General Question

silky1's avatar

What's the difference between lease to own and rent to own?

Asked by silky1 (1510points) August 17th, 2011
6 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

They seem the same to me.

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YARNLADY's avatar

A lease is a contract to rent a dwelling for a specific length of time, for a specific payment.

A rent-to-own is a contract that specifies a certain amount of the monthly payment to be set aside for a down payment on the future purchase of the house, with that money to be applied to the purchase price.

plethora's avatar

They are pretty much the same. Just different choice of words. Obligations are the same.

Jaxk's avatar

A lease agreement generall specifiys a period of time that you are obligated to make payments. Even if you no longer want the item you still have to pay the entire period. A rental is typically month to month or payment to payment. If you want out, simply return the item and stop paying.

Contracts however can be written any way you want. So a lease agreement could be month to month and a rental could be for a fixed period or number of payments. It all depends on how the agreement is written.

YARNLADY's avatar

The rent to own sets aside a specified amount of the rent that will apply to the purchase of the home. With the lease, there is no amount that will be applied to the future purchase.

Preethiop's avatar

They are the same some jsut word them differently!
They both have a term that you rent or lease and then at the end of the term you can exercize your option to buy.

silky1's avatar

Jack your answer is exactly what I wanted to know Thanks.

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