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Ayesha's avatar

What do I do about the pain? [Details inside]?

Asked by Ayesha (6218points) August 28th, 2011
59 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

I am experiencing the worst menstrual pain ever. My pain has extended to my back and legs. My calves hurt immensely, making it hard for me to walk. I feel nauseous. My pain has never gone this bad. Is this normal, or is there something wrong? I did search the internet regarding the pain, but found nothing useful to make me feel better.
I took a 400 mg ibuprofen . Made things worse.
What do I do?
(I think this question does belong to the General Section, but I posted it here because i know few people check that section out, well i know I’m one of ‘em.)

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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why are you asking us? Go ask a doctor.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m sorry, I don’t have an answer aside from meds, but I hope you feel better : (

Ayesha's avatar

@Duthchess III I don’t think it’s that serious. I’m not going to go to a doctor for a mild ‘pain relief’ matter. This is more convenient, i suppose.

Ayesha's avatar

@Blackberry That’s ok. Thanks.

Judi's avatar

Clarey Sage and Lavender are supposed to help some. I didn’t get into essential oils until after I had a hysterectomy, so I can’t personally vouch for these.

crisw's avatar

You said it was the “worst ever”, yet when someone suggested you go to a doctor you said the pain was “mild.” Which is it?

Could you even possibly have been pregnant? If the pain is really that severe, it could possibly be something like an ectopic pregnancy. So, if the pain really is as bad as you said it was at first, see a doctor.

Ayesha's avatar

Worst from what i had before. Sorry for the confusion. I think such a case has to be more than just ‘pain’ in order to go see a doctor. This i think can be handled on ones own with a little help. No, i’ve never been pregnant.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Get ye some raspberry leaf tea.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, honestly, I found that exercise relieved my menstrual pain more than anything. Even sit ups and jogging. If you don’t want to try that, I guess take a warm bath and OD on some Midol. Then sit around with a heating pad on your tum.

Ayesha's avatar

@Dutchess_III Thanks, that was helpful. I’ll consider some exercise.

snowberry's avatar

Ayesha, I had this problem years ago. The pain was so bad I was afraid to let anyone walk across the floor because it jarred the bed. My doctor prescribed anti-inflammatories that took care of the pain, but they also took away my period. That’s when I started researching on my own, and learned about the link between magnesium and menstrual pain. Try this. If it works, you have your diagnosis. If not, well at least you’ve eliminated one thing.

The uterus is a hollow muscle, and if you are low in magnesium, it can result in extremely painful spasms like I had. I wouldn’t bother with milk of magnesia- you don’t need diarrhea, but try magnesium citrate instead. My bottle says a dose is 2 tablets (400mg per tablet). This part is a bit of an experiment, but we’ve done it before at our house, and it worked. Try chewing up one tablet and hold it in your mouth to give it a chance to absorb as much as possible into your blood stream for a while before you swallow it. Then do the same with the second.

Ayesha's avatar

@snowberry Thank you so much. I’ll look into it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

PS. I’m glad to hear you don’t run to the doctor for every little thing! Atta girl!

augustlan's avatar

Try laying on your back, with your legs straight up in the air, against a wall. That helped me some with bad menstrual pain.

Ayesha's avatar

@Dutchess_III :) I hate to go! I have experiments of my own that i put to the test first. And I’m very thankful to all the help i’m getting here.

Ayesha's avatar

@augustlan I’ll try that.

tedibear's avatar

One slightly odd exercise has helped me. Stand facing a wall, with your toes about 12 inches away from the wall. Cross your arms in front of your chest so that your hands are on your shoulders and your elbows are pointing toward the wall. Lean forward so that your elbows touch the wall. Tilt your pelvis forward (toward the wall) as far as you can comfortably, then go back. I would do this until I started to feel some relief. I haven’t had to do it in a long time, so I can’t remember how long it took to feel better.

If you’re still nauseous, maybe some ginger ale or ginger tea will help with that? Saltines and ginger ale are my nausea weapons of choice.

Also, extra strength Icy Hot helps me with any muscle soreness. I usually get lower back pain with my cramps so the Icy Hot goes on my back.

Hope you feel better soon.

Ayesha's avatar

@tedibear That’s very helpful. Thank you!

