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tan235's avatar

Bleeding at 10 weeks pregnant?

Asked by tan235 (877points) September 1st, 2011
18 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

So, I’ve just started spotting – it’s red not brown, I’m 10 weeks.
I’m terrified.
Can there be other reasons for bleeding or is it generally always a miscarriage and are there any reasons why you would bleed at 10 weeks?

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Judi's avatar

Chances are it’s not a miscarriage, but get to the doctor right away.

tan235's avatar

What can a doctor do though?
They can’t stop something like this if it’s impending can they?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

You should see a doctor, but this is relatively common.
Also, I’m going out on a limb here.. but the majority of your questions are health related, you seem to worry a lot. Stress and anxiety are tough, but pregnancy is most likely going to add to the load, and there’s no sense in worrying more than we already do. Have you talked to a doctor about anxiety? Stress and worry are hard on the body.

tan235's avatar

Yeah I know…. you’re quite right…. Its just that i’ve miscarried before and another time would be painful emotionally – I guess what will be will be…. but hoping it’s normal….

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@tan235 yes, that would be difficult emotionally, but let’s cross that bridge if you come to it. In the meanwhile, I really think it would benefit you to give yourself a little break from the worry. Of course I don’t know you, but my impression is that you do worry a lot. I’m guilty of this, myself, and I think it would do you a world of good to try and step away from that for now. Focus on yourself and staying healthy, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

galadriel's avatar

It’s probably just old blood or normal, it happened to me, i was really scared at around 12 weeks but it went away. Miscarriages, I’ve heard, are very painful and feel like contractions, so I’lf you’re in pain see a doctor, otherwise you’re fine, stranger things will happen lol

gailcalled's avatar

I hope that you, dear @tan235 can derive some pleasure from this pregnancy. You must have a nurse at your Ob/gyn’s office whom you can call with these questions.

You do seem weighed down by worry and micro-managing your body…It would be a shame to not enjoy this time with your baby-to-be.

You can also find answers to these questions at the online medical sites. Panic attacks, anxiety, ear crackles, splinters, neuralgia, weird head sensations, moles, blood work, wind chimes in your ears…perhaps you need to look hard at what is really going on.

tan235's avatar

would you get the contractions first or the bleeding?
I can’t remember…. it’s stopped now but It has definitely freaked me out.

lissajean's avatar

I had the same problem, I have miscarried once, it started that way, also bled on third pregnancy but carried to term.. GET OFF YOUR FEET!!! LIE DOWN. CALL Doctor, if you don’t have a doctor yet, call ER ask to speak to a doctor. but lie down. don’t smoke, or drink alcohol.
Tell the doctor what is happening, and take it from there.

Pandora's avatar

You should still go see a doctor. Even if its not a miscarriage he can give you all the warning signs, plus its best he knows your exact history. Maybe you were doing something that was strenuous and he may recommend bed rest. Or it could be you are one of those people who have a partial cycle during your pregnancy. My mother didn’t know for the first 5 months she was pregnant because she would get mild cycles and she was very thin. She thought she was just putting on weight. By the sixth month she went to the doctor when her cycle didn’t show and the doc told her she was 6 months pregnant. She gave birth a month later but that was because she fell. (my sister is alive and well)
I’m not saying your should worry but actual knowledge will help reduce your stress than sitting around and guessing the worst. Wish you and your baby the best.

tan235's avatar

I actually fell on my tail bone today….. not very hard but hard enough to rub my back… I will go get an ultra sound tomorrow hopefully if i can get an appointment with my obyn.
thanks everyone.

dreamwolf's avatar

wish you the best @tan235

keobooks's avatar

You should never hesitate to call your OB. They usually have a special nurse who fields all those questions. People over the internet can give you moral support but they can’t really diagnose anything.

tan235's avatar

hey guys, I went to ER last night as i started cramping and bleeding and the baby was fine… heart beat and jumping around, going to see OYBN today – hopefully sometimes it’s just a weird thing that happens but is normal… fingers crossed – that’s for all your help and eye opening comments about my paranoid mind… tis true.
Thanks x

gailcalled's avatar

When I had a miscarriage, I essentially went into labor; lower back ache, cramps, then severe contractions that were unmistakeable. I was about to start month 4. Nothing would have prevented it, and it was a good thing to have happened , I learned afterwards.

jca's avatar

I had bleeding around 14 weeks, just for one day (a Saturday). I did nothing strenuous the day before. I called the doctor Sunday night and I had an appt on Tuesday, but he said if you want, you can come in tomorrow (a Monday). I went in Monday, the doctor checked it out, she said it is not normal, but the bleeding has stopped and the baby was fine. She told me to do nothing strenuous, no carrying laundry up steps, no heavy lifting, etc. The rest of the pregnancy went without any complications. Now I have a happy, healthy child who just turned 4.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Seaofclouds's avatar

I’m glad you went to get checked out. There are many reasons bleeding can occur during a pregnancy, with miscarriage being just one of them. I don’t really want to list all of them because I’d hate to have you worried about them constantly through the rest of your pregnancy, so instead, I’m just going to say that some are normal (like an irritated cervix after sex), but some are not (like miscarriage), so it’s always best to be checked by your doctor to be sure. Doctors and nurses are use to being asked about it and are there to help you.

tan235's avatar

don’t worry @Seaofclouds I’ve read everything, I’m just going to assume it’s a natural bleed, just from my body changing, moving around, who knows but I’m not going to worry about it to much as that will do much worse and it the end of the day my body knows what it’s doing, as does this baby…. I just pray to the goddess above that the baby stays! :) given (s)he is healthy of course.

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