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philosopher's avatar

What would you answer if someone said don't you think Cancer is cured?

Asked by philosopher (9065points) September 16th, 2011
21 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

My Hair Dresser said, Cancer is cured but only wealthy people get the Cure. I tried to explain why Cancer occurs and what studies show. Cancer occurs during Mitosis when things go wrong and mutations occur.

Today my nice not dumb Hair Dresser asked me don’t you think there is a cure for Cancer?
I said, NO and explained the facts about on going research as I know it.
Cancer is caused by Cells Mutating during Mitosis. They are not totally sure how to control this yet.
In addition my Dermatologist was cured of Thyroid Cancer by an experimental Processor.
Different types of Cancer are being cured or put into remission by different methods.
How many people know this?

Yes I know a Scientist can go into more depth.
I think when we have faster Computers we will have more

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rebbel's avatar

Yeah, definitely.
And ‘they’ keep it a secret to let all people who have it, suffer, just because they can…...

Nullo's avatar

There’s a human-trials-phase leukemia treatment out there that uses tamed HIV to hunt bad cells. So far the results are very promising. Probably could be adapted for others.

philosopher's avatar

Cancer is too common to get away with this.
Extensive research is being done. Some forms have Experimental cures.
@Nullo Yes there is a lot of good on going research.

rebbel's avatar

For a reason I don’t know, I wrote an answer that I see is not making total sense (to me anyway) now that I reread it.
The only thing I hear is that there are sounds that in the (near?) future cancer will be a chronic disease rather then a terminal.
I hope that that is true.

philosopher's avatar

I hope this is true.

flo's avatar

Here is one of the latest (yesterday) cancer related news. here

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
digitalimpression's avatar

I’m sure that those with ample supplies of money will fare better than those without.

philosopher's avatar

That is in most aspects of life.

digitalimpression's avatar

@philosopher It sure is. That’s why I’m still of the persuasion that ”the love of money is the root of evil”.

philosopher's avatar

Love of money is not a good thing but the love of power is as bad.

Nullo's avatar

@digitalimpression I don’t see what the love of money has to do with it; there’s nothing wrong, even Biblically, with being wealthy. It’s greed that’s the problem, see.
Unless you were referring to the cost of the treatment? R&D is expensive, and everybody, even researchers and the people who bankroll them, have got to eat sometime. You can hardly expect them to work without pay.

MissAusten's avatar

Cancer is tricky because there is so much variation from one type of cancer to the next. I don’t think there will be one blanket cure for all cancers. You’re talking about different body tissues, different types of cells, and (from person to person) different DNA. I think it’s more likely we will see effective treatments, maybe cures, for specific types of cancers. The knowledge from those discoveries will help lead to treatments or cures for other types of cancers. Which I guess is what’s already happening.

For example, two different people with two different cancers have very different prognoses. A relative of an in-law recently had surgery for a cancerous tumor on his brain. He was lucky the doctors were able to remove it all. That growth was the result of a skin cancer he had several years ago, which will later commonly metastasize in the brain. He is undergoing chemo and radiation but so far is cancer free. Is that a cure, or a treatment? There’s a chance it could still come back.

My neighbor was diagnosed several months ago with liver cancer. The liver is tricky to operate on, so while they were able to remove some of the cancer, they could not get it all. Even with chemo and radiation (and while waiting for a liver transplant), the cancer spread and became untreatable. He’s been in hospice for a while and yesterday his wife told me they expect him to die in another day or two. The available treatments weren’t able to help him, or even to prolong his life at all.

If there was a true cure for cancer, you can bet the pharmaceutical company holding the patent would want it sold to as many people as possible before that patent ran out. People with money may have more options, but that won’t help in every case.

digitalimpression's avatar

@Nullo That’s why the quote is the love of money… not the accumulation of it.

@MissAusten You are, of course, right.

philosopher's avatar

This is what I was talking about. Alll the studies are proving that this is what will happen and it already is. has the studies.

Nullo's avatar

@digitalimpression I’m still not understanding your point.

philosopher's avatar

A manger at Stop and Shop told me Friday she also thinks the US Government is concealing a cure for Cancer. Ignorance is not bliss.
My Dermatologist who has Cancer and is a researcher said, if there was one I would have it.
This ignorance is because people do not comprehend basic Science.
I wish they were right. I am disgusted by their stupidity.

Nullo's avatar

@philosopher They’re not being stupid. There probably isn’t a secret cabal to keep you from your cancer cure, but I’m sure that there’s enough out there to suggest as much. Logic and intelligence are worthless if your premise (in this case, that someone would want to keep the cure a secret) is bad.
Aristotle was an intelligent, logical man. He thought that men had more teeth than women. Despite a life spent around females – and indeed being married to a few of them – he never bothered to actually go in there and count.

philosopher's avatar

I trust few people but some people go too far. They become paranoid and delusional.
My Dermatologist is also a researcher. He has Thyroid Cancer and is fighting with a costly experiential proceeder.
Despite that I am a Moderate and he is an Ultra Consecrative I respect him and pray for him. If there was cure he would have it.
I am sickened by people that say the Government is hiding it. They could not not in our Society. The experimental procedures are unfordable to most people. Unless they are part of a study.
I also still hear that Bush is responsible for 9/11. I dislike him but he did not, would not do such a thing. Some people are so dumb they listen to this crap being created by people like that Iranian creep that visits the UN. I see these people as annoying,stupid and a part of America’s problem. Most of them are unable to comprehend documentation an depend on rhetoric,Movie stars and other nonsense to decide what is right.

MissAusten's avatar

I’m pretty sure if there was a cure for cancer, Steve Jobs would have been able to get it. Just sayin’.

philosopher's avatar

Steven jobs and many other people I have know and know.
My Dermatologist is a researcher and he receives an experimental treatment but he is not cured.
I have family by marriage that is very wealthy an yet; one of them died form Liver Cancer a few years ago.
We need more research and the Government must fund studies through NIH. Despite that some think everything should be privately funded. They are mostly the Ultra Conservative Right.

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