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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

[NSFW!] If you have a threesome with a live woman and an artificial man-made silicone inanimate partner at the same time, is it de facto cheating?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) August 17th, 2011
17 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

[NSFW!] One thing I can say of Fluther is that one question can give birth to another. Off this question, I wondered, a man found a woman that agreed to bring one of these ultra expensive but very real-like dolls [NSFW!! Link, site used in original question, adults only! into their bedroom play time if that would count as de facto cheating on his part? Would it just be de facto cheating if he did the doll while his woman was away or downstairs watching a DVD? If he was with his woman, but had a he/she doll [NSWF!! link] and sat on the doll buggered himself with the doll’s dumbstick while having his partner stand before him for some oral action, or sitting in his lap for a ride on his dumbstick, would that make him de facto bi sexual? Or having a homosexual experience with a doll don’t count? And before some smart-aleck think I am talking about myself, NO I AM NOT, just so we are clear [NSFW!]

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rebbel's avatar

Stay on the safe side and have a threesome with two real life sex dolls.
No cheating, no jealousy.

FutureMemory's avatar


ucme's avatar

I’m sure the doll won’t mind, so long as “she” doesn’t have an over inflated ego.

ucme (50047points)“Great Answer” (10points)
Seaofclouds's avatar

It’s not cheating. Even if the guy uses it alone, it’s just another form of masturbation. It’s no different from using any other sex toy (with or without your partner around). If the partner has a problem with the guy using the sex doll alone, they need to talk about it and work it out.

filmfann's avatar

It depends on whether or not you agreed to an open relationship with the sex-doll.
Or if it happened in Vegas.

Has anyone seen Lars and the Real Girl?

$6000 for a sex doll? Holy crap!

CWOTUS's avatar

It’s not cheating, but… it’s a sad commentary on humanity when the healthiest one in the relationship is inanimate.

zenvelo's avatar

Why in the world would you call it cheating if the woman agreed to it? The whole premise makes absolutely no sense at all.

wundayatta's avatar

Has anyone ever used a vibrator during sex play with a long term partner? A dildo?

A sex doll is no different from those things. If you are cheating with a sex doll, you are cheating with a dildo or a vibrator or handcuffs or a feather or whatever you use.

You might as well ask if watching porn is cheating. I know many people who think it is. But if you’re watching it with your partner, is it still cheating? Under the sex doll principle, it would be.

Of course, you’re both cheating on each other with the same partner. What does that mean? Oh wait! Most people use a bed as part of their sex play. The bed is also an inanimate object that plays a key role in the enjoyment of the partners. That’s cheating to. Guess everyone is a cheater.

Sheesh. I know you like to try to stretch the boundaries with your questions, @Hypocrisy_Central, but this is absurd. Absurd with no room for absurd answers. I’m gonna go eat my fluther card.

FutureMemory's avatar

Sheesh. I know you like to try to stretch the boundaries with your questions, @Hypocrisy_Central, but this is absurd. Absurd with no room for absurd answers. I’m gonna go eat my fluther card.

I just felt like repeating that.

gailcalled's avatar

The doll thinks it’s cheating.

everephebe's avatar

Ok from now on you can only ask 2 questions per day maximum.

If two consenting adults “agree” to have a hermaphroditic sex-doll in their sex life that is their business and no it is not in fact “cheating.”
Then again this is a case by case subjective opinion only kind of question.
The perverse part of this question is no one can really answer it properly.

Hibernate's avatar

I’ma just nod my head at this question :)

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yes. It’s cheating.

Blueroses's avatar

I’m giving this a GQ because it gave me a few minutes distraction trying to imagine who in the world would agree to add a Real Doll to a threesome. No judgment, if a doll provides some pleasure when real sex isn’t available, but I find the idea of an inanimate human shaped “thing” in bed with a living partner extremely odd, offputting and creepy.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Seaofclouds _ It’s not cheating. Even if the guy uses it alone, it’s just another form of masturbation. It’s no different from using any other sex toy (with or without your partner around)¬_ In a visceral sense it is different from a vibrator, a vaginal flashlight, etc. Those do not have breast, face, inviting lips, etc. You would have to have a real active imagination to be using a vaginal flashlight and conjure of the feel of hair in your fist and seeing green eyes under lashes over the top of your dumbstick as if a real woman was doing you.

@filmfann $6000 for a sex doll? Holy crap! I guess if you can afford $750 shoes, $280 sunshades, $1,200 attaché case, and $3,000 suits, a $6,000 woman that will do what you want and you don’t have to call in the morning is within the budget.

@zenvelo Why in the world would you call it cheating if the woman agreed to it? The whole premise makes absolutely no sense at all. Really? If we are playing poker, and I tell you that I am going to peek at the deck to see which card is coming up before I bet The fact that I told you that is what I am going to do, and you don’t oppose, makes me still playing by poker rules?

@wundayatta Check @Seaofclouds above. Sheesh. I know you like to try to stretch the boundaries with your questions, @Hypocrisy_Central, but this is absurd. Absurd with no room for absurd answers. I’m gonna go eat my fluther card. Being the de fact Fluther sexologist if it is too hard pass it up and go to something easier. It not absurd when you take in the account it is a visceral perception thing. Seeing what appears to be an actual woman, though cold as a slab of clay, can invoke more emotion or thought than a simple vibrator. If it didn’t I don’t think they would make them, or make them as lifelike as they do. It is that same visceral thinking that keeps people from creating a video game where the goal is to cruise schools to see how many kids you can bag or get in the back of your van. It is not real and involved no real children or images of any, all pixels and a program. Yet the intent is beyond most people’s ick factor it is illegal to do. To simply try to dismiss it as a mere “advance vibrator”, or not different than the bed or a pair of handcuff is absurd.

@Blueroses I’m giving this a GQ because it gave me a few minutes distraction trying to imagine who in the world would agree to add a Real Doll to a threesome. Fathom this for a moment, ”Cassie’s” b/f, husband, etc want to have a threesome. She don’t want to have one because she don’t want any of her friends are anyone she knows to the third The thought of having some random stranger who could have an STD or something involved is equally repugnant. As many gals do, they are willing to do crazy things to keep their beau happy. The compromise, a lifelike doll, that way he gets the fantasy, almost, of having another woman in the mix, but technically it isn’t.

Some might say it is not a real woman so it is not really cheating. Some would say it is more cheating than sexting with another woman not your mate because you are actually interacting with it from the heart and mind, not just mere words. If a woman is actually there with him and the doll it might be seen different than if she went out to visit her mom and he is getting freaky with the doll outside of her presence. The mere fact the doll looks so much like a real woman, lends the thought how one interacts with it is different. I just wanted to get some honest and intelligent opinion what the collective thought as a whole.

redfeather's avatar

I don’t think it’d be cheating, but if a guy I was with bought one and brought it to bed… I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing. I’d wanna make it move like a giant puppet and attack him. But he might be into that. But I wouldn’t be. So I’d probably leave the two of them to have alone time and eat ice cream and watch CSI on the couch.

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