Meta Question

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Do you ever make comments fully expecting the comment to be moderated?

Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought (14682points) August 29th, 2011
37 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

When you post on a social website, do you post text you think is outside of the guidelines of that site?

If yes, what moves you to do so?

Is it most often a joke you are dying to tell, or are you emotionally wound up and determined to make a point?

Do you experience any guilt over creating extra work for the moderators?

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Prosb's avatar

I’ve only done it once ever, and it was at a moment where I was both enraged and flabbergasted. I usually try to keep it to myself, if it’s something I know will not be received well, but I just couldn’t hold it in.

Blackberry's avatar

Not anymore, typically, but if I have a good joke or get a little emo, I’ll let it go.

Jeruba's avatar

A handful of times I have done it knowingly: posted an off-topic comment in a General thread. Nothing bad or mean or harmful—just a digression. Rigid rules give me a rash. I respect them, and I’m glad they’re there, and I usually adhere to them and always defend them, and I am full of admiration and appreciation for the mods and the job they do. But now and then I just have to be naughty and break the rules. It’s no surprise when my post gets whisked away.

I don’t even pout or sulk. It’s just “Oh, well, I expected that.”

But you know what? Every once in a while I don’t get caught! I just love to get away with things.

Sometimes I’ve written a post that I believed was pertinent and made a contribution, and somebody has clobbered it as off topic anyway. I never protest. It’s probably a fair trade.

Oh, dear—guilt? extra work? I wish you hadn’t said that.

gravity's avatar

No, I never respond in a way I know will be moderated. I have only been moderated once and thank God they did. I was mortified when I read something the next day I had written, I have no idea where my head was when I wrote it because it clearly had nothing to do with the question. I am guilty of posting when “not all here there or anywhere”. I am surprised it has ony happened once! I sometimes fluther loosely and enjoy it.

josie's avatar

Not any more. Maybe in the beginning before I understood Fluther. But I try to avoid comments that might be modded.

Questions, on the other hand, are another matter.

I can’t prove it of course, but I believe questions often enough get modded as much by who asks them as by their content.

lillycoyote's avatar

Yes, I occasionally do. My major offenses are an occasional humorous, at least I think, quip or off-top chatter in the general section. Why do I do it? Sometimes I just plain can’t help myself. I try to generally control myself though.

rebbel's avatar

Where the fuck did you find the brutality to even ask that stupid, stupid question….., youuuuuu %#*@&% ~
Nope, never do that.

Jeruba's avatar

@josie, you mean they’re picking on me??

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Usually they start with “I know this is going to get modded, but…”

woodcutter's avatar

@josie I can’t prove it of course, but I believe questions often enough get modded as much by who asks them as by their content

Do ya think?

josie's avatar

Are you saying I was being naive, or sort of self pitying. I may just be the former, but never the latter.

woodcutter's avatar

I feel your pain brother.

wundayatta's avatar

Naw. If I want to say something nasty, I say something nasty. I just do it in a way that makes it ambiguous as to whether it is an ad hominem attack or not.

Sometimes, though, people think I am attacking them when I am not. I don’t know if my comment gets flagged or not. Nor do I know when a comment has been moderated, since I generally can’t remember a comment more than a day later. If it’s gone, I won’t know.

It is, however, a great deal of fun telling someone they are an insolent snot or that they have the IQ of a butterfly, or that they couldn’t argue their way out of a spider’s nest. It’s really great, when I get away with it most of the time, as I do. Probably half of my… no… three quarters of my posts are despicable insults to someone.

Like this one. I’ll let you figure out which five of you were directly or indirectly snubbed, snobbed and snickerdoodled by this comment. Did you ever wonder why my answers are so often long? Well, there you have it. Half of fluther is insulted! Yeah. Go back and read them. See if you can figure out who. Have you figured this one out yet? No? Better read it again.

augustlan's avatar

I know several people who do, and several of those flag themselves for it! Or PM me to apologize. They’re usually quite nice about it, too.

jrpowell's avatar

Never, not once, I have never flagged my own response, never, that isn’t how I roll.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Now I’m kind of bummed. I never thought about it in terms of extra work for the mods. If someone attacks me or even worse, someone I care for, I come out swinging. I usually try to apologize to the mods before I comment, but I’ve been modded a ton and I always know why.

ucme's avatar

Never felt the need, counter productive bullshit really.

cockswain's avatar

Yep. Sometimes a well-placed zing makes me laugh.

