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Pele's avatar

What is the sweetest thing you have given a lover?

Asked by Pele (2644points) August 2nd, 2011
57 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

What was you most sweetest, romantic gift?

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poisonedantidote's avatar

A letter.

Blackberry's avatar

I ate pineapple for days on end and then….....nevermind.

rebbel's avatar

A cuddly dog, one that resembled her own that died some months prior.

JLeslie's avatar

Probably all the hearts I cut out and put everywhere. In the refridgerator, on his bathroom vanity, in his brief case.

I also gave him a Valentine radar detector on Valentine’s day one year. Not very romantic, but sort of cute because of the brand name, and he always wanted one.

My husband has done many romantic things for me, so I will answer for him. He surprised me one year and took me to the restaurant we had our first date (different state, but same restaurant) on the anniversary of our first date. I didn’t even realize it was our anniversary.

About 5 years ago I took him to a jewelry store while we were at the mall, because he has mentioned from time to time he wants a platinum wedding band, and when I saw a ring I liked, he bought it on the spot for me. We usually are not so impulsive with a largeish purchase like that, I absolutely love that ring.

On our 15 wedding anniversary he had not planned to buy me anything, which was fine, but at the last minute he looked up what 15 is supposed to be, turned out it is Crystal. He drove to Krystal burgers on the way home during a snow storm, to bring me my Crystal. LOL. That is one of my favorite gifts of all time.

AmWiser's avatar

Myself. ;-)

MilkyWay's avatar

It was a rose inside a glass rectangular thingy. Kinda like in Beauty and the Beast. It also said ‘I love you.’ inside. Pretty cheesy.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Note to self: Get some flowers at the farmer’s market tommorrow.

Brian1946's avatar

Freedom from intrusions by my ex.

Sometime after my wife and I became monogamous, my ex-wife called my home phone. My wife answered, and my ex asked my wife what it was like having sex with me.

The next time my ex called, I answered and I told her to never call me again. That was April, 1994, and that was the last time she called.

I knew that my ex was hurting and I didn’t want to add to her pain, but I wanted to be unequivocal in my devotion to my wife.

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

My seed. (she said it tasted sweet)

Cruiser's avatar

Lots of things…I flew her to a get-a-way location for 2 days of red-hot passion, made her paintings and drawings, wrote her songs, put her in a figure 4 leg lock, bought her goofy gifts, hid love notes around our favorite hiking woods for her to find, drove 14 hours in a single day just to see her…she never really appreciated these things so I fired her!

danzmarvs's avatar

actualy it’s a cup

mazingerz88's avatar

Sugar in her coffee.

danzmarvs's avatar

Actually it is the telling of the thruth

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@danzmarvs Wow, nice home run. That’s a great answer!
Did that touch anyone else?

danzmarvs's avatar

or to give the most thing that no one can ever done except you just for someone you love and actually you should not give all your hearts cause she or he will think that she or he is waste of space in your life because you can not already think of anything except him or her.

ucme's avatar

She has a sweet tooth.

Pandora's avatar

I made a video using clips from different disney movies and some romantic musicals where the female would sing a song about the guy she was in love with so he could hear in song how much I love him and how he made me feel.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

My heart. My trust.

redfeather's avatar

Besides my virginity?

snowberry's avatar

I filled his car with balloons and a note.

danzmarvs's avatar

nice but to expense is not love

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@redfeather That and a case of herpes.

Schroedes13's avatar

Myself! That counts right?

redfeather's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe yeah, you gave em to me.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@redfeather Well, you stole my heart. I had to get you something.

redfeather's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe awww well you shouldn’t have.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Before this goes much further, for the record I don’t have herpes. Thanks anyway @Blackberry

redfeather's avatar

Yeah, I don’t have herpes either. My lady bits are pristine.

Blackberry's avatar

Lol, I didn’t think you guys did. I actually don’t even know anyone with it. That’s pretty good.

Hibernate's avatar

Since I was not [nor am] very romantic the most romantic gift I can remember was flowers.
[hopefully I got it right]

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

See @Russell_D_SpacePoet ‘s answer
It feels strange to give details about such a very private thing :)

blueiiznh's avatar

A poem or song that I wrote.
Muse inspired poetry or song is pretty high on the list.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

With one, I used to write little notes and slip them into his dresser drawers or lunches.

Another one I brought a Christmas tree with all the trimmings and firewood for a fireplace. He had said he hadn’t had anything that felt like Christmas to him in years.

One received a personalized car license plate for his new car he’d been wanting but didn’t know how to apply for.

I gave my fiancee a poem when we newly dating.

Jude's avatar

Trust and unbridled passion.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Jude Not to mention that great ass.

sliceswiththings's avatar

His first Tintin books, since he missed out as a kid. He still hasn’t read a single page. We are no longer together.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

A family.

wundayatta's avatar

Pearls. It wasn’t so much the pearls as the way I gave them to her (which is nsfw and I am not going to describe here).

Jude's avatar

Tmi! lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Jude Yeah. It’s also hilarious how many men think giving women their sperm is ever a present, of any kind.

Schroedes13's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Those aren’t men then. Those are boys. Just saying!

redfeather's avatar

The sweetest gift, I could ever receive, is a warm cup o’ sperm.

Yeah… I don’t see it either~

Jude's avatar


redfeather's avatar

@Jude even better than a dick in a box!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

And you know what else is hilarious? How could you possibly know how sweet your sperm is if you didn’t taste it yourself? Oh wait, that’s okay, I don’t judge.

Schroedes13's avatar

What about a box in a box?

Jude's avatar

Who wants a sperm necklace??

Schroedes13's avatar

@Jude You mean a pearl necklace?

Jude's avatar

Yes! <finger quotes> Pearl necklace <finger quotes>

Schroedes13's avatar

@Jude oh ok! :P ps. I don’t want a pearl necklace of either sort!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

You all have me completely derailed and mentally revisiting why spooge and aloe vera gel are so similar on the skin. ooky.

redfeather's avatar

spermaly ermalies will help my sunburn?! Slather it on meh!

danzmarvs's avatar


Pele's avatar

Thank you guys for all your sweet GA’s;)

danzmarvs's avatar

your welcome

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