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Hibernate's avatar

How good are you at maintaining relationships?

Asked by Hibernate (9091points) September 26th, 2011
20 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Just because a relationship changes it doesn’t mean it ends. Even the best of friends don’t always have to agree on everything.
How good are you at maintaining order into your relationships?

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GabrielsLamb's avatar

Good and horrible… Depends somewhat on the other persons ability to co-create and co-maintain things on their own end, or if they really even want to for that matter.

It never will work when or if one person does all the work to hold it together.

saint's avatar

Real good. I don’t have a single ex girlfriend who is not still a friend. Only an idiot would make enemies. Even when things go bad, there is an opportunity to salvage at least one thing that you once had in commen. A round of golf never hurts.

Gingerlaurie's avatar

I try my best. Granted, those I see frequently get more conversation compared to the ones I don’t. Doesn’t mean I think less of them, though. I will tell you what annoys the hell out of me, though. Friends that you haven’t spoken to for a bit, then you get this hormone-enraged smart-assed comment such as, “Oh, you ARE alive.” or “Figured you were screening my calls.”. It just annoys me. While I may not have gotten in touch with you, YOU also have not attempted to contact me, so quit acting like the damned victim. Life is busy for everyone….good friends without conditions can just pick up where they have left off, and move ahead. Junior high games get left behind, PERIOD.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Most, except spouses and best friends tend to fade away over time. Most of my friends from high school and college are either dead or live very far away. I still have two with whom I keep in touch on a regular basis. Most of my former buddies from the Army are either dead or I have lost track of them. My first marriage lasted about 36 years, even though we really weren’t very compatible. My fourth anniversary for my second marriage is coming up in November, and it seems to be thriving quite well. This is a good thing, because I will never marry again.

Sunny2's avatar

Mostly, it’s out of sight; out of mind except for a few friends. Still, I’m very loyal to the friends I have. I think things in one’s life change and people grow apart as interests or even location changes. We go off in different directions and friends we have because of mutual interests at the time, such as parents of our children’s friends or people who work with you, disappear when the situation changes.

Londongirl's avatar

I think it is important both parties make efforts to remain and neuter the friendship. Good friends are you share things and meet more often, though, some are far away but you still maintain friends, and if you need them they are there for you. I value them a lot!!!

Cruiser's avatar

I am pretty good at maintaining the relationships that have not deteriorated into a toxic battleground or demand change at my expense. I made that mistake in my first marriage and never again.

Blackberry's avatar

Not very good, I would rather have few friends and a lot of acquaintances.

wonderingwhy's avatar

I guess the best way to put it is I’m good at maintaining relationships with those I’m closest to. Those people, and there are only a few, know who I am, how I feel, and vice-versa regardless of time or distance. With that group our relationships have changed over time but the bonds between us have only grown stronger. As far as maintaining order, we know each other well enough that there’s really no need for it at this point.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Better than average I think. I am friends with most people I’ve ever lived with and have had pretty much the same core group of friends, some for about 25yrs. I love when new friends mix well with old friends and we keep on growing.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

I maintained friendships with all of my ex’s as well…Then I remembered how I really didn’t like any of them very much as people, and I was really just doing it to be able to say in certain social circles… “Yeah, I get along with all my exe’s.” So that I didn’t sound like quite as much of a difficult B*tch as I actually am.

Coloma's avatar

I’m a loyal friend, and friends with several exs, but not my ex husband.
I am flexible, easy, pretty damn accepting, but….play games, lie to me, or otherwise refuse to own your stuff and you’ll be history overnight. lol

In other words, the only relationships I have not maintained are with those that have exhibited the above character flaws.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

Points @Coloma, because that was awesome!

Coloma's avatar

Yes, lifes too short to argue with nutcases lol

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@Coloma I like nut cases… LOL

Which more often than not, usually ends up becoming a problem eventually.

*Go figure… *Rolls eyes and laughs at herself.

Coloma's avatar


Good nuts yes, bad nuts no.
I’m a good nut. haha

martianspringtime's avatar

I’m a flaky friend – sad, but true. I’m there for my friends and am ‘loyal’ in that sense, but I don’t usually go out of my way to keep in touch with them unless they’re my really, really good friends.
I rarely talk on the phone, don’t have a car to drive out to see them, and can’t afford to fly out to see them. If everyone liked writing letters I’d be very good at keeping contact, but alas…

thesparrow's avatar

I’m not sure I’m the best, but my partner is probably better than I am. I am saying this as a woman. WE are NOT good at maintaining relationships. The only reason we have them is because men are not the whiny, incessant bitches we are

Hibernate's avatar

Thanks for replies ^^

Sher_King's avatar

Ive had relationships and different friendships throughout out my life. Many people that come and go. Unfortunatly the people that i still carry with me are all spread around the world but i will always love them. However, one thing i know of…an ex is an ex. When a friend becomes shitty to you, than thats it. ITS over. There is a lot of people in the world, so why hang with those who bring you nothing but trouble.

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