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thebluewaffle's avatar

What's your best time-killing idea?

Asked by thebluewaffle (1002points) August 10th, 2011
17 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

A few free days spare before I jet off abroad…best time consuming and preferably money saving ideas please!!

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YoBob's avatar

Sounds like a great time to organize that closet you have been trying to ignore… ;)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I like to get outside in the woods or on the bike path and photograph birds.
Go for a walk:)

pezz's avatar

You could play video games, watch some tv, sort stuff out for when you jet abroad. You know just generally lazy about.

thebluewaffle's avatar

@pezz Haha, thanks, but no thanks…I’m a generally active person, what you described there is along the lines of my old man’s behaviour!

ucme's avatar

I like to hit the beach, tee up a shit load of golfballs & swing away into the sea for a couple of hours.
Even I can’t miss that big arse “fairway!!”

Cruiser's avatar

A nice long bike tour can chew up the better part of the day!

wundayatta's avatar

Why would you want to “kill” time?

Pandora's avatar

An afternoon nap. You wake up refreshed and you didn’t have to go anywhere. :)

Zaku's avatar

Walking, swimming, talking with friends, reading good books, playing good games, watching good movies.

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

Getting him drunk, grabbing some oil, putting it all over his personal are and squeezing it until his meat turns purple and then cutting his organs.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@QueenOfNowhere Remind me not to spend some free time with you. Yikes.

YoBob's avatar

@QueenOfNowhere – I’m guessing that long term relationships with men are not your thing.

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe You won’t regret it if you do… I heard it’s a good feeling. Wanna experiment?
@YoBob No… I think this is the reason why. I’m sadistic

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@QueenOfNowhere Now I’m interested. :)

thebluewaffle's avatar

@QueenOfNowhere you sound soooo naughty. I could just eat you whole!

Kardamom's avatar

Do you have any mountains or lakes nearby? Go for a hike and take a ton of photos.

Then come home and organize the photos and post your favorites on FB or make a couple of photo CD’s for friends and pop them in the mail.

What do you have in the house to eat? Look in the fridge and the pantry. When you have your list of items, go online and look up some dishes that have those ingredients. Then make a feast. Photograph your progress and post it on FB.

YARNLADY's avatar

Days? I sleep a lot, watch TV and Fluther
Hours – I do needlework.

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