Like once I said to someone “Well, xxxxxx, haven’t seen you in a while. I see you’re still a raging prick” in response to some anti-gay stuff he was saying. I knew it would be modded but didn’t care.

jrpowell's avatar

Exactly cock. Sometimes you need to publicly call someone out. Even if it is short lived you hope they see it. Honestly, I would rather fights be in public. Let the community be the judge. People have tried to go after me in Private Messages and I don’t respond. It just makes them more angry and that makes me giggle.

cockswain's avatar

Totally. What’s the fun in burning someone if no one else sees it?

Mariah's avatar

Almost never. Sometimes I want to say something chatty and slightly off topic, and I usually take the chance and go ahead and do it in whispers. If the question is in General, though, I’ll usually PM the person instead.

Sometimes I get pissed and can’t resist saying something pissy but, in an attempt to not get moderated, and also to just be a decent person, I usually try and make my pissy statements be well-worded at the very least, and hopefully reasonable and not just lashing out.

Blackberry's avatar

@Mariah Definitely, well-worded insults are the best in my opinion. :)

Lightlyseared's avatar

I’m surprised a lot of more coments aren’t modded.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@augustlan while you are here, is it that big a deal to remove comments? The only thing that keeps me from saying some things is I assume it is a pain in the ass to clean up.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Once in a while. However, the mods are like sharks and catch me really quick.

augustlan's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought It’s not a huge deal. Just a click or two. NOT THAT I AM ADVOCATING SUCH BEHAVIOR! :p

Berserker's avatar

I don’t post things I know 100% will be deleted. So, if something I post gets deleted, it’s because I’m stupid and I didn’t know it was against the guidelines. :D

Vunessuh's avatar

Yes, more often when I first joined and very rarely now. I also posted an answer that I knew I would eventually flag, not because it was bad, but because I was very open and honest with an experience and eventually didn’t feel so comfortable about having it out there. So, my courage ran out and I had Augustlan remove it. She actually removed and reposted it a few times for my indecisive ass. lol sometimes I really make her work. I used to plant some “no-no’s” throughout the site and whenever I got modded, I’d send her a PM, “aw man, ya got me, you sneaky ninja!” XD

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I have a few times. Actually, I just did it again this week, lol. I made a comment, fully expecting it to be modded, and it was, along with a few comments behind it. :D

DominicX's avatar

Yes, I have. If someone is posting insulting stuff to me and it isn’t being modded, then I will probably be doing the same thing until it gets modded. Haven’t done that very often, but it has happened before. I’m not very good at “remaining calm” if someone is attacking me (whether it’s online or in real life); I tend to just attack right back.

bags's avatar

No. If I feel provoked enough, I close down the computer and go play with the dog.

Blueroses's avatar

I’m with @bags
Forget about extra work for the mods, why make extra work for myself posting something that will disappear? If I’m that peeved, it only takes one motion to click “stop following” or shut the laptop.

Berserker's avatar

That’s some good advice. If I get pissed, I just ignore it and keep on doing whatever, and I eventually get unpissed. Mostly anyways. XD

jrpowell's avatar

@Symbeline :: Part of it comes down to what the community finds acceptable. I wish more people would would get their beef on in public. On Metafilter the Meta section is sometimes used to call people out for being dicks. There is also just as many people that publicly apologize for being a dick.

My point is, that I forget my point.

augustlan's avatar

^^ One too many PBRs, or lack of sleep? ^^

jrpowell's avatar

@augustlan :: I think me forgetting my point is actually from me not drinking enough. Booze gives me the laser-like focus needed to type the same word in a row multiple times.

augustlan's avatar

Get thee a drink, man!

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