Social Question

saint's avatar

Why would people be upset about a guy drinking his wife's breast milk?

Asked by saint (3975points) September 23rd, 2011
13 responses
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It is a little bizarre. But beyond thinking it is weird, why are people upset, outraged and all that other stuff. I can list a lot of behaviours that people take for granted that are a little strange in my book. But I don’t think I would be publicly outraged.

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syz's avatar

I’m not outraged. A bit skeeved, maybe. Seems like a waste, since it cold be used for babies that need it (I don’t buy the “high cost of donating” line). And clearly an attention-seeking gimmick. But whatever.

(Better a guy drinking his wife’s breast milk that a stupid bitch with no job and no future having 8 kids that she can’t afford to take care of)

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (6points)
JilltheTooth's avatar

Dumb gimmick. The only benefit to the gimmick that I can see is that it draws attention to the need for donor breast milk.

wundayatta's avatar

People are squeamish. Many men taste their wive’s milk, but I’m sure there are just as many, like me, who think it is gross. In my case, I thought it would be too sweet. Plus there’s some kind of x factor about it that weirds me out. That milk is for my kids, not me. Or was.

It’s a “yuck” factor thing. Like a lot of people’s response to homosexuality. There is an immediate, unreasoned “yuck.” I’m sure that’s part of it, although I’m also sure there is a fuller explanation.

Seek's avatar

What consenting adults do in private with their own bodies is none of my business.

Milk is made on demand. The more demand, the more is made. If nothing else, the guy is helping his wife produce more milk for their infant.

zensky's avatar

It’s when they made ice cream that was a little outrageous.


Edit: Day – how did you go from breast milk to homosexuality? Are you cruisin’ for a bruisin’?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Because people are prudes. In all ways. Because anything having to do with sex or bodily fluids makes people here squirm.

tom_g's avatar

@saint: “Why would people be upset about a guy drinking his wife’s breast milk?”

[edit confusing “infants” reference to a question about breastmilk]

Because we’re a nation of fragile little shits?

saint's avatar

All people are prudes? Or just the ones here?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@saint Americans have a more puritanical history. However, people’s relationships to sex, food and bodily fluids are significant in all cultures.

ucme's avatar

My mum wants put warm milk on my corn flakes at breakfast time, I almost threw up!
Not in the slightest bit upset, just brings back a nasty taste in my mouth that’s all :¬)

Blackberry's avatar

They need something to be upset about in their boring bubble of a life.

rebbel's avatar

I would like to taste it, once my girlfriend is pregnant one time.
Just curious for the taste.

Pandora's avatar

I think its their business. My only question is why are they advertising it. Sounds like a gimmick.

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