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jca's avatar

If Fluther were around during the "Little House on the Prairie" days, (approx. 1860-1880), what questions do you think people would be asking?

Asked by jca (36062points) August 19th, 2011
50 responses
“Great Question” (12points)

If Fluther were around during the days of “Little House on the Prairie” what questions do you think people would be asking?

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talljasperman's avatar

What would people be asking in the future; Say 2010 – 2030?

TexasDude's avatar

“I had a dream about this boy from the Dakota territory who I do believe to be quite handsome. What does this mean?”

“Why did Rutherford Hayes rig the election?”

chyna's avatar

Am I pregnant? The farmer 3 miles down was at the barn raising with me and we danced and now I don’t know if I’m pregnant.

everephebe's avatar

How long do I churn the butter?
Do you think the Indians will attack?
Family members are sick with fever, aches and shaking… What do you think it is?
How do you make mosquito bites stop itching?
How do you get blackberry stains out of an apron?
What does he mean when he says he is “a wildcat from Tennessee”?
What should I name my two new horses?
Can you help me identify this purple wildflower?
How do you make pancakes?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How much sugar do you use for this jam?
Do you call them pancakes or flapjacks?
Where can I find an honest horse salesman?
How high do I build my fence to keep the foxes out of the henhouse?

Who can come help me with my next baby delivery?

How do you keep the wolves out of the cattle?

Will you welcome the newest member to the 10K barn raising?

KateTheGreat's avatar

My daughter showed her ankles to all of the men in our town, how should I punish her? ;)

TexasDude's avatar

@KateTheGreat by spanking her, obviously.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Your parenting skills suck. I was thinking of stoning her, but I just came to Fluther to get in a battle of fisticuffs with the other parenting gurus ‘round here. ;)

Berserker's avatar

Somethin bout zombies…come on, one lone house in this big field…the one track mind wanders.

Sunny2's avatar

How do I get rid of ants in my log cabin?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

How do I wake up on time if the rooster dies?

MissAnthrope's avatar


Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@MissAnthrope : I know, right?!!

Berserker's avatar

Anybody remember Annie of Green Gables? :D There was a TV show about that I used to watch as a kid, but it comes from a novel.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I am so dying with amusement that I can’t even formulate my own hypothetical pioneer question(s). Plus, I may or may not be a little drunk.

@Symbeline – Heck yeah. I felt like I had a lot in common with her. Loved the books/series.

Berserker's avatar

Never read the books, but I loved the television shows. Prolly should check out the books.

MissAnthrope's avatar

My grandparents gave me the entire Little House series when I was 9 and I have read them at least 5 times, all the way through. Yeah, I’m a dork, but they’re so interesting!

Berserker's avatar

Let it be known, dorks rock. :)

Blondesjon's avatar

How do I cure Will of his morphine addiction?


FutureMemory's avatar

What do y’all think of this Darwin guy and his new book On the Origin of Species?

XOIIO's avatar

What do those two lanterns on the church mean?

Hey, shaddup, I’m not a history buff

ucme's avatar

What in tarnation is the new fangled, higgilty piggilty thing they’re calling broadband?
“That’s sumfin Mary put’s in Laura’s hair to make it look all perdy of a sunday morning ain’t it!!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

What happens when the hole under the outhouse gets filled with you know, what do we do then?

_zen_'s avatar

Whatever happened in the end with the Babby under the ice box?

Cruiser's avatar

Mommy….what’s a jellyfish???

bkcunningham's avatar

My husband Adam and I are both blind. We run a school for blind children. Adam is trying to teach me a new kind of braille that he says can cure our blindness. According to Adam, it requires not only touching the raised dots on the pages, but, well, I don’t know how to say this, but it requires touching Adam’s half-pint (and I don’t mean my little sister). He said I shouldn’t mention it to anyone; especially Hester Sue. Has anyone heard of this?

AmWiser's avatar

At what age should I let my daughter start wearing a corset?

prolificus's avatar

My neighbors play their fiddles after the sun goes down. It keeps me up and I need my sleep so I can milk the cows before the sun rises. What should I do about my loud, fiddle playing neighbors?

tedibear's avatar

Why does my Pa look like Michael Landon?

thorninmud's avatar

How do I jailbreak my Uncle Ned?

prolificus's avatar

My family lives in an open-style loft house. I share a bed with my sister, and we sleep in the loft above my parents bed. Sometimes I hear strange sounds at night coming from below. I worry that my ma might be in danger. Once I heard her scream a little, but then everything got quiet. I don’t know what those noises are about and my little sister doesn’t know either. When I asked ma about it, she said I was just hearing things. I don’t believe her. What do you think these noises are? Is my ma in danger?

ratboy's avatar

A Black Widow spider bit me on my testicles while I was sitting in the outhouse. How do I cope with the pain?

