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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

What movies do you like because of one specific scene?

Asked by WillWorkForChocolate (23163points) August 19th, 2011

I hate Adam Sandler movies, but I love Happy Gilmore because he (Happy) gets in a fight with Bob Barker, in which Bob Barker whoops his ass and calls him a bitch.

I also like the movie Lake Placid, specifically because I only knew Betty White as the sweet, genteel ditz of the Golden Girls, and she says two incredibly hilarious things: “If I had a dick, this is where I’d tell you to suck it!” and “Thanks a lot, Officer Fuckmeat!” That has me rofl’ing every single time!

Are there movies that you think are dumb/boring/irritating, but you still like them because of one particular thing that surprised you?

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29 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Monster’s Ball, and you know why lol.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Would you be referring to the nudity or something else absolutely sexist and disgusting? I liked it too. :P

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My Fair Lady for the dresses at Ascot and later,when she goes to the ball with Henry Higgins.
My husband mentioned the scene in Monster’s Ball the other day.I can’t remember it! lol!

marinelife's avatar

Rat Race because of Kathy Bates and the squierrel scenes.

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

Office Space – the gansta scene where they beat the ever-loving shit out of the fax/copy machine! (this was a no-brainer considering my screen name)

Blueroses's avatar

Clerks II – Randall’s dramatic reenactment of LOTR and Jay’s line: “Tastes like piss and flies.”

actually any Kevin Smith scene featuring Jason Mewes. I just love his random, somehow innocent inappropriateness

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

What was the name of the Tarantine movie with George Clooney where they went to Mexico and fought off the vampires all night in a bar? The snake did it for me. Well the woman was pretty hot too.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Ahhh, yes. That would be Salma Hayek with the snake…. Yum.

syz's avatar

The shower scene in Casino Royale. It’s possibly the first tender scene ever for Bond.

woodcutter's avatar

The Fifth Element. So many scenes with Chris Tucker keeps me watching it at least twice a year.

erichw1504's avatar

Blue Streak “What are you gonna do with one shoelace? Floss your ass with it.”

There are also some other great scenes in that movie.

ddude1116's avatar

Avatar. For all of James Cameron’s faults, he can make one hell of an action scene, and the siege at the end of Avatar was so visually stunning and downright gorgeous, that the first forty minutes of futuristic the Pocahontas/Dances With Wolves remake-with-shitty-dialogue was more than worth it though the CGI throughout the entire thing was amazing.

CWOTUS's avatar

Waterworld, and not just for that ultra-cool catamaran trimaran that Costner (apparently) sails so well. Jeanne Tripplehorn never looked better – and she looks good all the time.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Oops.I didn’t read the q all the way through
I will usually just nod off when a movie gets bad.

Hibernate's avatar

Butterfly effect.

Jude's avatar

This one is awesome.

mazingerz88's avatar

I’ll be shocked if anyone here in Fluther took notice of that scene in the Christian Slater movie, “Kuffs” where Christian opens a door, gun pointing and the guy who knocked raises his arms and sticks his tongue out motor spitting then collapses in shock-!

My friends and I would always roll on the floor laughing everytime we see that. Plus, this was Milla Jovovich’s first movie ever and she was smokin-!

@woodcutter KORBEN DALLASSSS! Incidentally, Leeloo was so lovable too…

Hibernate's avatar

@erichw1504 First scene I saw was when he was with the curly brunette [the one he picks up at the bar where he was playing pool] and he start reading and goes back into his mind. It made me watch the whole movie.

incendiary_dan's avatar

I like the last scene of Fight Club. I watch it sometimes when I’m angry at banks.

Seelix's avatar

@Blueroses – I love Randal’s LOTR scene. It’s so true!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I do not like the movie, thought it rather dumb, but I do always liked ,this scene.

Mexicanamerican's avatar

I agree randals scene was awesome.. Also the breakfast scene in Resevoire Dogs, another great one!!

Berserker's avatar

I love that scene in Titanic in the second half, where the ship’s ass is sticking up into the air, and a buncha people are falling, and some poor dude falls right onto one of the propellers lol.

Blueroses's avatar

@Symbeline I don’t think Cameron intended for you to get lulz from that.

Berserker's avatar

@Blueroses Prolly not. I didn’t answer properly though. Or rather, I picked a wrong movie to answer with…I actually like Titanic…>_>

lonelydragon's avatar

Revenge of the Nerds, for the concert scene.

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