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Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

What are you a Geek for?

Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought (14682points) August 26th, 2011
46 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I am a geek for Doctor Who lately.

I am not proud.

Please share your hidden shame with the collective.

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athenasgriffin's avatar

Personality tests, currently MBTI.

chyna's avatar

Weather channel.

jonsblond's avatar

weather forecasts

@chyna =)

TexasDude's avatar

Home repair.

Plumbing fascinates me. Toilets are marvelous inventions.

Joker94's avatar

Movies, and video games lately. Just a wee bit of comic book geekiness, lately. But only a bit.

Cruiser's avatar

Sound reinforcement.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Wait, being geeky is shameful? I am a geek in many ways and I am ashamed of none of them! Shall I list them? Okay!

-Star Trek
-Doctor Who
-Joss Whedon
-Star Trek
-Zombie movies
-Harry Potter
-Trading card games
-Board games
-Star Trek
-Science fiction
-Reading fantasy books
-Writing fantasy books
-LOTR movies
-Did I mention Star Trek?

My latest, super-geeky obsession is having a Star Trek wedding. My favorite couple is Seven of Nine and Chakotay, so naturally we’d dress up like them, but if my SO wanted a traditional Klingon wedding, I’d be okay with that too.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@KatawaGrey who would take Klingon over Seven of Nine?

KatawaGrey's avatar

Someone who thinks the perfect Star Trek couple is Worf and Jadzia, and I think they are a close second to Seven and Chakotay. I’d want a white jumpsuit in the style of Seven’s with maybe a flower or two in my hair to match my implants. And, yes, I’d make him get the facial tattoo drawn on for authenticity.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@KatawaGrey you rock. Good luck on the ceremony

incendiary_dan's avatar

I’ve been on a Star Wars novel kick lately. Oh, and then there’s the whole zombie apocalypse survival thing.

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Toilets are dumb. How about composting toilets?

AmWiser's avatar

Mah Jong
Ma jiang
Majan (マージャン).

However you want to spell it or say it, I love it, and will usually stop to play it several times a day.

gravity's avatar

killing zombies, astronomy, reading, neurology, documentaries

mithical's avatar

You should be proud. I’m a geek for Doctor Who as well.

However, lately, I’ve been really geeking about Photography. I’ve been non-stop studying all the aspects of it. It used to be just an innocent hobby, but I’m afraid it’s becoming something else entirely.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Horror movies and metal

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Super geek, super geek, I’m super geeky! Owww.

I am a geek for horror anything, 80’s cartoons, britcoms, outer space, ghosts.


Ear muffs. In winter, I gotta have my ear-muffs!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Yesss, count me in as a weather geek. Oh, you said “hidden” shame.

Haleth's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought You should be proud. Doctor Who is awesome.

Want to hear a geeky hobby that nobody should ever be proud of? I write fanfiction. Lots of it.

Also geeky for:

Star Trek: TNG
Community- and by extension, TVTropes. This show is full of rampant lampshade-hanging and tropes within tropes within tropes.
LOTR, Silmarillion, HOME, basically anything that ever came out of Middle Earth
A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones
Roger Zelazny

Wine- I’m doing my best to learn about the chemistry of wine, different methods of fermentation, and how wine growing conditions affect the finished product. I also learned why smells like barnyard and earth are a GOOD thing.

But you know what’s awesome about being a wine geek? Every drinking experience turns into something educational. Obviously you learn about wine by drinking it, but I also had moonshine last week, and it was really cool to learn how it was made (fermenting corn mash in a warm environment until it jumps out of the still and punches you in the face), plus I got super hammered. Win!

Sex toys- no, really. I worked at a sex shop for a few years and now I have practically an entire encyclopedia of knowledge about adult toys in my head. It’s really useless.

Food- Learning all about the history and preparation of certain foods is fascinating, plus it gives me an excuse to be a shameless fatty.

Blackberry's avatar

Samurais and kung-fu. Tachi: Gekko Ftw.

AstroChuck's avatar

Chicken heads, obviously.

