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Rheto_Ric's avatar

Which movie critic paid audience members back who walked out of Gone Fishin'?

Asked by Rheto_Ric (1182points) September 28th, 2011

I remember reading this in a book, but can’t for the life of me remember the author. He was so disappointed with the Danny Glover / Joe Pesci film Gone Fishin’ that he decided to hang around in the lobby and offer patrons their money back from his own pocket. Hope I’ve got the right film…?

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2 Answers

wonderingwhy's avatar

Perhaps you’re thinking of the Matinee Idle essay from “Confessions of a Cineplex Heckler: Celluloid Tirades and Escapades Books” by Joe Queenan where he becomes the Bad Movie Angel after watching Gone Fishin’?

Rheto_Ric's avatar

Perfect, thanks wonderingwhy!

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