Akua's avatar

I’m sorry to hear that you don’t feel well. Meditation and herbal teas help me. Also soaking in a warm bath with epsom salts may help. @incendiary_dan has a good one too. Red Raspberry leaf mixed with Stinging Nettle also helps with menstrual issues (like endometriosis (sp?) and pregnancy/labor. Mix 1 tablespoon of each herb in 8–10 ozs. boiling water. Steep, add honey to taste and drink very warm. While you drink it, apply a hot water bottle or heating pad to your abdomen or back. I hope this helps sweetie. Bless.
PS I know it sounds weird but my cycle gets really bad (cramps and bloating) when I’m constipated. I have no idea why but if I give myself an enema just before my period comes down, I will feel fine when it comes and it only lasts 3–4 days. No cramps or bloating either. It may not work for everyone though.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

For severe cramps my girl went with alcohol. (Don’t beat me up too much.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

THWACK THWACK!!! @Adirondackwannabe! The OP is probably 14, 15, 16 or so!! THWACK AGAIN!!!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III I know. I was just offering something that worked for my girl. Although I did kind of like the THWACKS. Can I get a few more?

snowberry's avatar

<dropping a car on @Adirondackwannabe> There, does that dampen your spirits? : o)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@snowberry I just rode out a hurricane. Nothings going to dampen my spirits. Other than if I gave bad advice to Ayesha.

Ayesha's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Take it easy. You just stated what you knew regarding the topic.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Ayesha But, if I gave bad advice that’s a bummer.

Ayesha's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe It’s ok. Seriously.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@snowberry Ha. So there, I’ll drop a house on you. (Obscure Wizard of Oz reference).
Thanks Ayesha.

Ayesha's avatar

There will be no dropping of any kind on anyone people! Thank you for your answers :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Ayesha Can I at least melt her?

Ayesha's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe No, please not under my question! She’s very sweet :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@snowberry Ok, this time you get off easy.

snowberry's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Aw, what’s a little rough housing among friends? But you’d better watch your back!

Akua's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I had a friend who suffered bad endometriosis (sp?) and thats what she used to do. Regular pain meds and tricks didn’t work so she would take 2–3 800 mg of Ibuprofin and wash it down with rum, vodka or cognac. I felt so bad for her because even after she did that she just cried and wimpered in pain every month.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Akua My girl had them bad when she was younger. She didn’t have endo, which is brutal. We’ve been using fish, flax, and borage oil as a supplement for a while and I haven’t noticed any cramps.
@snowberry :)

Judi's avatar

If the pain contunues every month you might want to get on a birth control pill or the Depo shot. That will decrease your symptoms.

Ayesha's avatar

Thank you for your answer Judi.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK, the OP says we can’t drop anything on @Adirondackwannabe…I obey..carries @Adirondackwannabe up a tall building and….drops him off the side onto his head!!

Ayesha's avatar

Not under my question please :) That is if the dropping hasn’t taken place already? Shoot! I’m late.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep! Too late! New question from @Adirondackwannabe “What to do about the pain in my head?”

Hey…you’re feelin’ better @Ayesha, aren’t you? That first day is always the worst..

snowberry's avatar

If I was feeling bad like this, watching people drop stuff on @Adirondackwannabe or drop him off of buildings would definitely make me feel better!

Dutchess_III's avatar

It would! It would! Take some Ibuprofen @Adirondackwannabe. U B all better! But in the meantime…let us have our fun, would you?!

snowberry's avatar

He won’t mind once he’s unconscious anyway… (evil grin)...

Ayesha's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hey :) I am, thank you. First day is hell. This conversation is making me feel even better!
Lol! @snowberry.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Ow. I don’t like how this going.

Ayesha's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I was late, apparently.

snowberry's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe you know…there might be money in this for you. Just think…If you give this much pleasure to some anonymous people on the internet, maybe you could find a way to make some money.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Well, if I can relieve some pain, I’ll do my best.

Ayesha's avatar

Nobody take anything seriously. I’d hate to know that feelings got hurt underneath my question!

snowberry's avatar

I doubt that’s the case @Ayesha. Sometimes people’s feelings really do get hurt here, but I don’t think this was one of those times. Actually I think @Adirondackwannabe even had fun with the rest of us…

Ayesha's avatar

@snowberry I agree. I genuinely do hope that’s the case!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey guys, use me, abuse me. If I can make anyone feel better I’m good.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Ayesha you said ”@Adirondackwannabe I was late, apparently” O GOD!!! DON’T TELL US YOU’RE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is is one question that takes about 9 months to deal with! + another 40 years. We never calm down. Just like after committing murder. N stuff.

@Adirondackwannabe Hey. Wee have rules. Can’t drop a car or a bus or anything on you per the OP….hey—you ever had a “swirly”? It’s fun. I promise.

@Ayesha we get to make our own rules in our own questions…no one’s feelings are hurt. Just @Adirondackwannabe‘s head.

Welcome to Fluther. These are One Wild And Crazy Guys (as long as they obey the RULES! God, I hate rules!)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III You were on such a roll! Go for that any time.That was fun!

Ayesha's avatar

@Dutchess_III We’re talking about how to relieve me of my period pain, i think we’re doing just fine, no one’s late :)
I’ll be sure to make up fair rules next time.
Man i hate rules too! :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh. So you’re on your period. Still. I am SOOOO relieved!

Thanks guys…I look at stuff like that that I wrote and think, “You know, I’d had too many beers! It must have been bedtime!”

snowberry's avatar

And I did all that cold sober. LOL

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