Social Question

Rheto_Ric's avatar

If you were a superhero, what would be your day job?

Asked by Rheto_Ric (1182points) October 8th, 2011
9 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

Where you use your powers for good, not gain, and therefore need to hold down a regular nine to five to pay the bills…

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stardust's avatar

I’d like to work in a bakery during the day to earn some cash. I could eat to my hearts content and then burn off all of the excess calories while I zip around the globe saving damsels in distress.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Work at a pizzeria.

Lightlyseared's avatar


actually nurses are superheros so maybe my night job would be to be a masked vigilante

Hibernate's avatar

Garbage collector. ^^

ucme's avatar

Ice cream van driver/salesman. My melody would be my signature piece, okay that may well give the game away, but I just don’t care see.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Wilderness skills instructor…

talljasperman's avatar

What do you mean if? Er an unemployed career student living at home.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Mild mannered reporter.

Berserker's avatar

A hobo! :D

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