MissAusten's avatar

How can I git my hound to stop eatin’ the drippins from my moonshine still, gittin’ lickered up, and chasin’ all the bitches up them there trees yonder?

How do ya’ll handle the unmanly embarrassment when every feller at the saloon ‘ceptin you can hit the spittoon every single dang time?

Do ya’ll have a favorite whore at the saloon, and how much do she cost for a poke?

Last night I followed my auntie out to the woods at midnight. She started dancin’ nekkid under the full moon with a horned man, then writ her name in some big book. If I tell on her, will she turn me into a newt?

Everyone but me has one a them coon hats. How do I make one for myself?

What’s in your outhouse, leaves or corncobs? Pros and cons of each?

NSFW Womenfolk, when your man has been workin the fields all day and wants to get familiar in the biblical sense, how do you get past the stench of his unwashed body to do your wifely duty without vomiting?

Why Abe Lincoln is so dumb?

prolificus's avatar

^^ love it!!

MissAnthrope's avatar

Seriously still LOVING THIS QUESTION.. holy crap, you guys are funny and clever.

prolificus's avatar

Q: What do you think Miss Beadle and Mrs. Oleson were doing together?


Yesterday after school, I had walked almost half way home when I realized I left my slate board at my desk.  I needed it in order to do my times tables for homework. So, I ran back to school.  I didn’t think anyone would be there, because it was just before supper time.  Boy, was I shocked to see I was wrong!

After I opened the door, I saw Miss Beadle sitting on her desk, with her back toward the classroom.  I was just about to say hello, when all of a sudden, I saw Mrs. Oleson!  She was sitting in Miss Beadle’s chair, right in front of her legs.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, because I thought Mrs. Oleson was angry with Miss Beadle for not letting Nellie have the lead in the school play.

Mrs. Oleson didn’t seem angry at all. Instead, she had a huge smile on her face.  The other odd thing was that she seemed a little flushed, and her hair was a little out of sorts.

I have no idea what was happening, or what I was seeing. It felt peculiar, though.

What do you think?

prolificus's avatar

^^ Answer: Mrs. Oleson was hemming Miss Beadle’s dress. ;) <at least, that’s what my partner just told me what she thought they were doing.>

incendiary_dan's avatar

“What are all these white people doing on our land?”

“How many uses can you think of for Bicarbonate of Soda?”

Actually, those are both still really good questions…

bkcunningham's avatar

@hawaii_jake, I just read your response. That was hilarious.

bkcunningham's avatar

What do you think of the name of the new school my blind husband and I are starting in the city? The Blind leading the Blind.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Hey barkeep, what the $&^@>} you think you are doing!? Me and Cletus just strung 300yds of fencing on the back 40 and you give us a WARM beer? Put your 6 iron away Cletus, I KNOW he will bring us a cold beer in a minute,

bkcunningham's avatar

If that was a question, @Hypocrisy_Central, I bet it would get sent back for editing. Well, it would be sent back for a question to be added anyway. lol Well, unless you are asking the barkeep what she is doing. haha

cockswain's avatar

Will the machine replace the Chinaman?

cockswain's avatar

Is the swarthy hand of the Italian immigrant to blame for the crimes in New York City?

I saw a lady’s ankles. Must I wed her promptly?

jca's avatar

My daughter is taking up with an Injun. What can I do about it?

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
poisonedantidote's avatar

I have a mild cold, where can I buy a good tombstone?

incendiary_dan's avatar

“Is it wrong for brother to fight against brother?”

“Are these sideburns acceptable in the workplace?”

Kardamom's avatar

I just found horehound candy under my son’s sleeping quarters, should I be concerned?

Does anyone have any good recipes for hardtack?

My mistress is just like Nellie Oleson, should I quit my job or just put up with my vexation?

My friends Laura and Mary have the most handsome Pa a girl could ever hope for. The last time I was visiting their homestead, I purposely lifted my skirt so that he could get an accidental glimpse of my ankle. Do you think the Reverend Alden will suggest that I should be horsewhipped for my sinful display?

Does this bustle (see photo) make my butt look big?

Berserker's avatar

@Kardamom Fuck, you’re hot. XD

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