands ].
befriend one of his close friends and find out from him the truth. This always works.

Londongirl's avatar

OK, thanks.

My problem is he said nice things when he was drunk, and when he was sober he just wanted friends and a bit distant…

athenasgriffin's avatar

^^That is a really bad sign @Londongirl.

Londongirl's avatar

HIbernate said when he is drunk he will talk the truth… now athen said it is bad… ???

athenasgriffin's avatar

@Londongirl Sometimes people do things that they don’t mean when they are drunk. They might physically want you and say something they don’t really mean to get you, or they might just not realize they are leading you on because they are drunk. You deserve better than that. You should hold out for someone who pays attention to you no matter the circumstances.

Londongirl's avatar

athen: I hear drunken people say things they regret too… Yes I know thanks.

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