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boxer3's avatar

Care to share a funny story?

Asked by boxer3 (4150points) September 3rd, 2011
15 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

A couple of weeks ago, I went out with some friends.
This guy approached me and he tried to talk to me over loud music for a while, and asked if he could give me his number.. ( which is odd that he didn’t ask for mine) anyway, I was not really in to this guy but I said hey what the hell, he can give me his number. I pull up the new contact spot on my phone and because the music was so loud I handed my phone to him so he could put the number in himself.

wellllll. he then stealthy called himself so he could have my number. ha. cool .

days go by. don’t hear from him . pretty glad about it.
and then, comes the text message.

I get a picture message and see the text “can you send me one too”...I click the download button to see what picture this guy has sent me and I think to myself. realllyyyy? this guy has got to be kidding.

He sent me a picture of T.I.
(for those of you who don’t know he is a famous rapper)
and tried to play it off as himself.
dead ass serious.

I thought it was ridiculous and hilarious.
Especially because you could tell he took a picture of a picture. ...

any funny stories to share?

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Berserker's avatar

What the hell, some dude you met for real then tried to pass himself off as someone else? Jesus on a trike lmao. XD

I don’t got a funny story at the moment, but I just wanted to comment on yours lol, that’s priceless.

Coloma's avatar

When my drunk ex husband was looking at a receipt in a chinese restaurant and exclaimed,
“Chung Du, Chung Du, we didn’t order anything called Chung Du!”

He was reading the “Chg. Due” part of the receipt!

Yes, I married beneath me and we’re divorced. LOL

filmfann's avatar

I don’t think I have shared this story yet:

I have a terrible back. As an infant, I remember my too fat younger brother always trying to ride on my back like I was a horse. I had a paper route (which I now consider child abuse). I remember hiking with a backpack, and running over a dune without realizing there was nothing but an 8 foot drop on the other side. Anyway, I have a really bad back.

Sometimes my back is so sore, I cannot stand straight, or walk without help. Ben Gay ointment often helps. I slather a lot on, and I can usually walk in a little bit.

So, after 3 weeks or so of bad pain, I put on the ointment in the morning, excessivly. I walk into my crew room, and immediately the smell of the menthol fills the room.
The crew senior turns, and glares at me.
“Ben Gay?” he asks.
“No, I’ve been curious, but I’ve never been gay.”

Jude's avatar

Two peanuts walked into a bar. One was assaulted.

Berserker's avatar

So this guy walks into a bar.

He’s all like, ow man, that hurt.

TexasDude's avatar

If you’ve seen the movie Insidious you’ll appreciate this story:

The other night, my suitemates Zach, Craig, and I were hanging out. Craig and I were boxing and wrestling (a common occurrence among my friends and I) and I chased him into the bathroom with a bottle of Febreeze. He shut the door and hid, and when he did, I ran into his bedroom and hid in his closet. I waited until he finally came out of the bathroom. I heard him ask Zach where I was.

“In our room, dude,” he said.
“But the lights are out! He’s gonna jump out and scare me!’ (Keep in mind that Craig is a 6’ 0” former lineman from our school football team.
“Our room is tiny, there’s only like three places he could be hiding. Quit being such a bitch, Craig.”

I hear Craig whimpering as he cautiously opened his bedroom door. I watched from behind his clothes as he peeked under his desk and bed. As he turned to the closet, I shoved my head out at him and started singing Tiny Tim’s Tiptoe Through the Tulips in my loudest, creepiest falsetto.

Craig squealed, and ran away, but he tripped and fell on the floor halfway out of his room in the hallway. I jumped out of the closet and began hissing demonically as I tiptoed toward him. I started singing the song again as I grabbed him by his ankles and dragged him back into his room.

Zach was sitting on the couch in the living room across the hall reading Adbusters, or something. All he saw was Craig screaming as he was dragged back into the darkness by an unseen force singing Tiptoe Through the Tulips as the door slammed shut.

To assist you in visualizing this story, here is a picture of us. (Me, Zach, and Craig, from left to right).

boxer3's avatar

@Symbeline , haha, I know- I was just like really dude, damn.
the worst part is , that I met this guy in person – so I know what he looks like…..... ha.

@all thanks for the stories, good laughs to start the day :]

AmWiser's avatar

The other day my mom (91) innocently asked me, ‘Jan, what’s the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?’ Gee, mom, I don’t know, I’ve never heard of deer nuts. She then tells me that ’beer nuts cost about $1.99 and deer nuts are under a buck.
Yes! I spewed my coffee.

mrrich724's avatar

Funniest story of my life, which I think I’ve shared on here before:

My little brother, about 2.5 at the time (just learned to talk), was watching Spongebob on TV, and it was really loud.

My dad walks in and goes, “Eric, turn that TV down, what are you, deaf?!”

My tiny little just-learned-to-talk brother simply looked at him, said, “If I were deaf, I wouldn’t be able to hear it anyway,” and turned back to the TV.

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA. I can’t get over that one.

My dad was so shocked he couldn’t even laugh.

filmfann's avatar

Back in the 60’s, my Dad was reading the paper about marijuana use being up.
He was confused by a term, and asked my teenage sister “What’s a joint?”
My sister replied “About ten bucks.”

Berserker's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard LOL nice. I can totally picture that happening. I wish my friends were like that. XD
And yay for Insidious! :D

Coloma's avatar


Great pic, hey, have you ever seen the video of the guy that puts a dead bird in his room mates box of cereal? Classic! Damn, can’t remeber the link.

Here’s one I told recently in an animal question.

I live on 5 acres and have lots of farm animal neigh-bors.

When I first moved to this house 5 years ago I would hear this extremely LOUD, god awful, horrible coughing and hacking coming from up the hill at my neighbors.

It went on for some days at different times and I would think ” Jeez, that guy is really sick, wow!”

Then, one day, I saw the source, it was their Llama ‘Hercules’.lololol

boxer3's avatar

@AmWiser , i litterally laughed out loud at that.
@filmfann , thats hilarious- what’d your dad say?

filmfann's avatar

He was angry for a minute, then laughed at the beauty of it.

boxer3's avatar

hahaha <33

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