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silverangel's avatar

What special ability would you choose?

Asked by silverangel (939points) September 27th, 2011
34 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

If you were asked to choose one special ability to acquire like shadow walking or spitting fire out of your mouth, what would it be?

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DrBill's avatar

reading minds

KateTheGreat's avatar

The ability to get whatever I want in the blink of an eye.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I like invisibility, mind-reading and flying, and I lean more towards invisibility.

TexasDude's avatar

Complete power over matter, space, and time.

silverangel's avatar

I always wished I had the ability to read minds too but I also dreamed of being able to move things without touching them, I guess it’s kinda like the Telekinesis thing but what I mean is being born with the ability

Hibernate's avatar

I like Rogue’s ability to absorb others powers ^^ I’d go for that but without a limit of time, when I absorb it I get to keep it for me for as long time as I feel like it. I guess at some point I’d become really powerful ^^

wonderingwhy's avatar

An event over the weekend reminded me that, in rare occasions, it seems I do have a special ability; the ability to put my arms around someone and for a moment make everything that’s wrong in their world right. For now, I think I’ll stick with that.

picante's avatar

Grow beautiful hair on my head. Really.

Pandora's avatar

The abiltiy to grow new organs as I get older. Then I don’t have to worry about them breaking down on me.
Now as a supper power. The ability to heal love ones.

Prosb's avatar

The ability to recover almost instantly from any injury, no matter how gruesome.
Consumption or a transfusion of my blood cures any disease, no matter your blood type.

AmWiser's avatar

I want to be I Dream of Genie.

King_Pariah's avatar

I’d like to be a werewolf like Captain Hans Gunsche in Hellsing

Or something similar to the energy absorbing and releasing powers of Sebastian Shaw but capable of even consuming stars.

But I could definitely settle for some C ranked power like simple telepathy or Photographic Reflexes… especially Photographic Reflexes.

Nullo's avatar

No-hassle teleportation that’s as straightforward as that, but also leaves room for development. Like no-hassle teleportation of objects, possibly at range. And can I replicate things? And so on.

If I were worried about balancing the awesome with the lousy, I’d want the ability to be anywhere (habitable) other than where I was after making, say, two turns. Being chased? Round a couple of corners with the intent of getting away and poof! You’re in Tibet! Without a visa! Your life has suddenly become quite interesting!

downtide's avatar

Teleporting. I hate the fact that it takes me an hour to make a 4 mile commute to work. Or that it costs me £100 to make a 200 mile rail journey.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yeah, I’m in the teleport camp. I’d like that a lot.

Coloma's avatar

I’d like to be Bewitched. This would encompass all possibilities from invisibility to mind reading to teleportation to twitching up whatever you wanted.

AmWiser's avatar

@Coloma great minds think alike. tehehe

Prosb's avatar

@Coloma If I can pick a set like that, I’d go with Shendu’s powers from Jackie Chan Adventures.
He (originally) had 12 powers; telekinesis, invisibility, healing and motion to the motionless to name a few.

marinelife's avatar

I would like the ability to fly.

mangeons's avatar


kaywizard's avatar

@Hibernate I think the power you want is more like Peter Petrelli from Heroes. I like Rouge’s power to but I think i’d prefer teleporting but anywhere regardless the distance like in the movie Jumper. Pick a destination look at a picture and bam Italy, Egypt, Spain etc…...

ddude1116's avatar

I’d want to freeze time for short intervals.

AshLeigh's avatar

Food Vision? :)

noservice's avatar

How has no one said The Jedi Mind Trick? Instant coercion of the weak-minded. I’d never have to work or pay for anything again, unless I meet someone remarkably strong-willed.

PhiNotPi's avatar

Predict the outcome of a flip of a coin. Seems simple, but I could make millions off of that.

woodcutter's avatar

I would like to be able to talk to animals. I’m sure they would have some interesting things to say.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Either reading minds or being able to render myself invisible whenever I wanted.

Nullo's avatar

@noservice That’s awfully unethical. Part of the Jedi training is about keeping the trainee from abusing his powers like that. You have just demonstrated why.

noservice's avatar

@Nullo Well, I never exactly said I’d abide by the tenants of the Jedi…

That being said, this is entirely based on fantasy. I’m sure (at least I tell myself) that if I really did have said powers, I’d try to use them with a bit more discretion. Still, coercion of the mind is a powerful ability to have. Considering how much of life is spent persuading others, you could change your life dramatically knowing that you’d never lose an argument.

Hibernate's avatar

@kaywizard since I don’t watch Heroes I had to rely on Rogue from X-man ^^ And I had to explain I want that power permanently because she just absorbs another person power for a few minutes/hours only.

ucme's avatar

The ability to soar on the wing & then crap a giant turd onto the heads of bald men & small children ;¬}

King_Pariah's avatar

Control the stock market.

Nullo's avatar

@noservice If KOTOR is any indicator, the Jedi hunt down and kill people like that. :D
And you forget that it only works on the weak-minded. We’re never given a metric for weak-mindedness, nor a rating system, but they aren’t that common. The Mind Trick only works on two occasions in the movies – first with a bored stormtrooper, second with a guy who was very probably stoned.

lonelydragon's avatar

The power of glamour, like vampires have.

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