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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Marketing thongs for six to ten year old girls, what are the pros and the cons?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) August 22nd, 2011
19 responses
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I do not know the outcome but I read a news clip online about either a manufacturer or a retail outlet that was taking heat because they wanted to market a line of thongs for girls six to ten years of age. In this “Do what feels good, so long as you are not hurting anyone” ideology, what would be the harm in girls that age wearing thongs? If you are not oppose, what are the pluses you see?

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shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

I do subscribe to that ideology and I’m sure there are flaws in it. But correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the whole point of a thong to erase the visible panty line? What in the name of all that is holy would make a six – ten year old need to worry about that?

Supacase's avatar

The original point of a thong was to erase a visible panty line, and it is still a reason, but the current popular reason is because they are considered sexy. They are prevalent lingerie stores and if people (specifically teen girls) are really trying to avoid a panty line they should pull their pants up far enough that the thong itself isn’t visible from the back. 6–10 y/o girls should not be the target demographic for anything considered sexy.

rooeytoo's avatar

I think it is crazy and sexualizing kids. No wonder teen age pregnancy is rampant.

But isn’t it strange that it is considered a faux pas to have a panty line but it is the fashion of the day to show off your bra straps.

I must be getting old, cuz I just don’t get it, heheheh!

Hibernate's avatar

We can’t say we are against just because it will take a lot of time to stop production and get them out of the stores .. and those who sold it will be a pain in the ass to get them back [some might even want to keep them just because they are so rare].
Anyway a bad thing about this it’s that it can make some rashes appear. A kid is much more active than a grown up and does not pay to much attention to these things .. remember those times when you were a kid and you hurt your knee or elbow yet you remained outside to play after you cried a bit. Some might not even feel the pain until at home.

ucme's avatar

The girls would look like pros & their parents who sanction any purchase should be the cons, packed off to prison. Okay maybe that’s a little harsh, but it did fit the joke quite well at least.

XOIIO's avatar

Its jsut making girls to to sluts younger and younger.

JLeslie's avatar

I worked for Calvin Klein underwear and I was not very happy moms would buy their 12 year old daughters thong underwear. They said it was to have no panty line, but big underwear also gives you no line, and thong underwear many times gives you a thong line. Back then most jeans and trousers were very low rise, and when the girl moved you could sometimes see the thong peak out the top of the pant in back.

My husband likes when women wear thong underwear because to him it means they like to get fucked. Enough said.

That girl may think it is trendy and a better garment choice to have no panty lines, but the men looking are not thinking that at all. I guess one could argue we can’t let outsiders thoughts influence what we want to wear, but then again, I think you can. At least be informed what they are thinking before you make a decision.

bkcunningham's avatar

Just a thought. I read the original post and the comments and thought; what a contrast in opinions regarding parental roles and societal roles as discussed in a previous thread about two teenagers who were posting racy photos on the Internet.

YoBob's avatar

Frankly, I don’t think it is for me to decide what is appropriate for somebody elses’ kids nor do I think a company should be taken to task for supplying what consumers choose to purchase.

That being said, any parent who buys there 6–10 year old girl a thong should be seriously suspect!

redfeather's avatar

I know when I was 6, I was really concerned about VPL…. Not. I was outside pretending I was a horse or something. I want my daughter to actually have a chance to be a kid and she’s gonna wear baby granny panties just like I had to when I was a little.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@JLeslie Back then most jeans and trousers were very low rise, and when the girl moved you could sometimes see the thong peak out the top of the pant in back. Isn’t that a de facto reason for doing so? Even because they are low-ride skinny jeans, if insert name of famous movie actress, or big name pop star is paparazzied with a peeking thong, it becomes trendy.

JLeslie's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Hence the bullshit they tell their moms that they wear thongs to eliminate panty lines. Even if the thong does not pop out the top of their jeans, they have a thong line for goodness sakes, we know they have a thong on with most trousers. Not necesarily jeans since denim is thicker, but then panty lines don’t show with most jeans either.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

There is no reason at all for children that age to wear thong panties. They don’t worry yet about panty lines and they don’t have ANY need to be sexy. Marketing thongs for children and tweens would be complete and utter bullshit, simply for the purpose of sparking controversy and getting attention for the company.

I didn’t get my first thong until I was 17 and began wearing “cowgirl jeans” with smooth, non-pocket bottoms.

rooeytoo's avatar

@redfeather – ga and I am with you on all counts!!! Actually I sometimes still wear the big baggy granny pants, they are so comfy in the tropics! And I hate tight clothes so I really don’t worry about vpl. If your clothes don’t fit like a coat of paint, it isn’t really a problem.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@redfeather and @rooeytoo Pffft, I still wear my granny panties one week per month, lol!

linguaphile's avatar

Before ass-floss were invented, we went commando to avoid VPL. Commando’s quite a bit more comfortable than thongs and provides the same level of “protection,” doesn’t it?

At age 6, my mom was more concerned about my shorts crotch being vertical, not diagonal… VPL??? Not even. I’d rather my 9 year old daughter be able to comfortably climb trees, swing on monkeybars and run nonstop—at her age, I don’t want her worrying about VPL or digging ass-floss out of her butt! She has pllllenty of time to decide how sexy she wants to be later in life.

spittingamethyst's avatar

I think it should be up to the child and their parent. Simple as that.

gorillapaws's avatar

At least it’s better than pre-teen crotchless panties (sadly, not by much though).

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Supacase 6–10 y/o girls should not be the target demographic for anything considered sexy.
Examining it from a different perspective, always the humanistic pragmatist, I would think the manufactures that create a line of thongs marketed to preteens are doing so not with any intention of putting the girls on some jail bait radar, or hoochie list, but to sell an illusion, a dream. One can hardly debunk the idea that attractiveness, and being sexy in this society is given considerable weight, along with fame, wealth, and youth. If one can sell the young women that they will be more fashionable desirable and ”in” to boys if they have their brand of thong I can see them as in it for the money alone.

@rooeytoo But isn’t it strange that it is considered a faux pas to have a panty line but it is the fashion of the day to show off your bra straps.
I always thought that rather inconsistent too, when I was a kid, exposed bra straps were as bad as your slip hem showing under your skirt.

@ucme Okay maybe that’s a little harsh, but it did fit the joke quite well at least.
Have to admit, it was rather witty.

@bkcunningham I read the original post and the comments and thought; what a contrast in opinions regarding parental roles and societal roles as discussed in a previous thread about two teenagers who were posting racy photos on the Internet.
That is the rub, isn’t it, trying to have both sides of the coin and neither landing “up”? People bemoan sexualizing young girls because they fear older men will hit on them or worse, they will be snatched off the street, but at the same time so much of the media places such a high premium on being sexy and attractive. With sex being mostly a commodity that is a part of relationships and dating, generations back where girls would never think of posting pics of themselves in suggestive manner for the titillation of people they know, much less strangers over the Net.

@linguaphile Before ass-floss were invented, we went commando to avoid VPL. Commando’s quite a bit more comfortable than thongs and provides the same level of “protection,” doesn’t it?
I think in some cases it might. I knew women in the past who preferred that over undergarments. As fickle as this society is to say you go commando could get you cast in an even less favorable light than if you wore thongs.

@gorillapaws At least it’s better than pre-teen crotchless panties (sadly, not by much though).
These days a company could market that on top as being functional somehow, but underneath for the sexiness or the apparent sexiness of it. With some areas letting boys use the girl’s restroom they can bill it as not having to take down any more than is necessary, having them can save you seconds not having to pull them up, if you are in a skirt, you do not have to take down anything, etc. Sad thing, some savvy ad people will get people buying them without too much thought.

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