Kardamom's avatar

It would be a quicker task to name the things that I am “not” geeky for. LOL

Here’s my short list (and I know everybody’s saying, “She never presents a short list of anything!”)

Star Trek (everything except for Deep Space Nine and Enterprise)

Animal Welfare

The Monkees


Health Information


The Beatles

Diners Drive-ins and Dives

Rachel Maddow

BBC Productions and/or British period pieces

Kitchen Strainers

Traditional Japanese Gardens

The Nanny

Fancy Motorhomes


Mid Century Style

Indian Food

Berserker's avatar

Horror movies, mostly. Not that I consider this a shame. Video games, too, but a bit lesser than horror movies.

Again, not a shame, but I enjoy collecting dolls, especially decorative collection dolls with porcelain faces. I don’t have that many, but the amount increases ever so surely.

linguaphile's avatar

As of today, my geekiness bows to:
Harry Potter (my daughter wins costume contests as Draco)
interior design
art projects
reiki and energy balancing

martianspringtime's avatar

Doctor Who but I am proud
home decor/organization
Disney World
judging books by their covers (I love a beautiful book)

Christian95's avatar

House MD and The Big Bang Theory,physics and genetics
Also I’m very geeky about red hair and redhead girls,but that’s kind of a secret.I don’t want to seem to weird for my friends

King_Pariah's avatar

Book worm
Play warhammer 40k

But no shame here.

FutureMemory's avatar

I think Katawa wins with the Star Trek themed wedding.

cookieman's avatar

Comic Books.

Despite being a Marvel Zombie since 1983, I’m surprisingly looking forward to the DC Relaunce.

Keep_on_running's avatar

I love board games and old MS-DOS video games.

Can’t wait for the new Doctor Who episodes :D

augustlan's avatar

Typography, though I guess that’s not such a secret. My latest obsession is this thing of beauty. Thanks to a fellow jelly, this is where I got my current avatar.
Books, books, books.
Furniture as an art form. Specifically chairs and bookcases.
Antique baby cups.
Fluther, duh. ;)

ucme's avatar

Not sure if this should be labeled “geeky”, but i’m a stickler for checking out sell by dates on food items. If just one day has passed, it’s in the bin!

augustlan's avatar

@ucme I’m the same way. I always check them in the grocery store, too.

ucme's avatar

@augustlan So is that “geeky” wasteful or prudent? I simply have to know?

augustlan's avatar

Maybe anal? :p

ucme's avatar

Yeah, i’ll take that….bottoms up! ;¬}

Pele's avatar

Flim and music…. to the point that my SO says it’s creepy.

chyna's avatar

And just to add to my answer above about the weather channel, I think Jim Cantore is very good looking. He makes the weather channel worth watching. :-)

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@FutureMemory You rock brother, but you totally weaseled on this question

rebbel's avatar

Mid-eighties pop music.

Seek's avatar

Star Trek
Lord of the Rings/Tolkien in general
Dungeons & Dragons
1970s-1980s Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels
Korean hyper-violence horror movies (Park Chan-Wook particularly)
Japanese horror movies (Takashi Miike)
Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry

King_Pariah's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I definitely do like some of Park Chan-Wook’s movies, especially Oldboy, JSA, and Thirst

augustlan's avatar

I’m also a geek for Seek’s pointy ears. Good to see you, girlie!

Seek's avatar

Good to be here, whenever I can get here!

@King_Pariah I just learned that Oldboy is the second in a Revenge-themed trilogy. The first is “Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance”, which I haven’t yet tracked down, and the third is “Sympathy for Lady Vengeance”, which I managed to find released in America under the title “Lady Vengeance” and released by Tartan Asia Extreme videos.

And Thirst was hilarious. Absofrigginlutely hilarious.

Oh, and you deffaly have to see “I Saw the Devil”. Wow. Just wow.

King_Pariah's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Oldboy in my opinion is the only one worth watching in the trilogy. And I’ll see I saw the devil asap

bags's avatar

The upcoming Zombie Apocalypse. (I’ve gotten all of my friends a survival guide.)
LOTR trilogy
The Hobbit
Anne McCaffrey’s Dragon series

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