How long before Marijuana is legal?
I’m hearing more and more public discussion about legalizing marijuana. It is far from being the taboo subject that it once was.
Just yesterday on the local St. Louis news, there was yet another radio interview with proponents to legalize it. The public is softening its stance against it and many convincing economic arguments are being made in favor of legalization. I see a movement gaining momentum.
The interview suggested that an estimated 100 million dollars would be won by Missouri through legalization. The figure was based upon saving money against prosecution, incarceration, war on drugs, and the resulting taxes that would be profited by the state.
The only argument against it was along the lines of not wanting to be on the road with people who are stoned. But the rebuttal pointed to comparisons with alcohol laws, stating that most people wouldn’t drive stoned just like most don’t drive drunk.
I’m gathering that all this momentum is leading towards legalization, especially as younger more liberal minded voters approach the poles.
If this is valid, I’m wondering how long do you think it will take before it is legal and actually sold on the shelves at Walmart? Will it ever be available in bulk discounts at SAM’s warehouse? Or will it be more online sales? Perhaps starter sample variety packs?
Oh, and one more very important question. If it is legalized, does that mean that everyone currently in prison for pot possession will automatically be released?
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