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dreamwolf's avatar

Do you support Rick Santorum?

Asked by dreamwolf (3163points) September 7th, 2011
28 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I personally don’t like his ideologies because it takes me back to a time when men, white men, in particular were the only ones with heresay about any situation, in the name of God. When Jesus was actually a socialist.

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janbb's avatar

Umm – no.

HungryGuy's avatar

Huh? Do I support ass leakage? I don’t get your question… Is there actually somebody named Santorum?!?! Poor guy…

filmfann's avatar

He and his wife had a child still-born in the hospital. They took the body of the child home, and introduced it to his other kids. He and his wife then put it in their bed, and they slept with it that night. The next day, they took it back to the hospital, for whatever they do with corpses.
So, I will feel safe in calling this guy a nut-job.

dreamwolf's avatar

@janbb @HungryGuy @filmfann Thank Goodness! I thought I was alone. I’m from San Diego, republican capital of California by way of the Navy and overall military presence. I just get the vibe that alot of christian homeowners really dig this guy.

filmfann's avatar

<—- Christian homeowner!

HungryGuy's avatar

@filmfann – But do you live in San Diego?

rebbel's avatar

Apart from the introducing the baby to the other kids, I think it actually quite touching.
But maybe that is just me.

Buttonstc's avatar

Absolutely not. He is as much of a dimwit as Sarah Palin (if that’s possible).

I used to live in Pa. and had quite enough of his pronouncements in the local papers all the time. I was never more thrilled than when Casey prevented his re-election.

And Dan Savage’s campaign to block his election can be credited to a good extent for that. And every time Colbert or Maddow call attention to his “Google problem” I chuckle anew. But he brought that on his own head by his vicious insinuations against gay people.

However, in fairness I will comment briefly upon what filmfann mentioned. That has nothing to do with politics and is much more the purview of his wife who works as a nurse in a PICU (intensive care unit for the most critically ill pediatric cases)

There is a line of reasoning and thought behind what they did. It didn’t just come out of the blue from alien signals through tin foil hats or something wacky so I’m willing to cut them some slack on that. There are serious medical professionals who are advocating the benefits to the entire family of bonding with an infant who died after a few day lifespan.

It’s not for everybody, but it’s not totally whacked out or unfamiliar to counselors or other medical professionals either.

Just because he’s an idiot politician does not necessarily make him an idiot parent. To each their own on such a highly personal and very tragic circumstance is my viewpoint on it.

But I still wouldn’t vote him back into congress or the Presidency for a multitude of reasons. He is just not capable.

augustlan's avatar

No. Way.


marinelife's avatar

Seriously not. He scares me.

rebbel's avatar

To come back to my first answer: I thought it over, because I seem to be in a minority with my opinion, and I think I know where it comes from; before my oldest brother, my mother had another baby, who died in the first hours of his life.
Right after birth the doctors/nurses took the baby away it then died and my mother never even saw it, not for a second.
My father and grandfather buried it my mom being in hospital at that moment and it was never talked about after that.
Only some years ago, about fifty years after the birth she found closure, and she put a stone on its grave.
Needless to say, I guess, that she had decades of major pain to live with, and was depressed for a big chunk of those years.
That’s why I feel it was a touching thing of this couple to do.
About his political ideas I know nothing, by the way.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Over Bachman, yes.

Cruiser's avatar

Over Obama…yes….that being said my 15 yr old could do a better job than either of them!

Blackberry's avatar

No, he’s a walking american conservative stereotype.

Blackberry's avatar

@augustlan That was hilarious, I’m posting it on Facebook now.

Buttonstc's avatar


That’s exactly what I meant in what I wrote. I can’t stand his political ideology but for me that is a totally separate issue from how he and his wife chose to handle the death of their infant child.

I appreciate your sharing about the pain that your family went through.

It’s precisely because of experiences similar to what your family went through that there is now different thinking upon how to better process this type of trauma.

Since his wife (as a nurse) had worked on a daily basis with parents facing similar incidents, she was a bit ahead of the curve on this issue.

It’s taking the rest of society a bit longer to catch up.

When he was asked by an interviewer recently about this and how the rest of his children felt about this, he said that they were grateful for the time with their little brother and that he is still a part of their family even tho his life was so brief. It gave them all a little bit of time to say goodbye and provide some closure rather than just the empty feeling of the suddenness of the loss and a rapid burial. Out of sight out of mind doesn’t work so well in this type of situation.

So I guess you and I are in the minority on this issue. But I firmly believe that politics and family are two separate issues.

George Bush may have been a total dimwit as a President but according to his kids, a caring Father. Two separate issues.

I really dislike how politics has turned so ugly as of late where it’s felt that simply disagreeing with an opponents ideas is not enough unless you demonize them totally. It’s a shame.

wundayatta's avatar

Absolutely the worst Senator my commonwealth ever elected…. until it elected Toomey. We seem to like nut jobs. Or, at least, the folks in the wastelands of the center of the state do. Sigh.

bkcunningham's avatar

Karen Santorum wrote a book, “Letters to Gabriel” about the loss of her baby. It is letters she wrote to her baby who was born premature and died two days after birth. In part of the book, she talks about bringing Gabriel home and burying her child. It is a moving and honest story about a mother’s grief. She nearly died during the pregnancy from an infection. I can’t imagine how she felt except through her words in the book. Before you judge her, at least take the time to read the book. If you have never lost a child, you have no idea what you might do.

syz's avatar

Hell, no.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (3points)
Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t think it’s nutty to bring a dead baby home and the such. But, as a politician, he’s a bag of butts.

Blackberry's avatar

Lol @ bag of butts.

Blackberry's avatar

I’ll never forget him lecturing people about how wrong homosexuality is. He held up a paper towel and explained how you can call it a napkin, but we all know it’s a paper towel…...If I was an outsider, I would look at the fact that this man wanted to be the top leader of that country and shed a tear. It still boggles my mind that there’s people that think like this.

These people remind me of this Star Trek episode.

dreamwolf's avatar

@bkcunningham Sleeping with a dead baby… Sounds cultish to me. Any who, it has nothing to do with Santorum’s politics.

jerv's avatar


Also, Don’t piss off Dan Savage

Trust me, it’s relevant.

Raven_Rising's avatar

No. Wait, sorry, let me rephrase that…
Fuck, no!

rts486's avatar

After he said John McCain has no idea about what an interrogation is, I stopped paying any attention to him. He is a complete idiot. btw, Jesus was not a socialist.

dreamwolf's avatar

@rts486 Socialist, not politically, but in a humanitarian sense.

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