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Britcraft86's avatar

When do you think the world will end?

Asked by Britcraft86 (61points) May 8th, 2008
26 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

You hear all the time the world is gonna end on this date or that date, also it was suppose to be on the year 2000. So what do you think. WHat have ya’ll heard.

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skfinkel's avatar

It seems like it could be any time now.

sndfreQ's avatar

Individually speaking, it ends when you breathe your last breath. For others, life will go on…

“Predictions” are for the paranoid and superstitious.

Stormcrow's avatar

If Clinton is elected the first trumpet will sound and you will know the time has come….

elchoopanebre's avatar

Well let’s assume the absolute best conditions on earth (there are no wars from here on out, all diseases cease to exist, climate change reverses, etc). Even under these ideal and impossible conditions, the sun will eventually die. This will take many millions of years but still, nothing physical is eternal (that we know of).

paulc's avatar

How do you define the world “ending”? Everyone dead? The Earth obliterated? The entire Universe collapsing? Do credits roll and does music play?

tia29's avatar

I believe that men (us) will kill the world.

MrKnowItAll's avatar

Hey Kids! Another intellectually challenged religious zealot gonna save us from the Armageddon by votin’ against that hussy. When you hear them trumpets, it will be Hot Air, blowin’ out your own BaZoo.

wildflower's avatar

On a Tuesday.

nikipedia's avatar

Maybe it already has and time actually moves in a circular manner rather than forward. Or maybe it never existed at all. What is time. What is existence. And so on.

Stormcrow's avatar

@MrKnowItAll A little sensitive about Madame Clinton? Do you work for or are related to her? Collar that dog son.

phoenyx's avatar

When volcanoes spew lightning

I was reading this article when I came across this question and they somehow seemed to go together.

AstroChuck's avatar

When the San Francisco Giants win the world series. I just hope when it comes, it happens before I put in a full day at work.

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laudermale's avatar

How about living your life today as if the world is ending tomorrow

loser's avatar

the world will probably end right when I win the lottery.

Stormcrow's avatar


Article 88 of the UCMJ: Contempt Towards Officials

Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

I am not a commissioned officer. I am not a religious zealot, in fact I am far from. I’m sorry if this subject is a touchy one for you and I do apologize if you have been offended by it.. but you have taken a statement that I thought was amusing and made WAY too much out of it and it seems that flaming me for it is some sort of release for you. Tell you what chief, how about you calm down and I easy up on the religious banter, since it seems to be a hot button here, and we get back to posting on this forum in a civil manner? What do you say? Sound good?

xyzzy's avatar

I’m a big fan of apocalyptic end of the world stuff. Great entertainment….

The nearest potential world ending event is the activation of the Large Hadron Collider sometime this year. This scientific equipment has the (infinitesimal) possibility of creating a stable micro black hole. Such a black hole would sink into the earth’s core and grow until the entire earth is consumed. There is currently a lawsuit pending to shut down the project over fears of this exact scenario.

The next “end of the world” date is in 2012. This represents the end of the Mayan calendar as well as an astrological conjunction. The theory is that the ancient Mayans knew the world would end in 2012 so they didn’t bother to make their calendar go any further out.

After that it’s 2029 and 2036 when the large asteroid 99942 Apophis is scheduled to impact the earth. An impact from this asteroid would be an worldwide extinction level event . This one is actually real. however, the odds of it hitting the Earth are extremely small.

Other scenarios that do not have a definitive date but could occur within this timeframe include a worldwide H5N1 Bird Flu pandemic and the Technological Singularity which would render humans obsolete in favor of machine life.

Stormcrow's avatar

@xyzzy good stuff

elman25's avatar

2012 explains it all

buster's avatar

when i get 1000 lurve points the earth is going to collide with the moon.

MrKnowItAll's avatar

Typical Zealot Behavior. Reference your fairy tale, then go all ‘lets be nice’ when someone calls BS. You brought religion into it, not me. I find it noteworthy, that when your beliefs are challenged, you go into whine mode. How clever of you. I suppose if you had some valid opinion about why the big C’s election would lead to the end times, we might have heard it from you. I’ll tell you what son, or chief, or whatever tired euphemism you’re favoring today, your ‘I thought it was amusing’ is just a cop out for a failed argument. By the way, I understand the Army has lowered its IQ requirement again. What do you make of that?

boffin's avatar

It better not I have Stones tickets for 2013

phoenyx's avatar

Seriously? What’s with all of the personal attacks?

AstroChuck's avatar

@xyzzy- the LHC is absolutely no threat. Neutrinos smash into each constantly. Although they have low mass, they do gave mass and could theoretically create baby black holes. The thing is these singularities would evaporate immeadiately and pose no threat whatsoever. Still, science fiction writers have used this scenario in their doomsday novels.

JackAdams's avatar

Supposedly, the world as we know it will end, on December 21, 2012.

Here is a simulation of just how that will happen (turn up your sound & expand to full screen size, for maximum, um, “impact”).

christen624's avatar

Omgosh, I hate this stuff it scares me. Even though i don’t belive what other people say, like God said he will come like a thief at night, so REALLY nobody no’s when it will end.

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