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filmfann's avatar

Are you allowed to fly remote controlled helicopter toys near the White House?

Asked by filmfann (52605points) July 30th, 2011
7 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Is there some way the Secret Service prevents this? Can they tell where the control device is? Is there a law making this illegal?

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Hibernate's avatar

I have to smile. Because of the “I hope I am not giving anyone an idea”.

I think it’s prohibited but well I don’t know if it’s true. I’d better not talk about it. I’ll just continue smiling.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Psst You are now on the “list” of Homeland Security as a possible sleeper Oops…..I have made contact with you, I am now tainted. D’oh!!!

rebbel's avatar


gondwanalon's avatar

Be careful, big brother is watching. I’ll contact you in private to direct you to a secret coded special-ops web-site for more info.

jonsblond's avatar

Lets give ChazMaz a call and find out! He’ll be the guinea pig, I’m almost sure of it.

mazingerz88's avatar

I think what happens is if you fly a remote control helicopter near enough the White House, a Secret Service guy will activate and launch a remote control real life Apache helicopter to shoo you off.

: )

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